From janitor to actor

Chapter 339 Extraordinary Good News

Chapter 339 Extraordinary Good News

Wei Yan and Ren Shuai's "Silent Business Warfare" is the work of Zhou Xuan. Anyone who has worked with him knows how difficult it is for Zhou Xuan to speak.

Don't even think about asking for leave from his crew.

Although Zhou Cun was very tolerant towards Ren Shuai, he had delayed shooting for a long time, so he couldn't keep procrastinating.

Wei Yan knew that it would be impossible to ask Ren Shuai to meet the group next week, but she didn't intend to give up.

She walked into the elevator with Ren Shuai, and continued to speak: "I heard that in addition to meeting the group next week, there will be another meeting in half a month. Do you have time at that time? I can also make time to meet you go together."

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and muttered: "Half a month later, it seems that there is no..."

He had just finished speaking when the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

Ren Shuai could only apologize to Wei Yan, stepped out of the elevator and picked up the phone.

"Ms. Li, good news, great news!"

On the phone, Cui Shaoyu's rare tone was extremely excited, and the volume of his speech was twice as high.

Ren Shuai glanced at the caller ID in surprise, and found out that it was indeed Cui Shaoyu before he asked uncertainly, "Who are you?"

Cui Shaoyu quickly restrained himself, coughed before continuing: "Mr. Li, I'm not joking with you, it's really great news."

Ren Shuai wondered if the horror movie sold for a good price, but it wouldn't make a calm and steady Cui Shaoyu lose his composure.

Just as he was thinking about it, Cui Shaoyu said excitedly: "The director Stephen Hull's team sent someone to contact me about the Yuanzhou fantasy film you saw before, and said they would invite you to play the role of the archmage!"

After Ren Shuai listened, he didn't feel much. During the interview, he played the role of the archmage, but he didn't know what the role was in the film.

But listening to the name, it feels like the kind of character who will play soy sauce at any time.

That should be an insignificant little trick, not as excited as Cui Shaoyu.

"Oh, that's good." Ren Shuai said calmly.

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself that Teacher Li was too calm, which is probably the cultivation of an old artist.

Then Cui Shaoyu suppressed his emotions a little bit, and said calmly: "The salary is three hundred and 800,000."

Three, three hundred 800,000?
Ren Shuai almost shouted out.

Can you get such a high salary for playing a side role?
If it wasn't for Wei Yan standing next to him, Ren Shuai would have laughed out loud regardless of his image.

There is no image of an old artist.

More than three million yuan, even the down payment for a house in the urban area of ​​Meijing is enough.

It's a pity that Cui Shaoyu couldn't see Ren Shuai's expression through the phone. Hearing that there was no movement on the other end of the phone, he thought that Ren Shuai was completely unmoved by the salary.

Although she grew up in a wealthy family, she couldn't help admiring Ren Shuai's quality of not being happy with things.

"I've set a time for you to sign the contract, and the production team will take photos of your makeup by the way. It's tentatively scheduled for half a month later." Cui Shaoyu said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem." Ren Shuai replied very straightforwardly.

He grinned uncontrollably at this moment, revealing a silent smile.

Standing behind him, Wei Yan saw Ren Shuai's shoulders shrugging and trembling. She wondered what happened on the other end of the phone to make Teacher Li cry?

Ren Shuai smiled and put the phone back in his pocket, and couldn't help but fantasize about living in a mansion in Meijing.

Cough cough, he stopped fantasizing, the money is at most enough for an old man, and the mansion is still a little far away.

Seeing that Ren Shuai had hung up the phone, Wei Yan hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

It turns out that Ren Shuai's face is full of red, his temperament is high-spirited, and he doesn't look half sad.

The one who shook his shoulders just now, could it be that he was exercising his muscles?
She didn't think too much, seeing that Ren Shuai seemed to be in a good mood, she continued to ask about the topic just now.

Ren Shuai might have been free in half a month, but he definitely won't be now.

He showed a regretful smile and said, "I'm really sorry, the agent called just now, and he has already arranged the itinerary for half a month."

Wei Yan asked curiously, "Are you joining the group again?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "Just to sign a contract."

Wei Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's okay, it's almost a day after signing the contract. If you make a slight mistake in the time, you will definitely be able to catch up with the team."

Ren Shuai pinched his fingers and said: "Well, although it may take only one day to sign the contract, but it takes two days to fly back and forth, which seems a bit inappropriate."

Wei Yan suddenly asked curiously: "Did you go to some remote area to sign the contract? Why did it take so long to go back and forth?"

She thought to herself that the mode of transportation is developed and convenient now, and it can basically be done in a few hours by plane. Even if it takes some time to transfer, she can still use the time of sleep to hurry.

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "It's not biased, but it's a bit far away, in Yuanzhou."

Wei Yan was stunned when she heard that, Yuanzhou is the farthest continent from Yezhou, and it takes more than ten hours by plane at the fastest.

She couldn't help being curious that Ren Shuai's business spread was so extensive that even Yuanzhou was involved.

Then Wei Yan suddenly remembered that she had seen Ren Shuai win an award at the film festival over there some time ago, and it seemed to be related to dubbing.

So she asked: "You are in Yuanzhou, do you cooperate with the crew in dubbing?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Yes, there is a dubbing contract."

Wei Yan thought to herself, although dubbing is also very important, the opportunity to cooperate with top comedians in Yezhou is even more rare.

She thought to herself that if it wasn't particularly important, she could ask Ren Shuai to give it a little push.

"Which team are you working with? I also know a few filmmakers from Yuanzhou, so I can help you find out whether the crew is regular or not." Wei Yan said enthusiastically.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "It should be quite formal, Stephen Hull's team."

"Sh, Director Stephen?"

Wei Yan was a little surprised, and looked at Ren Shuai as if asking for confirmation.

"Well, they're going to make a fantasy movie recently."

Wei Yan nodded stiffly, saying that she had heard about it a long time ago, and once the news of Stephen's recruitment of actors was released, it caused top actors from all continents of the world to rush there.

It's a pity that she thinks she doesn't have enough cafes, so she is very self-aware and didn't participate in the competition.

I heard that an actor in the industry got the opportunity to cooperate with Stephen's team.

Although Ren Shuai only participated in the dubbing, Wei Yan also felt very remarkable.

"Congratulations. Although you are not an actor, it is still very enviable to be able to participate in such a big production."

Wei Yan gave her sincere blessings, and she had long given up the thought of asking Ren Shuai to take a day off to meet the team with her.

Even if it is dubbing, cooperation with such a top team is much more important than meeting the group.

It's just that Wei Yan was a little curious: "Don't you usually wait for the film to be dubbed after the film is finished? You went there so early to prepare?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said with a smile, "This time I'm not going to do the dubbing, but just taking a makeup photo."

Makeup photos?
Unlimited doubts arose in Wei Yan's heart, do voice actors also have to take makeup photos now?
Or is it that the top team strives for perfection so much that even the cast and crew need to cooperate with the team in publicity.

Seeing her doubts, Ren Shuai explained with a smile: "I not only accepted the dubbing task this time, but also acted in a role in the film."

Acting in a role?

Wei Yan was instantly surprised, her eyes widened, she blinked a few times, and then said with a complicated expression: "Mr. Li, you must have encountered a liar!"

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(End of this chapter)

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