From janitor to actor

Chapter 313 Trailing

Chapter 313 Trailing
Ren Shuai felt satisfied after reading the newly obtained item card. Today, he finished the cycle-by-cycle novel, and a big stone fell in his heart.

He was going to relax and go out for a good meal before it was too late.

Before leaving, he called to invite Cui Shaoyu to go with him, but was told that he had a job and couldn't leave, so Ren Shuai set out to look for food alone.

As soon as he left the gate of Meiying, someone followed him quietly.

Ren Shuai was unaware of this, and was swiping his phone while walking, looking for a restaurant with a relatively high rating.

Followed by him were two unremarkable young men who looked like pedestrians walking casually on the street.

Ren Shuai stretched out his hand to hail a car, and announced the location of the restaurant he had chosen.

Today is a luxury, not taking the bus.

The two people who followed him also took a taxi and drove along.

Ren Shuai chose an elegant restaurant with private dishes, and the per capita price is high. Today he is in a good mood, so he is cruel to eat an expensive meal.

Apart from the fact that the location of this restaurant is a bit difficult to find, everything else is excellent.

But the remote location is also its advantage, so that it will not be so noisy and the environment is quiet.

If it is on the weekend, this restaurant needs to make an appointment to get a seat, because the place is small and the number of people it receives is limited, and it can accommodate 8 tables of guests for a meal without turning over the tables.

Today is a relatively busy working day, and the restaurant is not fully booked.

Since the restaurant was at the end of a small alley, the taxi stopped at the intersection, and Ren Shuai got out of the car and walked directly.

The two people who followed him also got out of the car quickly, and when they saw Ren Shuai walking into a secluded alley, they looked at each other, and they both saw surprise expressions on each other's faces.

They began to approach Ren Shuai quickly, and when they were about to approach, they began to pretend to be drunk and staggered forward.

One raised his hand and patted Ren Shuai on the shoulder, while the other lowered his head and showed a smirk.

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw two young men staring at him with a look of questioning on their faces.

"Is something wrong?"

The two smiled and said, "Brother, we're too drunk and can't find our way home, can you call a car for us?"

Ren Shuai showed a pensive expression, pointed to the alley and said, "I see you just got out of the car."

When those two people heard this, they immediately showed a trace of embarrassment, and quickly covered it up, continuing to pretend to be drunk and saying, "He won't pull us away."

Ren Shuai nodded and let out an "oh".

Seeing that Ren Shuai just nodded, but there was no more to say, the man on the left hurriedly asked, "Then can you call a taxi for me?"

Ren Shuai showed a friendly smile and said, "Of course there is no problem."

He took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call to call a car.

Seeing this, the man quickly interjected, "But we don't have any money with us, can you help us pay in advance?"

Ren Shuai paused when he made the phone call, thought for a moment, and then nodded happily: "Of course it's no problem."

The man who pretended to be drunk listened to Ren Shuai saying twice that he was fine, but he was so easy to talk to. He turned his head and exchanged glances with his fellow travelers, and then looked at the empty alley in front of him and behind him.

He decided to take the opportunity to make some more outrageous demands.

"Brother, I think you are a good person, so it's better to be a good person to the end. By the way, treat us to dinner. We drank too much, and our stomach feels empty."

Ren Shuai fell into deep thought again, then nodded enthusiastically and said, "Of course it's no problem."

The man seemed a little shocked. He didn't expect to meet such a talkative person as Ren Shuai, so he quickly emphasized: "We don't have any money."

"Don't worry, no money is required." Ren Shuai replied with a very warm smile.

Hearing what Ren Shuai said, the man suddenly stopped pretending to be drunk, straightened his back, looked at his companion, turned his head and said in unison: "Why?"

Can't you see that they are here to blackmail people?

Ren Shuai didn't care about the changes between the two of them at all, he still looked like a good old man, and said with a smile: "Maintaining social stability is what every citizen should do."

The two young people showed doubts on their faces, wondering what this has to do with maintaining social stability. Their demands are so excessive, and he agreed to them so, it can only show that he is cowardly.

Ren Shuai glanced at the time and said, "Do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll leave first."

The two of them suddenly smiled, thinking that they wanted to run away?
no way.

They blocked Ren Shuai's way one after the other, looked at him with malicious eyes, and the smile on the corners of their mouths gradually widened.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, are these two finally showing their true colors?

Robbery is robbery, why so much foreplay.

In order to save a martial arts card, Ren Shuai cooperated with the two of them to perform for a long time, just to delay the time, and wait for the police uncle to come and take him away.

But it looks like you should do it yourself.

Just when he was about to use the martial arts card, the two suddenly smiled and said in unison: "Mr. Li, you have been tricked!"

The smirks on the faces of the two suddenly turned into hearty laughter. One took out his work ID card from his arms, and the other took out the pocket camera hidden in his clothes.

As soon as Ren Shuai stopped using the martial arts card, he exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky, and almost wasted a martial arts card.

After the two revealed the answer to the mystery, they waited to see Ren Shuai's wonderful expression.

As a result, Ren Shuai relaxed slightly at first, but then his face paled, and he suddenly showed an expression that something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?" the male reporter asked.

Ren Shuai looked up at him slowly, and asked, "Can I cancel the report after calling the police?"

Hearing the words in a hurry, he was taken aback, wondering when Ren Shuai called the police, why didn't they find out?
No, that's not the point. The point is that Ren Shuai actually called the police. This is a big game.

"Why did you call the police?" The reporter was also a little uneasy.

Ren Shuai asked straightforwardly: "Didn't you ask me to call a car for you?"

"Call, call the police car?"

Listening to his broken voice, Ren Shuai thought to himself that if you can't find your way home, why don't you call the police car and call an ambulance?

The hands of the man who was responsible for holding the camera on the side were shaking a little. Even with the help of the gimbal to stabilize it, the picture was still trembling.

"Then, dinner?"

"I heard that the detention center is in charge of meals."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it should be free of money, and he didn't know the specific situation.


The reporter panicked. He didn't expect to go out to do a show, and he was called to the police. How will this matter end.

He hurriedly prepared his words, thinking about calling the company leader for instructions, hoping that his work would not be affected by this incident.

Ren Shuai stood at the side with a look of nothing to do with himself, and chatted with him indifferently: "How did your prank show find me?"

Since both of them knew his name, it was obvious that they had come prepared and played tricks with precision.

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(End of this chapter)

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