Chapter 320
"We are exhausted with him, let's sit on the ground to rest, and see which of these figures can't move, and which one is a living person."

Although they couldn't see the scene clearly, if there was a shadow shaking, they could still tell the approximate location.

Cui Zixun thought with some complacency.

After listening to this suggestion, other people also feel that it makes sense, and they are going to give it a try.

Ren Shuai sat on the chair, listened to the conversation of several people, yawned, and prepared to rest for a while.

A few people headed by Cui Zixun sat on the ground for a while, staring at the shadow in the dark carefully, their eyes not blinking for a moment.

But until their eyes were sore, they didn't notice any movement of the black shadow.

"It seems that they are really puppets. We have been delayed here for a long time, and Aisie is still waiting." Xi Nuan said slowly.

Cui Zixun felt that the time was almost up, so he got up and said, "Then let's move forward slowly."

Several people unanimously agreed, and began to move forward according to the formation.

Ren Shuai heard footsteps, slowly opened his eyes, and picked up the remote control in his hand.

Just when the whole team had entered the corridor, Ren Shuai quietly pressed the button, and a puppet standing next to Cui Zixun suddenly raised his arm and stretched forward.

This sudden turn of events made Cui Zixun jump three feet, and let out a scream.

"Ah, someone!"

The others were startled by his yelling, and each screamed, but they didn't dare to run around in the middle of the corridor.

"What happened?"

"Who is there?"

Several people asked in a panic.

Cui Zixun yelled for a while, but didn't feel any follow-up movement, and then slowly took a breath, and wiped the black shadow with his hand intently.

The touch on the hand is hard, not like a real person at all.

Cui Zixun gained courage, and said to the people behind him, "It seems that it is not human, let's come and have a look."

Only then did the others slowly gather around in surprise.

After some groping, several people were pleasantly surprised to find that the puppet that startled them had a small flashlight on it.

Everyone wanted to hold the flashlight in their own hands, but Cui Zixun took the lead and had to hand it over to him.

After having a light source, their hearts settled down.

Ren Shuai pressed a few mechanisms to make the puppet move suddenly. At first Cui Zixun and the others were still afraid, but then they gradually became immune, and the walking speed became much faster.

Seeing a few people approaching, Ren Shuai closed his eyes and sat up a little.

Cui Zixun's flashlight swept across Ren Shuai's face, and then quickly skipped over.

In his opinion, Ren Shuai is no different from the puppet next to him.

Just as he was walking forward, Ren Shuai opened his eyes and reached out to hold him.

However, because they were moving too fast, Ren Shuai originally stretched out Cui Zixun's hand, but grabbed Xi Nuan behind him.

"Ah, who?"

Xi Nuan screamed.

From the touch on her arm, she was very sure that it was a warm hand, not a mechanical puppet.

Cui Zixun heard the sound and shone the light in Ren Shuai's direction.

Following the light, everyone immediately focused their attention on Ren Shuai.

However, it doesn't matter if you look at it. In the place illuminated by the light, they met an extremely deep and cold gaze.



The moment they saw Ren Shuai's eyes, several people were in chaos.

Cui Zixun was so frightened that the flashlight was deflected, and Xi Nuan was even more frightened, almost crying with a wow.

Even Ren Shuai quietly let go of her hand without noticing.

Just when several people were frightened and scattered, Ren Shuai moved his feet, walked directly to the end of the line, and opened the mechanism.

The wall of the corridor turned slowly, directly separating Wu Hua who stood at the end from the others.

Taking advantage of him not realizing that he was alone, Ren Shuai pretended to be Pu Fan standing in front of him and guided him to the secret passage.

Wu Hua walked a few steps and felt something was wrong, so he quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

Ren Shuai paused slightly, and said slowly: "Leave here first, let's go."

At this time, Ren Shuai's voice was no different from Pu Fan who was standing in front of Wu Hua.

After Wu Hua finished listening, he didn't doubt him at all, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, let's go, let's go."

Ren Shuai led Wu Hua to the secret elevator all the way to the second floor, and then took him to the next door to Aisiwei.

As soon as the two approached, Elsevi started yelling for help.

Wu Hua also responded excitedly: "We are here, Siwei, don't panic, we will rescue you immediately."

Ai Siwei heard the voice, and quickly said happily: "Hurry up, hurry up, there was a person on the first floor just now, almost scared me to death."

Ren Shuai ignored the exchange between the two, and opened the door of the room next to Aisiwei's, leading Wu Hua in.

"Look for clues first." Ren Shuai said in Pu Fan's voice.

Wu Hua didn't realize that several of his teammates had disappeared. He thought he had been following the main force, so he quickly responded, "Yes, Cui Zixun, take a photo with your flashlight."

After he finished speaking, he waited for a while but did not hear a response.

"Speak, don't scare me!"

"Pu Fan, where are you?"

"Don't be like this, I'll be waving around without making a sound!"

Wu Hua continued talking to himself several times, but did not hear any response.

He started to panic, waving his arms and scratching at the air.

Ren Shuai had quietly closed the door and locked him inside.

Let Wu Hua, the second most courageous person in the team, keep company with his difficult brother Ai Siwei.

Ren Shuai sighed for his kindness.

The director originally wanted to lock Ai Siwei and Wu Hua together, but Ren Shuai felt that it was too boring to keep two people in a closed space, which might increase the inner depression and be too unfriendly to the guests.

So he kindly proposed to let the two of them share a room, which is much more spacious and has enough air.

If Aisiwei and Wu Hua knew the truth, they would definitely thank him sincerely.

After finishing his job, Ren Shuai calmly left the second floor and walked towards the third floor of the villa.

The three of Cui Zixun finally came back to their senses after being frightened, but they were even more horrified to find that the road they had walked had disappeared.

And disappearing along with the corridor was their teammate Wu Hua.

Wu Hua just disappeared without a sound.

"Oh my god, I can't take it anymore, get out of here!"

Pu Fan, the little counselor, completely broke his defenses and shouted with a pale face.

Cui Zixun felt the light in his hand, and it could no longer bring him any sense of security, especially after seeing Ren Shuai's eyes.

He didn't expect there to be a more terrifying existence than darkness.

The hairs all over Xi Nuan stood on end, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she didn't want to stay in this corridor for a second.

"Run, run, don't stay here!" Her voice trembled uncontrollably.

At this time, the director who was staring at the monitor heard the alarm of the heartbeat detector, and quickly ordered: "Turn on the corridor lights."

If this continues, I am afraid that these people will not dare to come in the next issue.

It was just a scare. As for being so scared?

He didn't understand at all what kind of stimulation Ren Shuai's eyes had caused to several people.

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(End of this chapter)

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