From janitor to actor

Chapter 335 Article 1

Chapter 335 One Article

It was the first time for the director to work with Ren Shuai, and he didn't know how he was doing on set. Although he tried a little scene last night, there were only three lines, so nothing could be seen.

However, he had often heard Wei Yan praise Ren Shuai before, saying that his acting skills are very good, and he can basically pass one.

For these compliments, the director just laughed them off and never took them seriously.

These words are just commercial bragging between actors. Who has excellent acting skills and a rigorous attitude, but there are very few actors who can really pass by.

It's just that the director didn't believe that Shuai could just pass by.

After seeing that all the departments were in place, the director and Ren Shuai described the effect he wanted to present.

Ren Shuai did not make his own understanding and processing of the director's request like other old artists, but nodded obediently.

This made the director a little surprised. Generally speaking, veteran artists have accumulated a wealth of experience and have their own ideas about how to deal with characters.

When the director's request disagrees with them, they usually bring it up for discussion.

It's a pity that Ren Shuai is only wearing an old artist's coat, and the core has not yet reached that level.

He naturally obeyed the director's request, even if he had any ideas, he would not rashly raise them.

Seeing that Shuai Ren was in place, the director immediately shouted: "Attention all departments, start the machine."

Ren Shuai put down the laser pointer in his hand, looked up and said to the front: "Okay, that's all for today, students, don't forget the quiz tomorrow, go home and review it carefully, get out of class is over."

There was only one line in this scene, and after finishing speaking, Ren Shuai nodded and turned to leave.

To say that such an ordinary scene can't perform too exciting things, but the director asked Ren Shuai to show the hard work and seriousness of the teacher in this short shot.

Actors need to express in order to make the characters fuller.

But Ren Shuai has no chance to express in this shot at all. If you want people to feel the characteristics of the character, you can only present it through every look and movement.

But this is not enough to achieve the effect required by the director.

However, Ren Shuai's performance made the director stop directly, not because he was too ordinary, but because he completed it too perfectly.

The director looked at the return interview on the monitor repeatedly, and said with an incredible expression: "This is really a mistake."

As everyone knows, although Ren Shuai looks ordinary on the surface, he has put a lot of thought into that one just now.

After all, it was the first scene after joining the group, so of course he couldn't be careless.

It is said that the first impression is very important, once he does not perform well, not only will he be ashamed, but Wei Yan's reputation will also decline.

Wei Yan kindly introduced him to a job, and Ren Shuai naturally couldn't hold him back.

Besides, he had heard from his assistant Xiao Jin that Wei Yan often praised him in front of the director, and even the other veteran actors in the crew were jealous.

Many people expressed dissatisfaction, feeling that Ren Shuai was not that good, Wei Yan was exaggerating.

In this regard, Ren Shuai certainly can't let his own people lose face, and he must set up people with superb acting skills no matter what.

Even if it's just a supporting role, don't be sloppy.

His seemingly ordinary performance just now actually used body cards secretly to help him show the teacher's physical fatigue. Although his actions were simply putting down the laser pointer and packing up the textbooks, there was actually a hidden mystery.

He deliberately controlled every small movement, just to show the teacher's physical fatigue, coupled with the eager hope in his eyes, it will make people feel that he has been trying hard to finish the class. Talk about a good feeling.

At the same time, Ren Shuai even controlled his breathing, and deliberately paused at the mouth of his breath to strengthen the detailed portrayal of the characters.

In this way, it will give people an initial impression that the teacher is very dedicated.

The processing of these details together instantly enriches the image of a character in a short period of time.

The director watched the replay a few times and thought that Wei Yancheng was not deceiving me, Teacher Li's acting skills are really extraordinary.

Ordinary people still need a process of running-in and use when joining the group. No one can pass the first shot like Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai saw that the director didn't speak, so he took the initiative to ask: "Does the director need to keep another one?"

Hearing this, the director quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, this one is very good, pass it."

The director of this drama is a straightforward person. He is very confident in his eyes. After knowing that this one meets the requirements, he will never waste time asking the actors to keep another one.

I feel that it is not necessary to waste time and exhaust the energy of the actors.

"Take a shot directly."

The next scene is that the inspection team came to the school to investigate the teachers.

Ren Shuai received a notice from the principal and asked him to go to the conference room to cooperate with the questioning.

Wei Yan is a key member of the inspection team, and she is also in charge of the investigation task this time.

Today, Wei Yan was notified to wait for the show at 9:[-], because the director thought that Ren Shuai would at least have to shoot for a while, and it would be bad if the heroine waited too long, but he didn't expect Ren Shuai to pass one.

Fortunately, Wei Yan is very confident in Ren Shuai's acting skills. After inquiring about the content of Ren Shuai's filming in the morning, she notified her assistant to arrive an hour earlier.

Coincidentally, when Wei Yan was ready to pose and arrived, Ren Shuai would have finished filming.

The director was grateful for a moment, feeling that Wei Yan had a foresight and saved the crew a lot of time.

However, Wei Yan was a little annoyed, she thought she came early enough, at least she could watch Ren Shuai's performance.

But unexpectedly, after she came, she heard that Ren Shuai's solo scene had been completed.

After all the calculations, she did not expect that Ren Shuai would perform so smoothly in the first scene in the group. Even though he had expected it, Ren Shuai still exceeded her imagination.

Fortunately, there will be her rivalry with Ren Shuai in the future, and there will be many opportunities to watch and learn.

Thinking of this, Wei Yan couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Although she has collaborated with other old actors in the crew on many scenes in the early stage, Wei Yan always feels that Ren Shuai is different from them.

Whether it's personal characteristics or acting skills, Wei Yan always feels that Ren Shuai is an existence that can inspire her performance inspiration and creative passion.

Only by cooperating with such people can sparks be sparked.

After the director saw Wei Yan approaching, he took the initiative to walk over and said in a low voice, "Your vision is really good. This Mr. Li's acting skills are like this."

As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up.

Wei Yan felt very tolerant. It was her selfish intention to introduce Ren Shuai to the film crew. Now that Ren Shuai has been appreciated by the director, she is naturally very honored.

After the director finished speaking, he began to prepare for the next shot.

Next, Ren Shuai and Wei Yan will have some verbal confrontation and mutual testing.

Wei Yan, as the person in charge of this investigation, naturally hopes to obtain evidence that Ren Shuai received benefits, and is dealing with him.

However, after a lot of research in the early stage, the progress was not smooth. Ren Shuai did too much to conceal the information, and did not allow her to obtain any actual evidence.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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