From janitor to actor

Chapter 336: A Good Director in the World

Chapter 336: A Good Director in the World

When no actual evidence was obtained, the personnel of the investigation team did not want to startle the snake, but after some discussion in the meeting, the leaders thought that it was necessary to take the initiative to beat and test the teachers.

Since they couldn't get any clues, let the teacher mess around and take the initiative to reveal his feet, so that the investigation team can tear a hole.

Today, the members of the investigation team played by Wei Yan came here specially for the teacher played by Ren Shuai.

Her purpose is to have a conversation with the teacher, state her interests, and get the clues the investigation team wants by observing words and expressions or just a few words.

The teacher played by Ren Shuai is not yet aware of the investigation, but he believes that he is secretive and will not be easily caught.

The director gave a brief explanation and announced the start of filming.

Wei Yan sat in the room, sitting upright, she looked like a capable and strong woman.

Ren Shuai pushed the door open and showed his usual gentle smile when he saw her. At this time, he didn't know Wei Yan's identity. He only heard that someone was looking for him, so he made an appointment to the reception room.

Wei Yan is worthy of an acting school. After seeing Ren Shuai, she showed a professional smile and stretched out her hand: "Hello, Teacher Sun, I am Zhu Fang from the investigation team of F. Today I want to talk to you about your school's entrance exam." matter."

Ren Shuai looked at her, and when he heard Wei Yan's identity, his expression froze indistinctly, but he quickly returned to nature, and his attitude became more enthusiastic: "So it's the leader of the investigation team, please sit down quickly, please drink Tea."

As he spoke, he picked up the teapot attentively and prepared to pour water.

"No, let's make a long story short, sit down."

Wei Yan rejected his offer of tea in a very businesslike manner, and then pointed at the seat instead of the customer, meaning to let him sit down quickly.

In this performance, both of them played very naturally. Although it was the first time they played against each other, the director felt that both of them were in their own roles and played very well.

Especially Wei Yan, as a member of the investigation team, represented the party of justice, so she had to show her handling of the opponent in terms of arrogance.

Satisfied, the director didn't stop and let the two continue to perform.

Ren Shuai smiled honestly when he heard what Wei Yan said, but he didn't put down the teapot.

He still went his own way and poured water for Wei Yan, before putting it down in front of her unhurriedly.

"If you have anything to say, please say it."

Wei Yan looked at Ren Shuai's actions and was a little dazed. There was no description of Ren Shuai pouring water for him in the previous script. She only said that she asked the other party not to pour water, and began to question.

Ren Shuai's rhythm was different from what was written in the script, and Wei Yan was a little jumpy, but she still relied on her solid professional skills to forcefully pull back the state.

However, this subtle change did not escape the director's eyes, and he resolutely stopped it.

"The two performed very well just now, let's start filming after pouring water."

The director also didn't ask why Wei Yan's state fluctuated, at least he told her to continue acting from behind.

But Wei Yan, who is very obsessed with acting, brought it up on her own initiative. She didn't believe that Shuai Xin deliberately tripped her up, and then suddenly added actions that were not in the script.

However, most actors will tell their opponents in advance when adding actions, so that people can be prepared.

As an old artist, Ren Shuai must know this.

This made her overestimate Ren Shuai. Although Ren Shuai had participated in many works, he had been in the industry for less than half a year.

Just now, Ren Shuai just subconsciously felt that adding the action of pouring water would be more realistic, so he acted it out naturally.

He never expected that Wei Yan would be unable to catch the scene because of this action.

Wei Yan looked at Ren Shuai in confusion and said, "Mr. Li, did you have any deep meaning in adding water just now?"

She is in awe of acting, and even loves it like crazy, unwilling to let go of every opportunity to learn and improve.

It is rare to cooperate with Ren Shuai in a rivalry scene, and she feels that every move of Ren Shuai should have a lot of meaning.

This stopped Ren Shuai from asking.

His performance just now is a feeling of blessing to the soul, and the action of pouring water is more in line with the character of the character.

But suddenly asked him to explain, really can't find any reason for a while.

He could only delay the time, did not answer the question, and instead asked: "Your state seemed to jump suddenly just now, is it not suitable for acting with me?"

Wei Yan's attention was indeed attracted by the words, and she quickly waved her hands to explain: "I was watching you pour water, and I was a little distracted, no, I'm not saying that it's inappropriate for you to pour water, but I'm not ready."

When Ren Shuai heard this, it suddenly dawned on him that Wei Yan was in a daze just now because he added a little action.

In his mind, an actor's performance itself is a kind of artistic creation, and it is normal for him to suddenly adjust the content presented when he is touched during the performance.

Unexpectedly, this small change prevented Wei Yan from catching the scene. It seems that the sudden addition of actions requires communication with the opponent actors in advance.

He thought he had to explain clearly, but he couldn't explain why he suddenly wanted to pour water just now.

While he was silently thinking about the reason, the director suddenly walked over with a smile.

"Xiao Wei, this is because you are inexperienced, isn't it? I can tell that Mr. Li is deliberately playing for you."

The director looked like a bystander, and looked at Ren Shuai with admiration before saying to Wei Yan: "If this scene is performed according to the usual method, at most it is your character who is testing him with righteous words, and he avoids the serious and ignores it." Let you get nothing, this kind of performance is too ordinary, there is no highlight.

Moreover, your character will appear to be too incompetent because of nothing to gain, which will make the audience feel bored and disgusted with your character.

But according to Mr. Li's acting, it will be different immediately. Don't underestimate the action of pouring water. If he really obeys your advice and sits down to listen to your questions, how can he show his cunning and difficult to deal with? .

If you can't reflect the cunning under his honest appearance, how can you express the difficulty of your temptation to him.

Without this difficulty, how could your final failure be understood by the audience? "

After the director finished a long paragraph, Wei Yan suddenly understood.

It turned out that Ren Shuai did this to make her character more understandable, and at the same time strengthen the rationality of the story.

Sure enough, he is a powerful senior.

However, Teacher Li can also inform her in advance so that she can be mentally prepared...

Just halfway through this thought, Wei Yan suddenly raised her head and met Ren Shuai's gaze.

I saw Ren Shuai looked at the director with unusually complicated eyes, and then turned his eyes to her, showing a trace of gratitude.

Wei Yan was instantly ashamed, thinking that she had lost her.

Ren Shuai's gaze was directly interpreted by her as "Fortunately, the director helped to explain, otherwise Wei Yan might not understand at all. It's useless for her to have a reputation of strength, thinking she can catch the scene."

Wei Yan's face turned red after she finished her brainstorming, thinking that Ren Shuai thought highly of her, so he added the action without notifying her in advance, thinking that she could catch it with her level, but in the end she skipped the show.

what a shame.

Ren Shuai stood by and silently added a chicken leg to the director.

A good director in the world.

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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