Chapter 337
With the help of the director, Ren Shuai's image instantly improved, and Wei Yan's admiration for him was even more indescribable.

Ren Shuai was a little embarrassed, coughed and said, "Director, let's continue filming."

"Yes, continue to shoot, starting after pouring water."

After the director nodded, he wanted to explain a few words at first, but later he thought about Ren Shuai's strength, so he saved his tongue.

Wei Yan thought to herself that she didn't perform well just now, and she must perform well in the future.

The two took their seats again, Wei Yan took a deep breath, looked at the teacup in front of her, noncommittal, but her expression was slightly serious.

"I just want to know about our school's entrance exam. Can you tell me the details?"

Her tone was very cold, showing that she was not very satisfied with Ren Shuai's actions just now.

Ren Shuai's expression was still very kind, and he smiled gently and said: "Our school entrance examination is very open and transparent, with strict procedures and confidentiality measures. Why do you want to know these things?"

Wei Yan looked at Ren Shuai's eyes with a trace of scrutiny, and then said: "We have received news that someone reported that your school has cheated among the candidates for admission, and privately traded admission places."

After Wei Yan finished speaking, she stared at Ren Shuai for a moment, trying to catch every change in his expression.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai laughed and laughed, his eyelids drooped slightly to hide the look in his eyes, and then he immediately waved his hand in denial.

"This is absolutely impossible. The content of the exams in our school is strictly confidential. The teachers who produced the papers also signed a non-disclosure agreement. They even divided the AB papers, just to prevent leakage of the questions."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, his expression became very calm and sincere, and he seemed extremely cooperative.

However, Wei Yan had a gleam in her eyes, ignoring Ren Shuai's attitude and said: "Since the topic cannot be leaked, what about the process of judging the paper?"

When Ren Shuai asked her, many emotions flashed in his eyes, he had already made up his mind, and the expression on his face was no longer as surprised as it was at the beginning.

He replied very fluently: "Our teachers who judge the papers all grade the papers in a centralized manner, and conduct blind review. The names of the candidates are all sealed, and there is no way to cheat."

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Wei Yan showed a smile and said, "You must be responsible for what you said. Once we find out that there is a problem, do you know the consequences?"

Ren Shuai's smile stopped immediately, and then he showed a cautious and innocent expression: "If you think there is a problem, go and check it out, I have already told you everything I know."

Wei Yan's expression became serious, and she looked at Ren Shuai with a very unkind expression, and asked again: "Then do you feel any abnormalities in the test results, such as students who are excellent in the entrance examination, but are mediocre after admission?" strange?"

When Ren Shuai heard this, he didn't answer immediately, instead he picked up the teacup and gave way to Wei Yan.

This time, Wei Yan was not surprised by Ren Shuai's action like last time, instead she had expected it, and she was not moved at all.

Seeing this, Ren Shuai picked up the teacup in front of him and took a long sip. He said slowly, "Students always perform well and sometimes fail. You can't generalize."

Wei Yan knew that there was nothing to ask when she heard the words, she got up and said, "Okay, I just briefly understand the situation today, so I won't waste your time. If there is anything else to do later, maybe I will trouble you again." Cooperate."

Ren Shuai also stood up, glanced at Wei Yan's untouched teacup on the table, picked it up and said with a smile, "I'll definitely cooperate. If you have any questions, you can call me anytime."

After speaking, he brought the teacup to Wei Yan's eyes, signaling her to take a sip before leaving.

Wei Yan didn't think much about it, she still had a serious expression, nodded and said: "Then I will trouble you."

After speaking, she reached out her hand naturally, took a sip from the teacup, put it down, turned and walked out.

This made Ren Shuai stunned for a moment, and before he could express anything, the director had already yelled "Ka".

Wei Yan was a little curious, seeing that the scene was about to end, why didn't the director wait for her to turn around and walk out the door before calling a stop.

And when she was drinking tea, Yu Guangzhong saw a trace of surprise and surprise on Ren Shuai's face.

Wei Yan felt that she had caught the scene this time, there shouldn't be any omissions, and the whole person was immersed in the role without skipping the scene.

She turned her head and glanced at Ren Shuai, thinking that Mr. Li's unexpected expression just now was a bit inappropriate, which made the director stop.

But an actor like Mr. Li shouldn't make such low-level mistakes.

While Wei Yan was thinking about it by herself, the director walked over and said, "Xiao Wei, in the end you took a sip from the teacup, what do you want to express?"

Wei Yan said: "I thought, since the teacher has handed me tea three times, it must be for the sake of showing favor and trying to disguise myself as a good old man, then I might as well just follow his will and drink this cup of tea for him to drink." Let your guard down."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai just wanted to raise his hand to caress his forehead.

The director didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "We don't need to think about such complicated things, I'm afraid the audience won't be able to understand."

Wei Yan was puzzled, thinking that the first time Ren Shuai poured him tea was to show that the role of teacher had his own ideas and he didn't want to cooperate with the investigation team.

The second time Ren Shuai let her in when he wanted to drink tea, this time it should be to show his favor, but she refused that time.

In the end, when she was about to leave, Ren Shuai let her go again, probably because she didn't drink the second time, and wanted to show her kindness again in order to paralyze the investigation team.

Wei Yan thought to herself, since this is the case, why not take a sip from the teacup on the surface and paralyze the other party in reverse. Is this understanding wrong?

She looked at Ren Shuai with proving eyes, hoping to get an answer from him.

But doomed to no solution.

Ren Shuai let her drink water for the second time, just because his mouth was a little dry and he wanted to drink water, and he thought that if this character drank tea by himself, regardless of the guests, it would be too condescending.

So he took advantage of the opportunity to give Wei Yan a break, signaling her to drink too.

It doesn't matter whether Wei Yan refuses or not.

But in the end, when Wei Yan was about to leave, he took the initiative to hand over the teacup to Wei Yan, just to show the character's frugality.

The water is all poured out, it would be too wasteful to leave without drinking.

It's just that he didn't expect that Wei Yan just took a sip and didn't finish the drink, which was a bit perfunctory.

At this moment, the director suddenly said: "Mr. Li is not showing his favor. He handed you the teacup twice. The timing is very clever. I don't know if you noticed?"

Wei Yan looked at the director with an expression of ignorance and eagerness to hear more about it.

Ren Shuai looked at the director with a very surprised expression, showing what you said.

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(End of this chapter)

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