From janitor to actor

Chapter 326 Acquaintances

Chapter 326 Acquaintances
"Recording the show here." Ren Shuai replied.

Cui Zixun nodded and smiled, "I'm also recording a program here, which program did you record?"

"Welcome to the adventure house." Ren Shuai replied quickly.

"Coincidentally, I also recorded this program, why didn't I see you in it?" Cui Zixun asked curiously.

"I saw you."

"Really, then you are inside..."

Cui Zixun was chatting, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Apart from the guests, of course there were only NPCs in their show.

It goes without saying what kind of part-time job Ren Shuai is playing. Cui Zixun's pupils gradually dilated, looking at Ren Shuai in disbelief.

"You actually acted as a puppet inside!"

Ren Shuai was defeated in an instant, thinking brother, your brain circuit can circle the earth twice.

The answer is so obvious, maybe it is to escape reality, guessing wrong on purpose...

Cui Zixun was not conscious of this at all, thinking in surprise, he heard that Mr. Li has developed well recently, and when the two of them collaborated in "Infernal Affairs" last time, Mr. Li played the role of the boss, and he was just playing the thug.

How come she has fallen to the point where she is acting like a passerby in a variety show.

No matter how popular their variety show is, it wouldn't be enough for Ren Shuai to just play an ordinary puppet in it.

Is it too much?

Cui Zixun kept diverging his thoughts, but when he heard the door of the dressing room behind him being pushed open again, Xi Nuan was unwilling to leave.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Seeing Cui Zixun standing in the corridor, Xi Nuan asked curiously.

"Meet an acquaintance, let me introduce you, this is..."

Before Cui Zixun finished speaking, Xi Nuan suddenly became excited and said loudly: "It's you, I know your eyes!"

Cui Zixun was surprised why Xi Nuan was so excited.

Ren Shuai showed a slight smile, thinking that if you look at other actresses, their eyes are sharp, and you can tell that you are a puppet master at a glance.

"I heard Luxi mention you, you were so handsome on the red carpet."

Xi Nuan laughed very gossip.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai's face was full of black lines. Could it be that the criteria for inviting guests on this show are brain circuits?

Why can't they see such an obvious thing.

Xi Nuan and Shen Luxi are half best friends in private, both of them are first-line female stars, and their acting styles are different. There is no conflict or competition, so they naturally become good friends who can communicate.

When she saw the news about Shen Luxi walking on the red carpet with the mysterious male star, she wentssip and praised Shen Luxi for her vision.

Later, I saw that Ren Shuai was the endorsement of Fendenko Nickey, and I lamented that although this actor is not young, he is very attractive, especially the contradictory eyes, which made her unforgettable at first sight.

Although Ren Shuai showed up without makeup today, Xi Nuan still recognized him through his eyes.

Cui Zixun coughed and said, "This is Teacher Li Laifu Li, who happened to be recording the same program as us."

"The same show?" Xi Nuan was a little surprised and asked in confusion, "Why didn't I see it?"

Ren Shuai was speechless.

He thought it was better not to explain at this time, otherwise Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan might not be able to get down.

So Ren Shuai turned around and left on the pretext that he still had something to deal with. It just so happened that the director came from the other side of the corridor. Seeing that Ren Shuai was about to leave, he hurriedly nodded politely.

"Mr. Li, thank you for your hard work. The effect of this episode of the program is really amazing. It's all thanks to you."

"You should, you're welcome."

Ren Shuai nodded politely, then continued to walk away.

When Ren Shuai walked around the corner, Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan met the director.

The program director didn't expect the two main guests to stay until now, and he didn't even expect that the door of the dressing room was pushed open and all the guests came out.

A few people stood in a row, staring at the director covetously, and said with an expression of pleading guilty: "Director Zhang, tell me honestly, where did the actor who played the role of the puppet master go?"

Director Zhang turned his head to look in the direction Ren Shuai left with a dazed expression, and asked, "Didn't you just meet?"

Just met?
Cui Zixun and Xi Nuan looked at each other, and they both saw the word incredible in each other's eyes.

"how is this possible?"

Cui Zixun blurted out, looked at the director in shock and said, "You said Teacher Li is a puppet master?"

The director nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course, you guys should know best how powerful Mr. Li's acting skills are."

Cui Zixun froze in place, recalling his conversation with Ren Shuai just now, he suddenly felt stupid and cried.

After hearing the director's words, Xi Nuan's eyes widened, as if he heard the sound of shattering the three views.

In her impression, Ren Shuai should be the kind of personable and charismatic senior in the entertainment industry. Even if he chooses a role, he must be someone like an old fairy.

How could it be that terrifying puppet master in the show?

Director you, liar!

No matter how his teammates reacted, Aisiwei was always obsessed with being imitated by others. His voice was very unique. During the voice-changing period, he had an illness, and he hadn't changed completely. Ordinary people couldn't imitate it at all.

He asked directly: "That person's voice is exactly the same as mine, what's going on?"

He didn't believe that the program group would ask the technical team to write their sound programs in order to create effects.

The director smiled triumphantly, but before he could answer, Cui Zixun clapped his hands as if he had suddenly realized.

"That's right, Mr. Li is a dubbing master. I've watched "Magnetic Charm" recorded by him and Ji Mingxi."

After listening to it, Ai Siwei still didn't believe it: "Impossible, even if you know ventriloquist, no one can imitate all of our voices exactly the same?"

When he said this, Xi Nuan suddenly remembered something, and said slowly: "I wonder why the name Li Laifu is so familiar. I participated in a sci-fi movie before, and the movie won the best sound effect award. That dubbing artist It's called Li Laifu, it can't be, it's the same person, right?"

The others couldn't understand it, so Wu Hua took out his phone and started searching.

"I'll go, it's true, he's still a teacher in the Dubbing Department of Meiying."

The few people were even more surprised after hearing this, thinking that the director had put too much effort this time, to invite such a big guy to play the role of puppet master, and it was not in vain that they were frightened into quails.

On the other side, Ren Shuai has already left by car. Today's recording time is not short, and it's almost dark, but he can't go back to rest yet.

Today he made an appointment for a night driving lesson at the driving school.

Ren Shuai's progress in learning to drive is very fast. As long as he has some spare time, he will use it to learn to drive. The learning progress has advanced to the actual road driving.

When he arrived at the driving school, he stepped on the spot. The coach and the students in the same car were already waiting for him.

When the coach saw him coming, he beckoned and said, "You should be in the back row first. This student comes first, so let her drive first."

Ren Shuai had no objection, nodded and got into the car.

As soon as he sat down, he looked up and saw an acquaintance in the driver's seat.

???Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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