Chapter 322
Several people heard the screams of their teammates and hurried forward to look.

At the corner, Ai Siwei was caught in a big net like a dead fish.

"Hurry up and save me."

Ai Siwei stretched out his hand from the net and asked his teammates for help.

The others were in a hurry, trying to help him untie it, but found that there was no way.

After some tossing, more than half an hour passed.

Ren Shuai took advantage of this moment to prepare the next mechanism, just waiting for a few people to come quickly.

Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan solved the mechanism, checked the clues step by step, and finally got together the key code to unlock the secret room.

They rescued the abducted real-life puppet experimental subject from inside, and learned the evidence of the puppet master's crime from him, and they have already called the police to arrest him.

However, it is still dangerous for a few people to be trapped here temporarily, and they need to find a way to leave the villa first.

They headed towards the top floor, the downstairs was locked, and they had to find a way to leave from above.

Several people broke through the level again and again, and gradually forgot the fear of being dominated by Ren Shuai.

Little did he know that Ren Shuai was gearing up for a long time.

Cui Zixun continued to take the lead, and after Ai Siwei made the decision, they were full of confidence after the team gathered, and they were ready to push quickly.

No matter how powerful Ren Shuai is, there is only one person, and how many people are still afraid that he will fail.

They began to move forward confidently.

Ren Shuai stood by and waited, sharpening his sword eagerly.

Above the third floor is the rooftop garden, but it has been neglected for many years, and it is very desolate and decayed. At this time, weeds are already overgrown.

And among these weeds, there are hidden surprises that Ren Shuai gave them.

When Cui Zixun and others came to the roof, the light was dim at this time. There were a few old lamps on the roof, which swayed with the wind, illuminating the shadows of the grass.

The few people who were originally thinking about pushing horizontally were suddenly a little bit discouraged.

The atmosphere was a bit scary, and when the few people stopped, the grass suddenly shook.

A human-shaped shadow slowly rose from the grass.

Cui Zixun was so frightened that he took a step back, and the others followed suit. Fortunately, Aisiwei stood at the back, otherwise he might have to retreat back to the stairs.

Originally, they relied on the large number of people and were full of courage, but they didn't expect that they hadn't fought a battle.

"Don't panic, it's just some paper dolls."

Although Ai Siwei said what she said, she was not as reckless as before.

The so-called gaining wisdom by eating a pit, he has eaten several pitfalls, and naturally he has a long memory.

This is a paper puppet carefully prepared by the program team, each with a horrifying expression.

Of course, these paper figures are not as simple as they appear on the surface. The program group has ample funds, and of course they don't hesitate to spend on the last stage.

Among the dozen or so paper puppets, there are puppets played by real people behind half of them.

In terms of personnel, Ren Shuai has twice as many people as Cui Zixun and the others.

But Ren Shuai didn't rely on these scary things, he relied on his personal strength.

When Cui Zixun and the others hesitated, the paper puppet began to move quietly, cutting off their retreat.

Ren Shuai picked up the microphone in his hand and let out a cold laugh.

His voice was transmitted to all directions of the rooftop through the loudspeaker.

The one who was first affected was not the timid Pu Fan, but Wu Hua who liked to throw punches.

This voice laughed very strangely. Others paid attention to the thrilling effect of the laughter, but what he noticed was the voice itself.

Although the laughter was deliberately prolonged and turned cold, he could still hear it, which was exactly the same as Pu Fan's voice.

"You guys, do you hear that?"

Wu Hua opened his mouth to remind.

Xi Nuan couldn't help wrapping her arms around her chest, hugging her arms and sliding up and down, trying to soothe her goosebumps.

She flinched and said, "I'm so cold when I hear this voice."

"I feel terrified."

Cui Zixun turned his head and looked around, trying to find out the source of the sound.

"No, that's not what I said. Don't you guys recognize that it's Pu Fan's voice?" Wu Hua immediately pointed it out.

"Pu Fan?"

Others were a little puzzled, and Pu Fan himself was even more confused.

He couldn't hear his own voice at all, or rather, few people could recognize his own voice.

Even if it is recorded and played back, people will always feel that it is not their own voice.

But the bystanders knew that after the others were reminded, they immediately discovered this.

This laughter is really no different from Pu Fan.

"Pu Fan, you two or five boy!"

"Be honest, when did you record for the program?"

"How much benefit did you receive?"

Everyone questioned.

As the most cowardly existence in the team, Pu Fan was full of question marks when asked by these people.

"I didn't, I..."

He felt like he couldn't speak clearly even if his mouth was full.

At this moment, Wu Hua stood up and explained for him: "The person who led me to the second floor before spoke in this voice."

The others paused slightly, thinking that Pu Fanke was still in the basement at that time, so it was impossible to separate himself and go out.

That is to say, the npc who played the puppet master himself spoke similarly to Park Fan.

Just when this thought fell, the situation in the field changed suddenly, and the grass on the ground gave off bursts of flickering green light.

At the same time as the green light was on, the paper puppets began to move quickly and gathered towards several people.

"Don't come here, I warn you, don't come here!"

Several people spoke harshly but not threateningly, and watched the puppet gate gradually surround them.

"There is a way, go this way."

Cui Zixun's sharp eyes found a passageway that appeared and disappeared from among the paper puppets, and felt that he could rush out of the encirclement from here.

As everyone knows, this is a trap specially arranged by Ren Shuai for them.

If the guests choose to be tough, they only need to find the ones without Tibetans from these paper puppets and break them, then they can pass the level smoothly and find the correct way to leave.

But unfortunately, their mentality was manipulated by Ren Shuai from the very beginning.

So, following Ren Shuai's arrangement step by step, he embarked on a road of no return.

The director stood in front of the monitor, fixed his eyes on the heartbeat detector, and quickly ordered: "All departments pay attention, and always pay attention to the status of the guests. If there is something wrong, quickly ask the colleague who plays the paper figurine to take people to the exit." .???

He designed the process at the beginning to let the guests break the paper puppets and rush out of the villa to escape.

But Ren Shuai suggested adding an easter egg, maybe the guests are unwilling to break the paper figurine, but choose the content of the easter egg.

The director didn't think much about it, he thought it would be good to arrange an easter egg so that the guests would not follow the routine to pass the level.

So he asked Ren Shuai to design it himself.

But the director never expected that the easter egg designed by Ren Shuai would be so hellish.

Just looking at the design once, he felt his hair stand on end. If these timid guests were to experience it for themselves, although it would not cause death, at least it would affect real life.

But the director is also a master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. Anyway, the guests have signed the contract, and it's impossible to go back on their word.

Instead, he has the mentality of eating melons at this time.

???Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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