From janitor to actor

Chapter 317 Welcome

Chapter 317 Welcome
The scene arranged by the program group is in a retro villa building.

This scene was specially created by them with a lot of money. In addition to making programs, it can also be opened to the public as a tourist attraction in the future.

Get more in one fell swoop.

Ren Shuai was first led by the staff to familiarize himself with the scene and the walking route, and then he was taken to the dressing room for styling.

A total of 5 guests participated in this program, four men and one woman, and one of them was known by Ren Shuai.

It was Cui Zixun who was once recorded in our film at the beginning, and Ren Shuai is not familiar with the rest, but he has also learned about it.

The female guest was one of the actresses in the film and television industry with a status comparable to Shen Luxi's. Her name was Xi Nuan, and she had successfully become a first-line female star with a hit drama.

Different from Shen Luxi's cold line, this female star has a very lively personality and online emotional intelligence. She is taking the line of the national sister.

In terms of appearance, she tends to be well-behaved, but she is often a little sloppy when she speaks and does things, so she is very popular with the audience.

Among the other guests, there is an actor named Pu Fan, and a singer named Wu Hua, both of whom are well-known newcomers in the industry. There is also a professional e-sports player who has won the intercontinental champion, named Elsevier .

Ren Shuai watched their last season of the show, and knew that among these few people, the only one who was more courageous was the youngest e-sports player Ai Siwei.

The rest of the guests, one counts as one, are less courageous than ordinary people.

Especially Xi Nuan and Cui Zixun, they can be regarded as the dwarfs in the house, as long as the environment gets dark, they can't wait to sway their bodies.

After knowing the strength of the few people, Ren Shuai lamented that he was worthy of being an actor, and they all acted like them.

He made a series of preparations, and the guests were also ready, and began to gather in front of the villa square one after another.

Several guests have participated in the show since the last season, and they are very familiar with each other, so they routinely joke around.

As the most popular male guest among the few, Cui Zixun was the object of everyone's concentrated jokes.

Because he is timid but stubborn, he was dubbed the king of the mouth, and the guests were happy to let him take the lead.

"Brother Zixun, we depend on you ahead." Xi Nuan said cowardly.

"That's right, that's right, you are like a radar, you can call the police immediately if there is any situation."

The others echoed, thinking that Cui Zixun is worthy of being a singer and dancer, who shouted the loudest when in danger, and jumped the highest and the farthest.

"Come on, it was me the first two times, so it's someone else's turn this time, right?"

Xi Nuan nodded with a smile, "Okay, then you and Si Wei will switch places and go last."

E-sports player Ai Siwei, as the most courageous person, deserves to be the last guard every time.

When Cui Zixun heard it, his head shook like a rattle, and he said bravely: "No, the relatively safe position of the queen must be reserved for the youngest brother, we can't bully others."

Xi Nuan followed up and asked: "Then do you think I can take the lead?"

After she finished speaking, she made a miserable appearance of being weak, pitiful and helpless.

Not to mention that Cui Zixun, a tall boy, couldn't bear it, even a girl couldn't bear to let her go first.

But apart from Xi Nuan, there are also singers Pu Fan and Wu Hua. These two people should show their demeanor as male artists.

As a result, Pu Fan was as thorough as ever, and he almost withdrew a few meters to express his refusal.

He is very cowardly, and he is willing to face down, admitting very frankly that he is timid, and he will never agree to such a thing as taking the lead.

Only the singer Wu Hua was left. He was in charge of physical strength in this show. Although there was no problem taking the lead, he had a history of beating an NPC subconsciously before when he was excited.

For the sake of personnel safety, the program team defaulted not to let him take the first place, so as to avoid accidental reduction of NPC staff.

After some nonsense routine jokes, Cui Zixun still took the lead.

He sighed and lowered his head as if appointed.

There are 7 points of true and 3 points of false in this performance. After all, for the effect of the show, even if you are not so scared in your heart, you have to exaggerate your performance.

After many sessions of recording, he has actually established some immunity.

I also have a good understanding of the program group's routines, and I don't feel as scared in the dark as I did at the beginning.

However, Cui Zixun knew nothing about the npc in this issue.

If he knew that the big boss in this issue was played by Ren Shuai, then...

He could be even more brazen.

After all, they are all acquaintances, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's a pity that his understanding of Ren Shuai is only superficial, and he has no sense of his inner color.

While they were standing in the square discussing the formation, behind a certain window on the second floor of the villa, a pair of shining eyes were looking at them with kindness.

Ren Shuai doesn't have many hobbies, but he never tires of scaring people.

He retracted his gaze and looked at the approval rating in his mind. Due to the recent broadcast of "Silent Business War", his approval rating has exceeded the [-] mark.

Then you can consider using a prop card.

When he was filming a horror movie before, Ren Shuai found that the effect of the bonus card was extremely good, but when facing Mu Xiaoqing at that time, he did not dare to act too scary, so as not to frighten others and leave a shadow.

He always felt that he was not doing his best yet.

To put it simply, it is too scary to be enjoyable.

Now is the chance.

Cui Zixun and his group have gone through so many episodes of horror experience, but they can still participate in the recording with strength.

It can be seen that everyone has a strong heart.

Timid or something, it should be just a human design.

Ren Shuai looked at the time, estimated the rhythm of how many people entered the villa, and felt that it was time to go out and make a wonderful appearance.

After Cui Zixun and others entered the villa, they were blindfolded and lined up in formation, holding hands.

Their first task is to find the light source after removing the blindfold.

Ren Shuai put on his night vision goggles and walked up the stairs to the living room on the first floor. He saw several guests close together, and no one wanted to take the first step.

Among them, Elsevier, who was the most courageous, acted first.

He tried to leave the team temporarily and search for the light source alone.

According to the past tonality of the program, the first step only needs to be explored, and there is no thrilling plot unfolding.

Ren Shuai was sure of this point, discussed with the director of the program group, and made a fine-tuning.

He wants to cast a shadow on several people from the beginning, so that the rhythm can always be in his own hands.

Let the most courageous person collapse first, which is the worst blow to this small group.

Ren Shuai looked at Ai Siwei who was trying to move forward alone, quietly took his place and mixed into the team.

Although Cui Zixun is called the leader No.1, he has already retreated and stood in a group with the others, and Wu Hua, who has a history of beating an npc, is the second last in the team.

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(End of this chapter)

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