From janitor to actor

Chapter 340 Opening Ceremony

Chapter 340 Opening Ceremony

Ren Shuai was speechless to Wei Yan's answer.

He thought Wei Yan would continue to be surprised and congratulate him.

It never occurred to him that he would feel cheated.

Did he have a gullible face?

Just as Ren Shuai was explaining clearly, the assistant Xiao Jin greeted him from the side of the car, took Ren Shuai's luggage and said, "Ms. Li, let's get in the car."

Seeing this, Wei Yan showed mixed faces, thinking that Ren Shuai, a senior of his age, might not be able to speak the language if he went to Yuanzhou, let alone go to Stephen's crew to dub and perform.

No matter how you think about it, it feels like a fantasy.

Although his agent, Cui Shaoyu, looks shrewd and capable, he is not guaranteed to meet a liar in a foreign land.

If you sign a contract with someone else, it will be too late to go back on your word.

Seeing her worried and anxious look, Ren Shuai comforted her with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a liar, I've even seen Stephen's face."

Wei Yan felt even more incredible after hearing this.

A director of Stephen's level can be seen anywhere.

She quickly said: "Many of the people in Yuanzhou look the same. You may have encountered a high imitation."

Ren Shuai couldn't laugh or cry, but Wei Yan was also thinking of him, so she could only patiently say: "I have met all the main members of their team."

Wei Yan wanted to say something more, but she stopped immediately, thinking that even if someone imitates Stephen to cheat, the whole team cannot be imitated...

Then, Teacher Li is really going to participate in the work directed by Stephen?
Wei Yan's expression turned wonderful, with complex expressions in her eyes. On the one hand, she was shocked, on the other hand she was ashamed, and on the other hand, there were emotions such as envy and admiration.

"Gong, congratulations." Wei Yan murmured.

She didn't know how to express the complicated mood at this moment.

Ren Shuai waved his hands with a smile and said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he and his assistant Xiao Jin boarded the business car that picked him up, leaving Wei Yan still in a daze.

As soon as he got in the car, Xiao Jin asked very curiously: "Mr. Li, I heard that you just talked about Director Stephen. Could it be that you are going to participate in his film?"

Ren Shuai said "um", expressing his affirmation.

But Xiao Jin let out an "ow", which scared the driver almost to stop.

Although she is only a small assistant, she has heard of all the big names in the show business circle. Stephen's status in the circle is definitely one of the best.

Let alone Ren Shuai's participation in his films, it is even more difficult for Yezhou's first-line actor to cooperate with Stephen.

There were little stars in Xiao Jin's eyes, and he looked at Ren Shuai with admiration.

At the same time, I was happy for myself. Her choice was indeed right. If Teacher Li could participate in Stephen's movie, he would definitely become famous in the future.

Seeing her appearance, Ren Shuai poured cold water on her with a smile: "I'm just a soy saucer, and I probably only showed my face for a second or two. Maybe it won't be in the version released in Yezhou, and it will be cut off."

He has seen some movies in his previous life and knows that this is the case.

But even so, there are still an endless stream of actors who are willing to participate in Stephen's movies, even if it is gold-plated, at least the coffee status can be improved.

What really makes Ren Shuai happy is the salary.

More than three million yuan is the most he has earned so far.

If I can take on a few more dramas like this in the future, wouldn't I be able to consider retirement again.

Ren Shuai thought happily, but he didn't feel at all that it was impossible for him to play tricks at this price.

Even if Stephen's budget is large, it's not too much to spend casually.

The next day, Ren Shuai was going to attend the opening ceremony.

Although he has the privilege not to participate in this kind of formal activity with the students, and even Vice President Chu agreed that he does not even need to attend the class, but Ren Shuai still feels that commemorative activities such as the opening ceremony should be Participate once.

After all, few people have the opportunity to go to university twice and experience two opening ceremonies like him.

Ren Shuai returned to the dormitory to rest for the night, and dressed up carefully the next day.

Although his sense of age is there, Ren Shuai still wants to look young.

So he put on a pair of thick-rimmed black-rimmed glasses, a down jacket sponsored by Fenden Corniche, a pair of jeans and high-top sneakers, and set off.

Although it was almost spring, it was still very cold in the morning, so Ren Shuai wore a thick cashmere scarf to cover his mouth and nose before going straight to the auditorium.

Originally, before attending the opening ceremony, he had to go to the class to report, but Ren Shuai got up late, so he went directly to the auditorium.

Fortunately, the names of the faculties and departments were posted behind each row of seats, allowing him to find the seat according to the instructions.

At this time, there were not too many people in the auditorium, Ren Shuai searched along the rows of chairs, and finally saw the name of the acting department in the second row.

The first row is the school leaders.

He didn't expect the acting department to be so valued, and he was directly arranged at the forefront.

He glanced at the long row of seats and chose to sit on the far side.

After a while, students from various departments arrived one after another.

It's just that their classmates from the acting department have not arrived yet, and they don't know what they are dawdling about.

While Ren Shuai was muttering, a group of people who were obviously better than ordinary people walked into the auditorium and sat in the first row one after another under the leadership of the teacher.

This year's acting class has a total of 30 students, with a male to female ratio of half and half.

Sitting next to Ren Shuai was an old acquaintance, it was Chai Ming who stood behind Ren Shuai during the exam.

It's really fate, you can meet him wherever you go, Ren Shuai couldn't help thinking.

Chai Ming didn't recognize Ren Shuai. On the one hand, Ren Shuai was dressed very vigorously today, with a scarf covering his mouth and nose, and black-rimmed glasses covering his eyes. He didn't recognize him at all.

I even thought that this classmate's outfit looked pretty good, and he could dress up accordingly when he went back.

After thinking about it, he directly took out his mobile phone, took a photo secretly while Ren Shuai was not paying attention, and then began to search for the same model in the mall.

As a result, none of the ones that were pushed out were the same as Ren Shuai's. Even if there were similar ones, the effect seemed to be much worse.

Chai Ming wanted to ask Ren Shuai, but felt that he would be hated if he dressed like others, so he asked for help from the almighty social software and posted the pictures.

It was accompanied by a text: "Masters, does anyone know what brand this dress is? Please ask for the same style."

Chai Ming has many friends, and after a while, many people left messages below.

"I don't know about the clothes, but who is this handsome guy?"

"Be careful upstairs, you know he's handsome without even seeing his face?"

"Just this taste in dressing, the handsome guy didn't run away."

Chai Ming was speechless, seeing that the building was getting more and more crooked, he hurriedly said: "Be serious, ask about your clothes, don't covet my classmate's beauty."

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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