Chapter 325

Under Ren Shuai's terrorist attack, the guests escaped from the villa smoothly.

At the end, the program team also filmed a scene where the puppet master was captured by the police and brought to justice.

Although the recording of the show was successfully completed, the guests who participated in the filming did not call off work and leave as usual. Instead, they all squatted in the dressing room, wanting to see how divine the npc actor who played the puppet master was.

It actually scared all of them to death, and definitely condemned them to comfort the mood that has not calmed down at this time.

As an actor, Xi Nuan was originally worried that she would be in the group to shoot big night scenes later, which might affect her sleep and beauty sleep.

Don't worry about it now.

It's best to shoot big night scenes this week, anyway, she will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

Cui Zixun was thinking that after recording so many episodes of Adventure House, although he occasionally wanted to escape from the recording, he had never yelled out directly like today.

He felt that the laurels of the king of mouth were about to fall.

The rest of the people also had different ideas, and Ai Siwei felt that his bold personality had collapsed, and his position as a tank could not be guaranteed.

Wu Hua and Pu Fan felt that they were standing firm as beating people and cowardly people, but they felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Several people were a little puzzled. Looking back carefully, there were actually no too intense scenes in this episode, but it just made people panic for no reason.

Especially the few people who have seen Ren Shuai's eyes.

I always feel that I dare not go to the toilet alone recently, let alone walk at night alone.

They gathered in the dressing room at this time, discussing the topic of Ren Shuai, and by the way recounted what happened before.

"I don't know where the director hired the actors. I can only say that the acting skills make my hair stand on end."

Xi Nuan recalled the last scene and rubbed the goosebumps on her hands again.

"Sister Nuan, if you hadn't been begging for help in a low voice, we wouldn't have fallen into the pit." Ai Siwei said very bluntly.

"I whispered for help? When?"

Xi Nuan only remembered that he called for help loudly, and his voice almost broke through the sky.

"Let me prove that it is your voice. Are you colluding with the program crew to record the sound to frame us?" Wu Hua asked while echoing.

"No way, it was Pu Fan and I who pushed the grass away when we heard your voice."

Xi Nuan didn't expect Wu Hua to sue the villain first.

After she finished speaking, she got proof from Pu Fan, and now the four of them fell silent, feeling that things were not that simple.

So several people turned their heads to Cui Zixun, who was the only one who didn't speak.

"I don't know what happened, I just heard the voice of Elsevi looking for me, and finally met that puppet master..."

Cui Zixun glanced resentfully at Aisi Wei, who had always trusted him, feeling that the other party had betrayed his trust.

The confessions of several people are not correct, the public says the public is right, and the mother-in-law says the mother-in-law is right.

So, like a reasoning show, they began to describe the process according to the characters and timeline. Unexpectedly, after a replay, they couldn't match everything.

Everyone's experience is horrifying.

Obviously the teammates were in another place, so who was talking to them at that time?

Several people had obviously finished the recording, but they felt like they were taking a breath of air.

"Mom, stop talking, I won't dare to come in the next issue if this continues."

Xi Nuan quickly stopped the discussion of several people.

At first, they thought it was a coincidence when they met an NPC with a similar voice to Pu Fan.

Looking back now, it is not just Pu Fan, everyone here has the same voice when they speak.

This is really scary.

A few people couldn't help thinking that during the filming of the program, there wouldn't be any unclean things.

Just as they fell into an eerie silence, the door of the dressing room was quietly pushed open.

Ren Shuai returned to the dressing room to remove his makeup after filming the scene of being captured by the police.

On his face, the make-up artist carefully painted several horrible scars, and also made some wrinkles and brown spots, highlighting the horror of the puppeteer.

Such a shape must be removed before going out.

Otherwise, every minute will scare and cry the children on the road.

However, before Ren Shuai entered the room, he just poked his face into the dressing room, and already scared a lot of guests to tears.



Several people who were falling into terrifying associations suddenly screamed in fright when they saw Ren Shuai's face like this.

This call actually startled Ren Shuai.

He never expected that so many people gathered in the dressing room, and they screamed in unison when he pushed the door open.

Could it be that a few people were frightened by the show and felt unwilling to wait here for him just to get revenge?
Ren Shuai thought so, closed the door of the dressing room, turned and went to the next door.

There is more than one dressing room in the program group.

When Cui Zixun and others saw the terrifying face, they opened the door and looked at it, then closed the door and left, with infinite doubts in their hearts.

Is the recording of this show over? Why is there still a feeling of escaping from a secret room?

This npc is too dedicated, there is no need to be so scary after the show ends.

No, that's beside the point, doesn't the actor take off his makeup?

A few people thought like this, and waited for a while, but they still didn't see Ren Shuai coming in again.

"Are we scaring him away?" Xi Nuan asked tentatively.

"No way."

"I didn't see that he was afraid, but I was taken aback again."

A few people muttered to each other, and Ai Siwei simply got up and walked to the door, saying, "I'll go and see the situation."

After he opened the door and went out, he wandered back and forth in the corridor twice, but did not see Ren Shuai, and suspected that Ren Shuai might have gone into another room.

But there were many dressing rooms and lounges in the program group, and it was a bit awkward to rush in to find someone, so he went straight back to the room and explained the situation.

Cui Zixun looked at the time and said, "Forget it, let's ask the director later. I have an announcement tonight, so I'll be leaving first."

Xi Nuan was a little reconciled, thinking that if she didn't see the true face of this npc, it would be difficult to unravel the fear knot in her heart, and she might have to maintain a psychological shadow for a week.

Others are also a little bit reconciled, always hoping to see how divine this scary npc is.

Just as Cui Zixun opened the door to leave the dressing room, Ren Shuai also finished removing his makeup, changed back into his own clothes, and prepared to leave.

The two met unexpectedly in the corridor.

Cui Zixun looked at Ren Shuai and said pleasantly, "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

Ren Shuai was speechless, thinking that we recorded a whole episode of the show with you, even if we didn't communicate much, but we have met face to face several times, so it's not impossible to recognize you.

Even if the makeup is a bit exaggerated, the eyes should be recognizable.

He didn't know at all that Cui Zixun didn't dare to look at him at all. As soon as he saw each other, he immediately exploded. He didn't have time to distinguish whether he knew someone or not.

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(End of this chapter)

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