From janitor to actor

Chapter 316 NPCs

Chapter 316 NPCs
After the promotional video was broadcast, Ren Shuai suddenly felt busy.

Cui Shaoyu helped him arrange two advertisements and a business event.

In the past two days, he basically didn't touch the ground, and Wei Yan's director also started to contact him to discuss joining the group.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled. He had heard from Wei Yan that someone was competing with him for a role, but he suddenly contacted him to join the team.

Did that person named Xu Zhi stop arguing with him?

How can this work? Ren Shuai is still waiting for the system to release tasks.

However, there are still a few days before joining the group, and there is no rush. Cui Shaoyu is also very busy these days, not only helping Ren Shuai with various business contacts, but also preparing for their horror film.

When Ren Shuai came back from work today, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was Mu Xiaoqing calling.

The two had just finished working together on a horror movie, and Ren Shuai guessed that she contacted him to talk about it, but he guessed wrong.

"Ms. Li, the costume movie where I starred in the No. [-] female role seems to be popular!"

Mu Xiaoqing's tone was very excited, showing that she was not at peace.

Although this film is an online drama, and the leading role is only considered well-known, Mu Xiaoqing's role as the leading role is not light.

Now that the drama is popular, she can't hide her excitement.

It was Ren Shuai who recommended her to act in this drama at the beginning, and now that she has performed well, Mu Xiaoqing contacted Ren Shuai immediately.

In fact, this drama has been on the air for several days, and Mu Xiaoqing didn't have high expectations, after all, the audience of Gongdou drama was not very big before.

But I didn't expect that when it was launched, it didn't show much. After more than a dozen episodes were broadcast, the ratings and word-of-mouth both soared, and it became popular in no time.

After listening to Mu Xiaoqing finish the news, Ren Shuai remembered that he recommended her to act in a Gongdou drama.

According to the experience of the previous life, Gongdouju is very eye-catching, especially when this market has not been developed in a large amount.

As a newcomer, it is easy to get out of the circle by starring in Gongdouju.

"Congratulations." Ren Shuai responded with a smile.

Mu Xiaoqing listened to Ren Shuai's tone, and felt that he seemed to have expected this result.

I couldn't help but marvel in my heart, Ren Shuai had no plans to spare, and he knew that this drama would be popular so early.

The two chatted briefly before hanging up the phone.

Ren Shuai put down the phone on his front foot, and the bell rang again on his back foot.

This time it was Cui Shaoyu, she got straight to the point and said, "Ms. Li, Mu Xiaoqing has recently become popular because of a palace fighting drama."

Ren Shuai said "hmm", saying that he already knew, but he didn't want to understand why Cui Shaoyu called him to tell him about it.

Cui Shaoyu was a little surprised after hearing Ren Shuai's reply. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai knew the news earlier than her.

She continued: "Didn't we just happen to be connecting with the broadcasting platform of that horror movie? It was supposed to be delayed for some time before it was broadcast, but it turned out that you were on the trailer of Ma Chumpeng, and now that Mu Xiaoqing is also When it became popular, the platform immediately began to actively promote it.”

After hearing this, Ren Shuai responded, and asked, "So?"

Cui Shaoyu immediately said with a smile: "So, I'm afraid you'll be a little busy recently. After the platform took the initiative to promote it, our horror film shooting date has been directly advanced, and the publicity will also be advanced accordingly."

Ren Shuai raised his hand to caress his forehead, wondering if he hasn't been busy enough recently?

But what Cui Shaoyu said immediately made Ren Shuai full of energy.

"Because your popularity has increased, I have helped you reset the price according to industry standards, which has increased by 50.00%."

When Ren Shuai heard it, it rose by 50.00%?
The sun suddenly brightened in my heart, this is a leap forward, gratifying to congratulate.

If this trend continues, not to mention buying a car, maybe even a house can be taken down.

Ren Shuai resisted the urge to laugh out loud, and said cooperatively, "Thank you for your hard work."

Cui Shaoyu's red lips curled up, feeling that although Ren Shuai is an old actor, most of the acting is the pursuit of art, but he still has to consider real life.

The rise in salary is also an affirmation of his acting skills.

Taking advantage of Ren Shuai's good mood, she quickly said, "I'll help you accept a few variety shows to increase exposure and help promote our new film."

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled. They were horror movies, and they were not popular TV dramas. How could there be variety show promotion?

Cui Shaoyu introduced: "Recently, there is a popular variety show called "Welcome to the Adventure House". It is full of first-line celebrity guests. I managed to help you win an NPC role."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai was a little puzzled. Hearing the name of this variety show, it instantly reminded him of a dark show that he had watched in his previous life.

Cui Shaoyu thought that a person of Ren Shuai's age would definitely not take the initiative to pay attention to this kind of variety show, so he briefly introduced the content of the show to him.

"The guests participating in the show have to go through various adventures step by step to escape from the adventure house. You mainly play the role of an NPC to promote the progress in the plot. The most important thing is to prevent the guests from escaping smoothly."

When Ren Shuai heard it, it was almost the same as he imagined.

After Cui Shaoyu finished his introduction, he didn't hear Ren Shuai's reply for a long time, thinking that he was dissatisfied with receiving an NPC instead of a guest.

She was just about to explain the situation and how difficult it was to participate in this popular variety show, when she heard Ren Shuai laugh three times happily.

Ren Shuai is really very happy, if the show is as he imagined, then he can toss those guests to his heart's content.

When watching variety shows in his previous life, he always thought that those npcs responsible for scaring people were very interesting. With the spoilers given by the program team, they could turn their hands into clouds and rain.

It's much more interesting than participating in the show as a guest.

"OK, no problem."

After Ren Shuai laughed, he readily agreed.

Cui Shaoyu was a little confused. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai didn't dislike the role of npc, but seemed to enjoy it instead.

Although she couldn't understand Ren Shuai's mentality, she knew that the result of this matter was good, so she hung up the phone very satisfied.

Three days later, Ren Shuai appeared on time at the recording site of "Welcome to the Adventure House".

As an NPC, he needs to be there in advance to prepare. Cui Shaoyu has already shown him the script in advance, so he has a better understanding of today's plot.

The support provided by the platform for this episode of the program is very strong, and a few plots of Ren Shuai's horror movie are embedded in the plot to help promote the promotion.

Ren Shuai plays a puppeteer in the show, who is good at making and manipulating puppets.

His lifelong pursuit is to make puppets look like living people.

One day, he suddenly had an inspiration and wanted to make a living person into a puppet, so he captured an experimental subject.

But unexpectedly, the friend of the experimental subject discovered that he was missing, and followed the clues to the puppeteer's studio.

The story begins here.

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(End of this chapter)

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