From janitor to actor

Chapter 319 Scare Package

Chapter 319 Scare Package
Ai Siwei yelled into the air for a long time, listened attentively, but did not find any sound, and then slowly let go of her frightened heart.

But when he recalled the face he saw just now, he still had lingering fears in his heart.

Especially that person's eyes, the impact is too strong, like an arrow directly piercing the heart.

Don't stay here for long.

After reaching this conclusion, Ai Siwei began to quickly grope along the wall, and finally found the stairs at a corner.

He also doesn't care about those teammates who disappeared inexplicably. Only the light can save him at this moment.

Since there is no light source on the first floor, go to the second floor.

He didn't know at all that the large army at this time had already been redeemed.

The moment the lights in the elevator came on, those guests who were frightened into quails finally let out a breath.

It was like a person who was about to drown and finally took a mouthful of oxygen.

"I'm saved." Xi Nuan murmured.

Although Cui Zixun was terribly frightened, but after seeing the light again, his mouth hardened again immediately.

"It turns out that it's just an elevator. It's a mystery. It's nothing to be afraid of."

Others have become accustomed to his post-event hero's speeches and turned a deaf ear to them.

The most cowardly Pu Fan said weakly: "Let's find a way to get out first, it's too crowded here."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was completely drawn back to their thoughts, and it sounded that their mission was to find out the truth of the disappearance case, and then leave here smoothly.

There are some clues posted on the elevator door, now that we have started to solve the puzzle.

Ren Shuai followed the secret passage to the basement floor. According to the script, the basement floor is his studio. As a puppeteer, of course he has to make puppets himself.

When the guests were trapped in the elevator, the lights in the corridor were normal, but there were one after another puppets in the same shape as real people on both sides.

The posture and expression of each puppet are different, and they look like real people, but the pause button is pressed.

There are long silk threads attached to them, some of which hang down to the ground, while others extend up to the ceiling, looking like the prey of spider spirits.

Ren Shuai spotted a female puppet sitting on a chair, and sat down next to her.

His current disguise also looks like a puppet, but his eyes are more lively, but as he lazily leans back on the chair, he closes his eyes.

What was shown was the fake eyes painted on his eyelids. As long as he didn't move, no one would find that he was pretending to be a fish.

The reason why the program group arranged for Ren Shuai to sit here was because they didn't know how long it would take for the guest group to successfully solve the riddle and get out of the elevator.

In case of a delay of an hour...

The other half, Aisiwei, who went up to the second floor, didn't need Ren Shuai to worry about, the program team had already arranged for him a way out.

As soon as he walked up the stairs, he successfully found a bright and light room, and then he was successfully trapped in it, making it impossible to work every day, and the ground and the ground should not respond.

Fortunately, his voice can be transmitted to the elevator through the speaker.

The large team that was focused on solving puzzles suddenly heard Aisiwei's voice again. Unfortunately, the two parties had no way to communicate, and everyone could only hear Aisiwei's self-questioning and self-answering, turning into a loud cry for help.

They didn't know what Ai Siwei had gone through, but they knew that they had to hurry up to solve the puzzle and go out to rescue their teammates.

Once a person has motivation, he suddenly becomes full of energy.

It only took ten minutes for everyone to successfully solve the puzzle and open the elevator door through the mechanism.

As the metal door slowly slid and the lights in the corridor suddenly turned off, Ren Shuai knew that these people were about to get out of the elevator.

He also ended his short fishing time and was about to start working.

Everyone in the elevator held their breath at the same time, no one dared to take a step, and was wary of what happened outside.

Through the lights of the elevator, several people could see a corridor in front of them, but they soon turned a corner and couldn't see the situation there.

Several people looked at each other and felt that they could go out to have a look, so Cui Zixun still led the way and walked out in the original formation.

Just when Xi Nuan took a step, she suddenly felt the sound of wind blowing in the back of her head, and then she heard Pu Fan, the coward, screaming that pierced her eardrums.


Just as Pu Fan draped Xi Nuan's shoulders and walked out with his vigilance relaxed, a clown puppet hanging upside down suddenly fell from above.

The cracked blood red lips and the playful smile instantly made Pu Fan want to die.

Although the others didn't see the puppet, they were scared out of their wits by Pu Fan's scream, and the formation was instantly chaotic, and several people scrambled and shrank back to the elevator car.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Scared me, scared me!"

The three male guests headed by Cui Zixun expressed their doubts and emotions. Only Xi Nuan covered his ears with a miserable face, feeling that his hearing might be damaged.

It wasn't until they pushed the elevator that they found the little puppet hanging down from the corridor.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a toy." Cui Zixun said incredulously.

Pu Fan said with blank eyes: "I didn't have time to see what it was, besides, its expression is so scary, I just saw a bloody mouth."

He was very wronged in his heart, and it was usually the safest to walk in the middle of the team, but who would have thought that the program crew would be so scheming and attack him when he was not relaxing.

Besides, the puppet is usually placed at the beginning, and only the first person in the team suffers a little impact. This time it waited until the team was halfway to hang down, which is really too bad.

Ren Shuai closed his eyes and fell asleep, feeling his nose itchy.

You can't sneeze at this time, he tried to hold back.

It was Ren Shuai who gave the program group the suggestion to release the puppet halfway.

As the culprit, he listened to the long and high-pitched screams from the elevator, and continued to fish with his eyes closed with peace of mind.

According to the habits of those people, it would take at least ten minutes to walk back after being taken aback.

Sure enough, after a few people finished their psychological preparation, they continued to explore slowly. By the time they reached the corridor where Ren Shuai was, fifteen minutes had passed.

The hallway has been largely darkened, and the elevator lights cannot illuminate it.

However, one can vaguely see shadows on both sides of the corridor, and there are many human-shaped things.

"This, well, seems to be a lot of people."

Cui Zixun's voice dropped tens of decibels unconsciously, and his footsteps also retreated.

Xi Nuan stuck out his head behind him, looked forward with all his eyes, and indeed saw many black shadows with human silhouettes.

"The owner of this villa is a puppeteer, could these be puppets?" Xi Nuan guessed.

The two people behind heard the words, nodded and agreed: "Why don't we pull one out and have a look."

A few people did what they said, and rushed into the darkness hand in hand, grabbed the humanoid object and ran back.

"Sure enough, it's a puppet. The workmanship is average, that is, it looks a bit like a human when it wears clothes."

Cui Zixun issued the declaration of the brave again, as if he didn't pay attention to the puppets on both sides of the corridor.

However, the people behind him didn't think so.

"What if there are living people mixed in?"

"Uh, how is it possible? Even if there is, don't be afraid, we have a lot of people." Cui Zixun said very stubbornly.

Xi Nuan exhaled and sighed, "We're not afraid of people, we're just afraid of people jumping out suddenly and scaring us."

"Then what should I do?" Counseling Pu Fan felt that his legs were already a little weak.

Cui Zixun thought for a while, and suddenly showed a wise smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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