Chapter 331
Before the director could ask a question, Ren Shuai continued: "I agree to compete fairly with Mr. Xu for this role."

His voice was loud enough for Xu Zhi to hear.

The director was very puzzled, how could someone hand over their roles to others?
Could it be that he admired Xu Zhi very much, or did he feel owed for stealing Xu Zhi's role as the old god, and wanted to make up for it this time?
Ren Shuai didn't know that the director thought of him so kindly.

But he considers himself a kind-hearted old man.

Wei Yan, who came with Ren Shuai, was also puzzled, but she had given up thinking. Anyway, Ren Shuai always had his reasons for doing so.

When Xu Zhi in the room heard this, he immediately got up and walked towards the door, looked Shuai Ren up and down a few times before saying, "You are Teacher Li, I have long admired you."

Although he spoke polite words, his expression was very cold.

The director turned his head to look at Xu Zhi, feeling a little speechless. Before, he felt that Xu Zhi wanted to play this role because of the actor's obsession, but now he saw that Xu Zhi was clearly aiming at Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai kindly proposed fair competition, but Xu Zhi still acted like he was superior, which was really not decent.

Although he was speechless, the director felt that there was no need for him to be a sinner due to the grievances between the two of them.

So he said: "It just so happens that Mr. Xu also came to discuss with me about the role. I was still thinking about how to talk to Mr. Li. Since you both agree to fair competition, let's work hard for the two of you to try the show."

The crew will be filming tomorrow, so naturally they can't delay the progress, even if the time is short, they can only audition on the spot.

In fact, Xu Zhi not only found a director this time, but also found a producer.

The producer heard that he had lowered his salary for reasons of self-decrease and acted at a very low price. He was quite moved.

But Ren Shuai signed the contract, so the crew naturally couldn't break the contract.

It's just that if Ren Shuai fails the competition and withdraws voluntarily, the crew will not have any contract disputes, and the two parties can negotiate to terminate the contract.

The producer and the director have already got along with each other, no matter who plays the role of the two, the crew will not lose money.

Xu Zhi was a little dissatisfied after hearing this, because of his celebrity position, he seldom auditioned, and the crew handed him the script directly, letting him choose at will.

If it is necessary to give it a try as the main character, for such a small supporting role, it would be condescending for him to be able to play it.

However, because he was dissatisfied with Ren Shuai's popularity as an old fairy and turned to finding fault, he could only reluctantly agree.

"Okay, just try it for a short time, but who's going to judge?"

He looked at the director, thinking that the other party obviously intended to reject him, what if the director's evaluation favored Ren Shuai?
Hearing this, the director hesitated, and turned to look at Ren Shuai.

I saw that Ren Shuai was smiling now, as if he had encountered a good thing, and he didn't look like he was being robbed of his role at all.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the achievement task: No one can take my role (3/3), play the original role, reward achievement value 1 point]

Ren Shuai was immersed in the joy of triggering the task at this time, and his expression naturally showed joy.

Xu Zhi is really a kind person.

He is happy now, everything is pleasing to the eye, and when Xu Zhi asked who would set the judging criteria, he said very casually: "Mr. Xu, you can decide."

Xu Zhi didn't expect Ren Shuai to be so talkative, not only not annoyed at all, but also handed over the initiative to him?

If things go wrong, there will be death.

He didn't answer right away, but thought silently.

He thought to himself that Ren Shuai might be trying to make progress by retreating, pretending to be good and paralyzing himself. Once he feels embarrassed, he will be at a disadvantage.

Now that he has figured it out, he can't fall into the routine.

Xu Zhi thought about it, and proposed a rule that was most beneficial to him.

In this way, even if Ren Shuai finds out the flowers, he won't be able to keep the role.

He said with a smile: "Director, didn't I get the script before, and after studying it carefully, I found out that the role of the teacher is from Yu City, so even if he teaches, he must have difficulty hiding his accent."

When he said this, he stopped and glanced at Ren Shuai, but saw that the other party's expression seemed a little subtle.

Xu Zhi secretly laughed in his heart, you didn't expect it now, did you?

He is a native of Yushi, and when it comes to the dialect of Yushi, no one can speak more clearly and standardly than him.

Ren Shuai is a northerner, even if he has heard the Yushi dialect, he must not be able to speak it well.

Since Ren Shuai wanted to be high-spirited, he would make a fuss and see how the other party turned around.

Ren Shuai felt a little overjoyed, isn't it on the back of his hand?

He looked at Xu Zhi with a complicated expression, thought for a while and then confirmed, "Are you sure?"

The old God Xu Zhi is here, although he wants to make Ren Shuai admit defeat directly, but at this time in front of the director and Wei Yan, he still can't do too much, lest the reputation be harmed.

So he pretended to be polite but said aggressively: "If you think you can't win, I can change to another one."

Ren Shuai waved his hand quickly.

I thought to myself that you want to be polite to me, then I will not be polite.

"That's it, let's compare it to this." He nodded repeatedly for confirmation.

Both Wei Yan and the director felt that Xu Zhi was really bullying, but Ren Shuai agreed.

This is too easy to bully, right?

Seeing that he agreed, Xu Zhi immediately smiled and said: "If you agree, it will be easy. There must be many Yushi people in the crew. Let them be the judges. While watching our acting skills, we will also consider whether the lines are qualified or not. "

Wei Yan was a little bit aggrieved for Ren Shuai, feeling that Xu Zhi's actions were too disrespectful of martial arts, and she was about to interject when she took a step forward.

However, Ren Shuai quickly stood in front of her, blocked Wei Yanren's gaze, and stretched out his hand first: "Then it's a deal."

Xu Zhi looked at Ren Shuai with some doubts, and always felt that the other party agreed too happily, as if it was a fraud.

But after he thought about it again, he was sure of this matter, and there would never be a reversal.

"It's not too late. I don't need to prepare in advance. I can just perform directly. Then I will trouble the director to find some staff from Yu City." Xu Zhi turned to look at the director and said.

Seeing that the two reached an agreement, the director nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call a few people."

If it weren't for the fact that both of them are old actors, the director wouldn't worry about it.

Seeing that Ren Shuai agreed to do so, Wei Yan couldn't understand more, and while the director was calling for someone, she asked in a low voice: "Mr. Li, this Xu Zhi is from Yu City, and his dialect is the same as his mother tongue. You, you Did you also live in Yushi?"

Ren Shuai smiled very modestly and said, "No."

Wei Yan was stunned for a moment, thinking that you can still laugh.

I don't know if I should say broad-minded, or...?

After a while, the director recruited five staff members from Yushi, including props team, lighting team, makeup artist and an actor.

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(End of this chapter)

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