From janitor to actor

Chapter 327 Yesterday Reappears

Chapter 327 Yesterday Reappears
It was Hu Yue, the quasi-road killer who had made an appointment with him for the first class at the same time.

What is she!

Ren Shuai suddenly had the urge to push the door and get out of the car.

It is important to get a driver's license, but it is still important to save your life.

Hu Yue naturally also remembered Ren Shuai. After all, most of the people who came to learn how to drive were young people, and Ren Shuai's age was rare.

Moreover, when Ren Shuai got into the car for the first time, he showed an amazing driving talent. In contrast, she felt ashamed.

No, in front of Ren Shuai, she was already nervous, and her palms were slightly sweating.

"Okay, let's start the ignition. Let's drive along this road, and then turn around at the flower bed. By the way, practice pulling over and then driving."

Hu Yue nodded stiffly. Today was her first practical road class. She didn't feel anything in the infield before. Today, when she saw other cars driving fast on the road, she suddenly became more nervous.

The coach probably taught a lot, so he didn't explain too much, and let her drive on the road.

Although Ren Shuai was sitting in the back row, he couldn't help but pull out his seat belt and put it on.

The coach glanced at him sideways, showing a disdainful smile, thinking that people are timid when they are old, how fast a student can drive, as for whether it is safe, it is a fuss.

Ren Shuai ignored the coach's gaze, staring at the road without blinking.

Originally, the vision is not good when driving at night, and it is Hu Yue who catches up with the driving, so of course, we should pay extra attention.

The living example of the last coach is still in front of his eyes.

Hu Yue took a deep breath and drove the car onto the main road. The private cars next to her passed her one after another, but she still kept her speed unchanged.

The coach couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Girl, we are driving, not taking a walk, you should speed up."

Hu Yue tensed up when he heard the words, and quickly stepped on the accelerator, shifting the gear to third gear.

The coach rarely felt a push back from this low-end coach car, but his neck was a little stretched.

After Hu Yue shifted into third gear, she came to an intersection. Fortunately, the light was green. The coach encouraged her to continue to work hard and try to drive through before the light turned red.

However, there was an old man next to him holding a shopping basket, and he crossed the road ahead of time before the signal light turned green.

Hu Yue said anxiously, "There's someone running a red light ahead!"

"Create him to death!"

Before the coach could speak, Ren Shuai immediately threw out this sentence.

"Ah, isn't that bad?"

Both the coach and Hu Yue were a little confused.

Ren Shuai stroked his forehead speechlessly, can't you hear this is a joke?

"Hurry up and brake!"

The coach reacted suddenly, but before he stepped on the secondary brake, he felt his whole body fall forward.

As expected of a young man, Hu Yue's reaction was faster than the coach's. When she heard the word "brake", she had already slammed her foot down.

The whole car squeaked to a sudden stop on the road, and then swayed back and forth a few times like a jelly bounce.

"you you you……"

The coach looked at Ren Shuai, who was sitting in the back row, holding on to his seat belt, and couldn't help but sigh that he had the foresight.

Looking at Hu Yue who was relieved in front of him again, he suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his neck, and he was out of breath.

This person was sent by the monkey to mess with his mentality.

"Go ahead, pull over, get out of the car!"

The coach really didn't expect that this little girl who looked so quiet could be so reckless when driving, stepping on the gas pedal and brake was like stepping on a cockroach, that was really cruel.

Hu Yue nodded obediently, then started the car, drove to the intersection and waited quietly for the red light.

After waiting for a long time, the coach looked at Hu Yue, who had his eyes empty, and said, "None of you like the color of this traffic light, why don't you turn it on?"

Hu Yue raised her head in a daze, and suddenly found that the signal light had already turned green, and hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal in a panic.

The coach stretched his neck, quickly pointed to the front and said, "That's it, pull over quickly."

"Coach, you can't stop ahead." Hu Yue replied in a low voice.

"Yes, we can't stop." Ren Shuai quickly echoed.

The coach was very speechless, turned his head with difficulty and asked, "Why can't it stop?"

"It's too dark and I can't see where the curb is, so I can't aim." Hu Yue explained seriously.


What are you doing, driving a car and aiming?
The coach kept slandering, and turned his head to look at Ren Shuai with difficulty, not understanding why he objected.

Ren Shuai glanced at the coach who disregarded life and death, and said sincerely: "There is a moat next to the road, and it is the kind without guardrails."

As soon as this remark came out, the coach suddenly realized, deeply convinced, nodded and said: "Turn around ahead and stop on the opposite side of the road."

Hu Yue nodded, but felt that Ren Shuai was connoting her.

What does a moat have to do with being able to park...

Ren Shuai finally finished his dreadful routine of learning to drive. Since he got in the car, he never handed over the steering wheel to Hu Yue.

As for Hu Yue's experience of learning to drive, it was not within his consideration.

As the saying goes, sincerity of friendship is precious, and the price of life is higher.

Ren Shuai was tired enough playing the scary role of puppet master today, and he had to go through such an exciting car learning scene at night, which was a bit exhausting.

He couldn't help thinking, is it God's punishment for scaring others?

After returning to the dormitory unscathed, Ren Shuai threw himself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep instantly.

Although he slept unkempt, Ren Shuai woke up early the next day on time.

It is not a biological clock in the traditional sense, but it is indeed a living biological clock.

Xiao Jin, the new assistant sent by Cui Shaoyu, officially took up his post. He called the morning service directly and pulled Ren Shuai out of his slumber.

"Morning, Teacher Li." Xiao Jin on the phone said hello politely.

You know it's early, Ren Shuai complained in his heart, clearing his throat that was a little stuffy because he just woke up.


Xiaojin originally thought that she should meet Ren Shuai in person on her first day on the job, but she had just finished her work on the set, and Ren Shuai just happened to come to work on the set, so there was no need to make a fuss.

It's fine for the two to meet directly on the set.

After Ren Shuai greeted her, he knew the main purpose of her call.

Wei Yan's crew of "Avenue" has been in production for a while, and Ren Shuai was cast by the director to play the role of teacher, and his scenes will be filmed in the next few days, so it's time for him to join the crew.

Ren Shuai originally thought that if the actor named Xu Zhi wanted to compete with him for the role of teacher, he would not give up easily, at least he should trigger the task for him.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement in the past few days, and the director did not convey the idea of ​​changing to him.

He was a little disappointed that he was about to enter the group so smoothly.

Ren Shuai briefly washed up, and his mind woke up, so why not go for a stroll around the campus and report for registration by the way.

He didn't make an announcement today, because it was the school's freshman report day, and he needed to sign in to get the dormitory key.

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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