Chapter 314
The reporter was full of thoughts about calling the police. Hearing Ren Shuai's question, he said without thinking, "Su Xin was recording a show and was asked to trick a friend. After discussing with her agent, she recommended you."

Ren Shuai suddenly realized that there was an inner ghost.

More than one.

Now that he knew the cause and effect of the matter at this time, Ren Shuai didn't intend to stay any longer, and raised his hand to greet the two of them, "Alright then, since the show has been filmed, I'll leave first."

The reporter who was about to call the leader was startled when he heard the words, looked up at Ren Shuai, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you wait for the police to come?"

"If you leave, we won't be able to tell." The cameraman, who had been standing beside the reporter and remained silent, also echoed.

Ren Shuai saw that the two looked like they had eaten fly poop, and slowly showed a satisfied smile.

"What police?
The reporter was surprised: "Didn't you say you called the police just now?"

Ren Shuai nodded and admitted, "That's right."

"Then why don't you leave without waiting for the police to make a record?"

"I canceled."

Ren Shuai looked at the other party calmly and said.

When the reporter heard him say this in a serious manner, he wanted to cry without tears: "How can it be canceled after reporting to the police? Don't frame us."

Ren Shuai smiled when he heard this.

"Since you don't believe me, just continue to wait here."

Anyway, he was already hungry and wanted to go to that private kitchen to eat something good.

Although Ren Shuai called the police just now, he didn't make a phone call.

After all, the other party was stuck there. If he called the police in front of the other party, he would definitely tell the time, place, and incident.

If you really meet a bad person, saying these things in person will only speed up your interruption, whether it's a phone call or a leg.

Ren Shuai directly opened the car-hailing platform at that time, and through the location alarm function of the car-hailing platform, he made an emergency call.

But fortunately, there is a button to cancel the alarm on the car-hailing platform, because there are cases where users accidentally touch the button by mistake.

If this happens, revocation is possible within five minutes.

When Ren Shuai knew that he had been tricked, he immediately clicked cancel.

It's just that it's indecent to come and not go.

Since he wanted to trick others, he had to be mentally prepared to be tricked by others, so he didn't tell the two of them to call off the police.

The reporter and the camera looked at each other, and seeing that Ren Shuai was actually walking towards the depths of the alley, he quickly followed up to confirm.

"Ms. Li, you can't joke about calling the police. Have you really canceled it?"

Ren Shuai looked at the photographer who was very serious about his work. Even if something like this happened, he faithfully held up the miniature camera to record what happened.

Ren Shuai simply turned his head to look in the direction of the camera, nodded sincerely and said, "It's getting late, you two hurry up and go home for dinner."

After finishing speaking, he turned straight to the private restaurant deep in the alley.

The reporter and the camera stared at each other. It was the first time they tricked someone, but they got tricked by them instead.

Sure enough, Jiang is old and spicy, next time he arranges to trick an old artist, he must refuse.

After Ren Shuai entered the private restaurant, he was led to a simple and elegant booth to enjoy delicious food.

At this time, his mobile phone received a message from Cui Shaoyu.

Recently, Su Xin took over a program, which mainly focused on observing the lives of celebrities, and also played some games in the process.

Whether you win or lose, there will be corresponding penalties and rewards.

In the recording of this episode, Su Xin won the last place due to a loss in the game, and was asked to name a friend so that the program team could arrange trickery.

She is a newcomer in the film and television industry, and she doesn't have any well-known friends in the industry, so she went to discuss with Cui Shaoyu.

When Cui Shaoyu heard that he was going to play tricks, the first person that popped up in his mind was Ren Shuai.

For nothing else, it was because Ren Shuai told her horror stories during the New Year's Eve, which caused her to watch the New Year's Eve all night.

Later, he even instigated Su Xin to indoctrinate her with horror stories again, causing her to succeed in cultivating immortals for three consecutive days.

For this reason, Cui Shaoyu arranged a very full workload for Ren Shuai, but found that it didn't work.

At this moment, there was finally an opportunity to trick him justifiably, and Cui Shaoyu would not let it go of course.

Su Xin hesitated for a while at Cui Shaoyu's proposal, and then under pressure from her manager, she happily agreed.

It just so happened that Cui Shaoyu knew about Ren Shuai's schedule and that he was going out for dinner at night, so he sold Ren Shuai's whereabouts.

She calculated the time and felt that the tricky show should have revealed the answer to the mystery, so she waited to watch the excitement with the mentality of a melon-eating crowd.

But she was the instigator of this matter, and the program team would definitely not hide it, so Cui Shaoyu did not dare to call, and chose to send a message first to test.

"Miss Li, are you eating?"

Cui Shaoyu sent out the message with an ambivalence of being half cautious and half watching the excitement.

Ren Shuai looked at the words on the screen and could already imagine Cui Shaoyu's face at this time.

He picked up a chopstick of beef and chewed it carefully in his mouth, not in a hurry to reply to her.

Let the bullet fly a little longer.

Cui Shaoyu's message was sent out, but Ren Shuai didn't reply after more than ten minutes, and he started to feel a little nervous.

Thinking about Ren Shuai, wouldn't he be really angry?
According to his understanding of Ren Shuai, he has always had a good temper, so he shouldn't be angry after a prank show.

While he was muttering in his heart, Ren Shuai finally sent him a message back.

"Well, I'm eating."

Ren Shuai's answer was very short, showing no emotion.

Cui Shaoyu quickly picked up his phone, sent another message, and asked, "Are you in a good mood?"

Ren Shuai replied two words, very good.

When Cui Shaoyu saw the instant reply, her red lips could not help but curl up slightly, thinking that Teacher Li also had hard times.

She felt that Ren Shuai must be talking ironically.

Maybe he was tricked too hard this time, otherwise he wouldn't have delayed replying to her message, he must be doing emotional adjustment.

The word "very good" seemed to be said through gritted teeth.

Cui Shaoyu vividly imagined Ren Shuai's expression.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was a call from the director of Su Xin's show.

As soon as I picked it up, I heard the editor and director say in a sad tone: "Sister, I was wrong, we will never let Su Xin lose the game next time, don't worry, we will never bully her just because she is a newcomer." .”

Cui Shaoyu was baffled by this sudden sentence.

What inspired the director?
Su Xin, as the lowest-ranked guest in this variety show, must suffer some disadvantages, and most of the show's rankings and games will definitely have her at the bottom.

On this point, Cui Shaoyu reached a consensus with the program group long ago.

But she didn't expect that the director would take the initiative to find Su Xin, saying that he would take more care of Su Xin.

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(End of this chapter)

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