From janitor to actor

Chapter 321 Selfie

Chapter 321 Selfie

When Cui Zixuan and the others were frightened, the corridor lights turned on at the right time.

A few people who were about to run away without thinking about 21 suddenly stopped in their tracks.

As the lights came on, they finally saw the scene in front of them clearly. Rows of puppets of different shapes stood on both sides of the corridor, giving people a feeling that they would come alive at any time.

"Just now, who was standing there?" Cui Zixuan asked, pointing to the place where Ren Shuai appeared.

The other two shook their heads.

"Now is not the time to think about this, we still feel like leaving." Xi Nuan said.

"Yes, yes, this corridor is too weird, it can actually move, it's important to leave quickly." Pu Fan urged.

Together, the three hurriedly searched for clues.

After a lot of tossing, I finally cracked the mechanism of the corridor reasonably, and successfully found the puppet master's studio.

There is a secret passage inside, leading to the second floor, the three of them were thinking about Aisiwei and Wu Hua, without any delay, they went straight to the second floor.

When they walked through the secret passage, they were still a little apprehensive, but after they walked all the way to the second floor smoothly, they all felt a little unreal.

It always felt that it was too weird to go smoothly, and there must be some big thunder waiting behind.

After the three of them entered the corridor on the second floor, they found that the lights were actually on. While feeling grateful in their hearts, they were also a little apprehensive.

I always feel that the program team will not be so kind.

After hearing movement in the corridor, Elsevi immediately knocked on the door and shouted: "Here, I'm here."

Wu Hua, who was locked next to him, also started calling for help.

"I'm here, come and save me!"

Hearing the cries of help from two teammates, the attention of the three was diverted. Cui Zixun was the first to speak: "What should we do? There is a combination lock on the door, four digits."

Xi Nuan glanced at Wu Hua's room, and continued, "Wu Hua needs a key to open the door."

Several people began to quickly collect clues and solve the puzzle.

At this time, Ren Shuai was sitting in a room on the third floor, with a computer in front of him, and the people on the second floor were in the picture.

Seeing that their deciphering progress was almost advanced, Ren Shuai showed a gratified smile, took out his phone, and looked for the right angle.


Take a selfie.

Different from the fresh selfies of handsome men and beautiful women, Ren Shuai is not willing to look at this photo himself.

The gloomy eyes were full of jokes, and there was also a hint of coldness with malicious intentions.

And the angle of this selfie is so strange, as if the whole face is going to be poked into the screen.

After he finished taking the photo, he clicked on the screen to send the photo.

The few people who concentrated on solving puzzles on the second floor are making great progress, and they will soon rescue their teammates.

Just before the last step, there was a slight knocking sound from both doors.

Cui Zixun and others discovered that there was a cat's eye on the door of Wu Hua and Aiswei's room.

The two people in the house also noticed this change.

They couldn't wait to look over there, wanting to see the situation of their teammates outside.

Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan who were standing outside did the same thing, wanting to know how the companions who were locked in the room were doing.

Two groups of people inside and outside the room approached the cat's eyes almost at the same time.

With a "swipe", Ren Shuai's selfie appeared in the cat's eyes.





Four screams sounded before and after their feet, and they instantly felt like they were about to recover from a heart attack.


After Xi Nuan came to his senses, he suddenly squatted on the ground and shouted.

"Damn it, it's not our teammate in the room!" Cui Zixun said with all his might, his face paled with fright.

And Ai Siwei in the room was not much better, questioning frantically: "You are not my teammate, don't open the door, don't come in!"

Wu Hua quickly grabbed a prop in the room and shouted, "Don't come in, or I'll hit you!"

People inside and outside the house heard the yelling of their teammates at the same time, and they couldn't help feeling a little strange in their hearts.

But none of them had the courage to take a second look at Maoyan.

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with the guest's performance. Maoyan is a special mechanism with a screen inside. When people approach, they can only see Ren Shuai's selfie in the underworld.

Wu Hua had experienced situations where teammates were impersonated. When he walked up to the second floor, he clearly heard Park Fan's voice.

He even wondered if there were spies among his teammates.

Now once I heard a teammate communicate with him, what I saw was such a face and such a strange eye.

All of this was so magical that he wondered if he had hallucinations while doing the show.

After calming down, the people inside and outside the room tentatively re-communicated, and after repeatedly confirming that the inside of the room was really their own, they slowly advanced the progress of solving the puzzle.

After the door lock was unlocked, Cui Zixun finally let out a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself, the director of this issue is really too ruthless, and he must have a good communication with him after the end.

The most important thing is that this issue of NPC invites is too scary.

Although it was only two meetings, he felt that he had no courage to meet him for a third time.

He couldn't describe that kind of look, but after seeing it, he felt a chill on the back of his neck, and the hairs on his whole body stood on end.

Xi Nuan also felt the same way. As the only female guest on the show, she has always been taken care of. She has never been so scared like she is now.

Especially the eyes and demeanor of the puppeteer were really too sinister. She felt that she could be scared to cry when she met in real life.

Where did the program group find such an actor? She made up her mind that after the show, she must bribe this npc and give him twice the price of the program group, so that he must not be allowed to participate in the program again.

The director sitting in the monitoring room sneezed several times in a row, thinking that he hadn't done anything harmful, so why would he sneeze inexplicably.

He reviewed it carefully, and although there were some small adjustments to the program flow, it was not enough for the guests to miss him so much.

Probably just an allergy.

Ren Shuai, the culprit, didn't seem to feel anything wrong, and he still faithfully carried out the tasks of his role.

After Cui Zixun and the others went up from the second floor to the third floor, he walked through the corridor casually, leaving a shadow of their backs.

Cui Zixun paused, quickly pointed at him and said, "The puppet master is ahead, he just passed here."

The teammates behind him also saw that figure.

Compared with the previous few times, Ren Shuai's appearance this time seemed too ordinary, and did not leave any shadow on the few people.

Cui Zixun and the others gradually became bolder.

I always feel that the game is close to clearing the level, even the big boss is nothing to be afraid of.

As the saying goes, the scars are healed and the pain is forgotten. Ai Siwei, who was standing at the end of the line, suffered from the confinement. When he saw Ren Shuai passing by the corridor, he immediately felt revenge.

He jumped out from the end of the line in one step, left the main force, and quickly chased in Ren Shuai's direction.

"and many more……"

Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan said in unison, wanting their teammates to calm down first.

However, before the words fell, Aiswei, who had chased after the corner, let out an "ah".

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(End of this chapter)

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