From janitor to actor

Chapter 318 Don't dare to record

Chapter 318 Don't dare to record
After Ren Shuai successfully blended into the team, he didn't grab Wu Hua's hand, but gently grabbed the corner of his clothes.

After all, there is still a difference in the touch between people. He was afraid that Wu Hua would find out and show his flaws.

Wu Hua didn't realize that there was a quiet change of person behind him, he just thought that the original Aisiwei was still behind him.

He felt Ren Shuai's slight push on him, so he unconsciously stepped forward.

Others feel the impetus behind the team and move forward as a whole without realizing it.

A few of them didn't realize that Ai Siwei was alone, and the one who joined them became Shuai Ren.

Under Ren Shuai's guidance, they found a door.

Due to the pitch-dark environment, no one dared to speak loudly, which was an inexplicable state of mind.

When Cui Zixun touched the door, he immediately withdrew his hand.

He was afraid that after opening the door, something terrifying would appear from inside.

And just at this time, Ren Shuai quietly pressed the remote control on his hand, and the room behind the door lit up, and a little light came out from under the door.

A second after the light came on, Ren Shuai pressed the remote control to turn off the light.

The lighting of the lights in the room is a bait. When people are plunged into darkness, they unconsciously yearn for light.

Since Cui Zixun himself didn't have the guts to open the door and enter, Ren Shuai wanted a good person to do the end and help him.

Hurry up and drive the fish into the basket.

Seeing the light in the crack of the door, several people subconsciously urged Cui Zixun to open the door quickly.

Although Cui Zixun was afraid, he thought that the light was on in the room just now, at least there was a light, which was better than the darkness outside.

Xi Nuan, who likes to use her brain, also felt that the door should be pushed open. She felt that this was a reminder from the program group. Maybe the light control switch in the hall was in this room.

After thinking about this, she began to encourage Cui Zixun in a low voice, telling Cui Zixun to open the door quickly.

Cui Zixun became more courageous when he felt the large army gathering behind him.

He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and twisted the door open with a "click".

The movement here did not attract Elsevi's attention, and he was concentrating on fumbling for the switch on the wall.

Due to the large area of ​​the villa hall, there was already a considerable distance between the brigade and Aiswei at this time.

Ren Shuai secretly induced here, and the guests did not notice any abnormalities.

After Cui Zixun twisted the doorknob, he didn't dare to step in directly, but he felt a thrust from behind, and he walked involuntarily.

This inexplicable thrust was transmitted from the last one to Cui Zixun, and the instigator was of course Ren Shuai.

Following the push, several guests all stepped into the room.

In fact, behind this door is not a real house, but an elevator. After several people entered, Ren Shuai controlled the elevator by remote control and directly descended to the basement floor.

He himself left the house at the moment the elevator started, and did not stay with the others.

His real target is Elsevier.

The sound of the elevator descending caught Aisiwei's attention. He turned his head and asked his teammates softly.

"Where are you? What was the sound just now? What happened over there?"

He questioned three times.

After waiting for a while, there was only a quiet air floating, and there was no response.

Even the bold Aisiwei felt his heart trembling at this moment.

At this time, Ren Shuai quietly took out a special flashlight with a red light source, and took off the night vision device from his face.

At the same time, the item card was secretly activated, and the bonus effect was very strong for rendering the horror atmosphere.

Ren Shuai put the flashlight in front of him, with the head of the lamp facing up, and turned on the flashlight with his face pointed in the direction of Aisiwei.

The dim red light source shines from bottom to top, illuminating Ren Shuai's even more eerie face after makeup.

The emotion in Ren Shuai's eyes was more terrifying than his makeup.

The flashlight turned on for half a second and then went out. Ai Siwei didn't see it clearly, but she was quite frightened.

He couldn't help it, and yelled directly.


The sudden attack just now really broke his defense.

No matter how courageous he is, he is still only a teenager, and after placing an order at this time, his mentality has undergone subtle changes.

In an instant, his courage was not as strong as it used to be.

Ai Siwei was really scared, he ran forward as fast as he could, regardless of what was in front of him.

In the program group, for the safety of the guests, the walls are covered with anti-collision protective layers. Otherwise, according to the collision trend of Ai Siwei, if you hit the wall with your head, you will have to say goodbye.

At this time, the group of people who were descending to the B[-] floor in the elevator suddenly heard Aiswei's screams from the elevator's horn.

The program group installed a sound receiver in the hall, and the player was placed in the elevator.

This was all arranged in advance. After Ren Shuai frightened Ai Siwei here, he transmitted Ai Siwei's frightened voice to the elevator in real time, so as to cause a greater impact on the other guests.

But at this time, the few people standing in the elevator on the first floor didn't even know that Ai Siwei had left the team.

Suddenly, there was such a scream from the elevator sound, and the few people were so frightened that they squatted down on the spot and huddled together.

"Siwei, what's wrong with you?"

Cui Zixun asked loudly while looking around in a panic.

And Wu Hua, who had been in the penultimate place just now, felt a chill.

Only now did he realize that after entering the elevator, there was no touch from anyone behind him.

Elsevier was not with them at all.

"He, he, he, he doesn't seem to come in." Wu Hua said tremblingly.

Xi Nuan was too frightened to make a sound at this time, her head was buried in her arms.

Cui Zixun was not much better than her, especially after hearing that Ai Siwei hadn't come in, he let out that inhuman scream.

Few people know what he went through.

As the most courageous person in the team, they were still scared like this, and the hearts of several people tightened even more.

Cui Zixun couldn't help but chant: "Director, director, come out quickly, I won't record, I won't record."

Xi Nuan pursed her lips tightly, not daring to raise her head at all, and she didn't dare to speak, thinking of God's blessing in her heart.

The most cowardly and least courageous Pu Fan's face was pale at this time, his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't help but sing in a low voice to embolden himself.

Although there are teammates next to him, he still feels his heart is hairy.

After Ai Siwei screamed, there was no other sound.

Several people couldn't help thinking about it, and the more they thought about it, the more scared they became, like a nest of quail, shivering and curling up in the nest.

For the safety of the guests, the program group put a heartbeat monitoring bracelet on everyone's hands.

At this time, the director saw in front of the monitor that the heartbeats of several guests were about to explode, and quickly ordered: "Hurry up and turn on the lights in the elevator for them."

He was really worried that if he continued to scare them like this, these guests might die halfway.

He just modified the program flow a little according to the suggestion given by Ren Shuai, and scared a few guests like this.

The director lamented while worrying about the physical safety of the guests, but at the same time was secretly happy. When it was broadcast, the effect must be very satisfying to the audience.

Ren Shuai played for half a second, and after scaring Ai Siwei, he put on his night vision goggles and quietly left through the secret passage.

At this time, after touching the wall, Ai Siwei squatted down on the spot, looked at the dark space, and shouted loudly: "I'm not afraid of you, don't come here, don't come here!"

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(End of this chapter)

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