Chapter 330
Ren Shuai thought that if he asked him to write the paper, it would be more difficult than asking him to do the questions.

"The exam is divided into usual grades and final grades. Usually, there are some sign-in and classroom imitation dubbing and the like, but the final exam is not a paper, but a paper, the kind that needs to be checked."

The female teacher showed an expression that you may not understand, but I can continue to explain.

For papers that require plagiarism checks, it is hell difficult for students, which means that they cannot directly copy the papers.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai couldn't restrain his smile.

Good job writing a thesis!
If he is writing a thesis, he doesn't need to issue papers.

Seeing Ren Shuai's happy face, the female teacher became puzzled.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but why did she feel that after Ren Shuai heard the news, instead of feeling lucky, he was a little excited instead?
Ren Shuai was immersed in joy, finally came back to his senses, and quickly smiled and said: "This news is really useful, thank you!"

"You're welcome, just remember not to take these courses."

The female teacher asked again very worriedly.

Ren Shuai nodded seriously, thinking that these courses must be arranged, except for his own dubbing appreciation.

He doesn't want to write a paper either.

After walking out of the corridor, Ren Shuai went straight back to the dormitory. Although today was called a holiday, he had to fly to the set at night.

There are still a few days before the start of school, and this period of time is just right to join the group to finish filming the movie "Avenue".

At this time, Cui Shaoyu was busy, and the horror film she invested in was about to be released, and she needed a lot of cooperation in the early stage.

After all, it was her own company, and she not only had to play the role of agent well, but also fulfilled the responsibilities of various investors and producers.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai now has an assistant, Xiao Jin, to help him take care of some things that Cui Shaoyu doesn't need to personally do.

Under normal circumstances, after the platform sets the broadcast date, it needs to conduct a series of promotional poster shooting and online live broadcast warm-up.

However, Mu Xiaoqing couldn't get away for a while because the broadcast of Gongdouju was booming.

And Ren Shuai is also in a state of being full of film appointments, so he can't participate in the event for the time being.

The main reason is that this drama is a niche horror movie. If the two main actors are not well-known, I am afraid that no one will pay attention to it.

There is not much publicity on the platform.

Cui Shaoyu could only use his own contacts to find people everywhere for multi-channel publicity.

In the evening, Ren Shuai finally rushed to the production set stepping on the moonlight. Unexpectedly, it was Wei Yan who greeted him in person.

Ren Shuai doesn't have many roles, so he only needs to concentrate on filming for a few days before leaving.

Originally, his roles were scattered, but later, in order to take care of Ren Shuai's time, both the director and Wei Yan adjusted the molestation slightly so that he could focus on shooting without delaying other announcements.

After seeing Ren Shuai coming, Wei Yan greeted him warmly at first, but then her face was a little complicated, feeling hesitant to speak.

After Ren Shuai checked his words, he tentatively asked: "Is there any change in the crew?"

Wei Yan showed embarrassment when she heard the words, and said apologetically, "Mr. Li, I am sorry for you this time. I promised to shoot your scene tomorrow, but that Xu Zhi seems to be a little bit off the hook, and even ran to When the crew came to find the director, they insisted that they wanted to play the role of a teacher."

Ren Shuai was overjoyed when he heard this.

He thought Xu Zhi gave up, but he didn't expect to be so persistent, he is really a good person.

The so-called good people are rewarded, he has to thank the other party.

After Wei Yan told the news, she carefully observed Ren Shuai's expression.

Generally, old artists are very disciplined, unless there is some major festival, otherwise they will definitely not be able to do this kind of thing like rushing to the scene to grab a role.

She thought to herself, when Teacher Li encountered this kind of thing, he would get angry immediately without getting angry.

Unexpectedly, she saw Ren Shuai showing a happy expression, which did not seem to be fake at all.

Wei Yan was very surprised and thought, could this be the self-cultivation of an old artist.

No, even if she was a bystander, she couldn't bear this kind of thing, let alone Ren Shuai, the person involved.

Could it be that he laughed back angrily?

Would Mr. Li want to beat Xu Zhi to death now?

"You, are you okay? Because Xu Zhi came to the set suddenly, I didn't get any news, so I didn't have time to inform you." Wei Yan explained nervously.

Ren Shuai smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's a good thing."

good thing?

Wei Yan really failed to grasp this logic, she said: "But don't worry, since the director has agreed to play this role for you, he will definitely reject Xu Zhi, at worst, he will be assigned another role, I will tell him right away."

"No, just let him play this role, it's fine."

Ren Shuai quickly stopped Wei Yan from calling the director.

Wei Yan froze on the spot directly, with countless thoughts in her mind, could it be that Teacher Li temporarily gave up this role because she didn't want to offend Xu Zhi and wanted to make a good relationship with it, or maybe he didn't like this role at all, just to free up the schedule Do something else?

Even if she thought about it, she couldn't keep up with Ren Shuai's train of thought.

Who can know that he is in order to complete the task?

"Come on, let's meet the director together."

Ren Shuai was worried that the director really rejected Xu Zhi in order to take care of his face, so the task he got was to fly.

You have to strengthen it before you can rest assured.

Wei Yan couldn't figure out what Ren Shuai was thinking for a while, so she simply gave up thinking and led him obediently to the director's room.

"Please come in."

When the director heard the knock on the door, he responded quickly.

At this moment, he was not the only one in his room, beside him was Xu Zhi who had come to look for him.

The director was really embarrassed to refuse him face to face, so he could only save the country with curves, using the dragging formula, and when he heard the knock on the door, he felt as if he had received amnesty.

I thought someone finally came to break the embarrassing atmosphere at this time.

But the moment he opened the door, he was even more embarrassed.

Isn't this the legendary enemy's narrow road?

Xu Zhi, who was sitting in the room, wanted to grab the role of teacher, and Ren Shuai, who had decided to play the role of teacher, came outside the door.

If the two met, wouldn't they be popular?

The director's heart tightened, and he didn't dare to lead Ren Shuai into the room immediately, so he stood at the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you came so soon."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, didn't your crew inform me to arrive early tonight? Why do you act like you don't know.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Shuai reacted.

The director didn't bring him into the house for a long time, probably because there were people inside and it was inconvenient to meet him.

If this is the case, there are only two kinds of people who are inconvenient for Ren Shuai to see, one is the director's relatives and friends, and the other is Xu Zhi.

Since the director came to open the door openly, there is no doubt that Xu Zhi is in the room.

This is not a coincidence.

Ren Shuai thought about this clearly within half a second, and immediately said loudly enthusiastically: "Director, I heard that Mr. Xu wants to compete with me for the same role, that's very good, as actors, we should have this kind of competitive spirit. If you don't turn it on for a day, you don't own it for a day."

After listening to the director, he was instantly confused.

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(End of this chapter)

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