From janitor to actor

Chapter 315 Promotional Video

Chapter 315 Promotional Video

Cui Shaoyu inquired about the situation carefully, only to know that the reporters and cameras sent out by the program group to trick Ren Shuai not only failed to scare Ren Shuai, but were also exported in reverse.

The outside reporter and the camera were so frightened that they almost thought they were going in.

The two vomited bitterness to the director for a long time before they calmed down their little hearts frightened by Ren Shuai.

The editor thought to himself that other guests who participated in the show recommended friends of the same age to be tricked, only Su Xin was ingenious and recommended a senior.

At that time, the editor and director thought that it was quite new for an old actor to be tricked, and it might attract some attention.

But he didn't expect that the foreshadowing was buried in the old characters of the old drama.

Su Xin must be dissatisfied that the program group always arranges her to be at the bottom, so she will recommend an old senior this time to trick her, and reverse the mentality of the program group.

Cui Shaoyu put down the phone, sympathy for reporters and cameras +1
Sure enough, no one can beat Teacher Li.

Cui Shaoyu felt that there was no hope of revenge for his cultivation of immortality for three days and three nights.

No wonder Ren Shuai said he was in a good mood.

It turned out to be really good, not irony at all.

A sense of frustration rose in Cui Shaoyu's heart, he lost all interest in watching the excitement, and the vegetable salad in his hand was no longer fragrant.

Although it was not fragrant at first.

Ren Shuai looked at the attractive crystal braised pork in front of him, and his appetite whetted.

It was also dinner time, Wei Yan was also having dinner with her agent at this time, and she had already joined the group to start filming.

As the lead actress of the show, she was the first to join the group.

Ren Shuai was originally scheduled to play the role of a teacher in this drama, but an actor fell in love with his role and planned to compete with him.

It is the actor Xu Zhi who was originally going to play the old fairy.

The director is still discussing this matter. After all, Ren Shuai is an actor who has been finalized through an interview with the team. It is really not good if he changes temporarily.

Although it is not uncommon for the crew to change actors temporarily, Ren Shuai is an actor introduced by Wei Yan after all, and the director has to show face.

But Xu Zhi is indeed more famous than Ren Shuai, and he very actively applied for this role.

The director was already a little moved.

Wei Yan also heard that the director seemed to have plans to change people, and she felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

She was the one who recommended Ren Shuai to play a role in the film crew. If Ren Shuai was finally replaced because of Xu Zhi, Wei Yan would feel very sorry for him.

However, the director and producer have their own considerations. Although she is the number one female, she has no way to influence the choice of actors and roles.

Just when the balance in the director's heart began to tilt towards Xu Zhi

, He pushed several news messages on his mobile phone.

All the entertainment news was suddenly overwhelmingly promoting Ma Chumpeng's new movie.

The news received by the director's mobile phone is also related to this.

Ma Chumpeng does not produce films every year, but any film he produces will definitely attract wide attention.

Although the film has not yet been fully produced, it has already entered the stage of announcement and release, and it is warmed up in advance.

People in the film and television industry are also paying attention to the trends in the industry, and everyone chats about Ma Chumpeng's new play after dinner.

The director of Wei Yan's crew watched the news casually during the break.

While watching, he was still thinking about how to tell Wei Yan about changing the role of Ren Shuai.

Just thinking about it, the director suddenly saw a familiar figure in the trailer.

He took a closer look, isn't this exactly Ren Shuai?
As a professional director, the focus and angle of watching trailers are different from that of ordinary people.

He watched the number of times Ren Shuai appeared in the trailer. Although it was only two or three seconds, since he was able to appear in the trailer, he must be a character with a lot of roles.

In fact, according to Ren Shuai's status and popularity, there is no way for him to appear in the promotional film.

But in the later editing process, Ma Chumpeng was very satisfied with his performance in the play and continued to praise him.

It is rare to hear Ma Chumpeng so appreciative of an actor, especially a supporting role.

Therefore, everyone in the crew felt that Ma Chunpeng might want to praise Ren Shuai. When making the promotional film, he specially cut a two-second shot of Ren Shuai in it.

Don't underestimate the short two seconds, as long as the characters can appear in the promotional film, they are all important characters in the play.

The entire promotional film is only one and a half minutes long.

The director of Wei Yan's crew suddenly changed his mind after seeing this promotional video.

At the beginning, he felt that Ren Shuai was not considered famous, he just endorsed an international big name, but his influence in film and television dramas was not enough.

Even if he has acted in Ma Chumpeng's movies, it is likely to be a secondary role, with mixed qualifications.

In comparison, Ren Shuai is far inferior to Xu Zhi.

But now, he suddenly doesn't think so.

Since the official announcement of this movie has already begun, it will definitely be broadcast in the near future.

And their TV series is still being filmed, and the broadcast time will definitely be later than Ma Chumpeng's movie.

In this way, Ren Shuai will definitely show his face in Ma Chumpeng's film works first, and then there will be a leap in both influence and popularity.

For such an actor to play a supporting role in their TV series, it can only be said that their crew took a big advantage.

The director immediately changed his mind, and the balance in his heart "bang" fell to Ren Shuai's side.

He decided to follow the original plan and let Ren Shuai play the role of teacher.

As for Xu Zhi, he just needs to think of a reason and decline it.

On the one hand, there are powerful factions who starred in Ma Chumpeng's movies, and their popularity will definitely increase in the future.

On the other side are actors who have passed away for many years. Although they are well-known, they have been going downhill.

You don't have to think about which side to choose.

While Ren Shuai was eating, he didn't know his role at all, and he was reversed because of a promotional film.

Because the food was too tempting, he had no time to look at his phone at all, and he didn't know anything about the broadcast of the promotional video.

The people on Ma Chunpeng's side who were in charge of the matchmaking were also busy with other things.

Song Lishu, who was in charge of receiving Ren Shuai on the set before, was busy running the announcement and hadn't had time to notify Ren Shuai.

Moreover, Ma Chunpeng and his crew belonged to super-large-scale productions. In terms of publicity and roadshows, they didn't even need to take the initiative to contact them. There was a platform to get in touch with the actors.

However, Ren Shuai played few roles in it, and his role was relatively light, so he did not participate in the publicity work, so there was no relevant personnel to communicate with him.

The next day, after Ren Shuai woke up, he learned about it from Cui Shaoyu.

After all, Ma Chumpeng's movie promotion is a high-profile event, and after one night, it has been fermented to become known throughout the state.

Everyone is waiting to see what kind of shock Ma Chumpeng's new work can bring to people this time.

After watching the promotional video, Ren Shuai couldn't help sighing, Ma Chunpeng is indeed a great director, and a promotional video can be so amazing.

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(End of this chapter)

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