From janitor to actor

Chapter 341 Live Invitation

Chapter 341 Live Invitation

It was fine if Chai Ming didn't reply, but when he said that the person in the photo was his classmate, the comments became even more lively.

His friends all know that Chai Ming was admitted to the acting department of Meiying, and they also know that the acting department is full of handsome men and beautiful women.

After graduating from high school, it's a good time to have a spring heart without being restrained, and pay special attention to handsome men and beautiful women.

"Quickly introduce the handsome guy to me!"

"There are pictures of beautiful women, so don't hide them if you're a brother."

"Hurry up and tell me the handsome guy's contact information."

Chai Ming looked at the messy reply in the message, and wept silently in his heart. None of these bad friends answered his question seriously, and they were all nympho.

He had just put down his phone and was about to give up his plan to ask for help, but at this moment he saw a reply from a rich second-generation friend.

"I've seen this down jacket before, it seems to be a limited edition of Fenden Ko Niqi."

Chai Ming thought to himself, finally a reliable person replied.

However, when he saw the brand of Fenden Konici, he knew that it was expensive. As a person who just went to college, he didn't have the financial strength at all.

However, Chai Ming has the motivation to fight, and he is going to take some time to accept a few advertisements or print model jobs, so as to earn some extra money to get this dress.

Just when he was setting a small goal, the rich second-generation friend replied again: "What is your classmate's way? Many people can't get this limited edition. How did he get it?"

Chai Ming was speechless for a moment, this limited edition was really a limited edition, it was not a gimmick.

Can't even grab the money?

He put down his phone, ready to get acquainted with the new classmate next to him.

"Hello classmate, my name is Chai Ming."

He flashes his signature eight-tooth smile, repeating his friendly attitude.

Ren Shuai glanced at him, nodded and said, "I know."


Chai Ming didn't expect to get such a reply, and immediately looked down at himself, wondering if I was already well-known in the class, and the new classmates knew me.

"What's the name?" Chai Ming continued to ask with a smile.

Ren Shuai turned his head, looked at him and said, "You know."

Chai Ming was stunned for a moment, thinking that this classmate is also very famous, if he knows me but I don't know him, will it be rude?

He smiled a little embarrassedly, then quickly turned his head to look at Zhuang Wenting who was sitting on the other side of him, and whispered, "Hey, do you know the classmate sitting next to me?"

Since Xiaowanghong Zhuang Wenting and Chai Ming passed the exam together, they naturally became acquainted after entering the class.

Zhuang Wenting stretched out her head to look at Ren Shuai, then retracted her head and said carelessly: "It looks familiar, but I don't recognize him, but he looks good in that dress."

Seeing that Zhuang Wenting was also sitting nearby, Ren Shuai didn't expect that the three of them were destined to pass the exam together, which was not easy.

Chai Ming didn't get the answer he wanted, so he could only turn around and smile at Ren Shuai, "Sorry, I can't always remember people's names."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's okay."

Then there was no more, Chai Ming was still waiting for him to introduce himself.

Ren Shuai didn't have time to answer him at this time, and Cui Shaoyu kept sending him messages.

Knowing that Ren Shuai was attending the opening ceremony, she didn't call. Instead, she left a message asking if Ren Shuai was free tonight, because the horror movie was about to be released. Although there was no need for a big publicity, a small promotion was still necessary.

This evening, Cui Shaoyu contacted the "Midnight Gossip" program group. This is a live broadcast program that shares horror stories, and it is always broadcast late at night.

Originally, she contacted to participate in the live broadcast three days later, but due to problems with the schedule of the guests invited by the program group, she temporarily asked Cui Shaoyu to help advance.

Although this small program does not have a large audience, it is very stable, and its viewing volume remains around a certain value all year round.

And this kind of people are definitely die-hard fans of horror elements, and they are also the main viewing group of horror movies, so Cui Shaoyu still pays more attention to this live broadcast.

Moreover, the live broadcast of the show is in Meijing, and it is still late at night. As long as Ren Shuai himself has no objections, it should be possible to advance.

Of course Ren Shuai had no objection to this, and he typed back: "Everything is subject to the arrangement of the agent."

When Cui Shaoyu saw the reply, he burst out laughing, thinking that Mr. Li is really easy to talk to, he is obviously about to become an intercontinental star, and he has no airs at all, and he is willing to change the schedule to participate in such a small program.

There is no problem with Ren Shuai, so she is half relieved and can agree to the program team.

However, the show usually requires guests to bring a few friends to participate, and everyone sitting together to share horror stories can appear more warm.

It's a pity that Ren Shuai's circle of friends is full of top artists in the circle, and Cui Shaoyu really can't invite him.

So she helped Ren Shuai find two artists from the company to make up the money, but these two artists were not in Meijing City today, so she really couldn't catch them temporarily.

Suddenly, Cui Shaoyu had an idea, thinking that Ren Shuai is attending the opening ceremony, then he should have quite a few classmates, and he can probably be caught, no, please come to a few.

So Cui Shaoyu described the situation to Ren Shuai.

In the past, Ren Shuai would probably refuse, because he doesn't know the new classmates here, and he is not the kind of person who can get acquainted by himself, so he can't save face and invite others.

But it was different now, there happened to be two deliveries next to them.

When Chai Ming was debating whether to take the initiative to ask Ren Shuai's name, Ren Shuai suddenly turned his head, looked at him with a sinister look, and said with a kind smile: "Are you interested in participating in a program?"

Chai Ming was stunned by the question for a moment, and after a moment of reaction, he asked in confusion, "What program?"

""Midnight Gossip", a relaxed and humorous live chat program." Ren Shuai said sincerely.

Chai Ming was a little confused. He didn't know why this classmate suddenly invited him, but he felt very good about himself, thinking that it must be his appearance and affinity that made people feel friendly.

Before Chai Ming could reply, Ren Shuai immediately said, "Produced by Xingxing Platform, live broadcast for one hour, and the announcement fee is 800."

"interested in."

Chai Ming blurted out without hesitation.

The Star Platform is one of the five major platforms, and has a huge audience. If he can participate in the program of the Star Platform, he will definitely be able to expand his popularity. The key is that there is still an announcement fee of 800, which is like a pie in the sky.

At this time, Zhuang Wenting who was next to him also heard it, and she poked her head out to look at Ren Shuai curiously.

"Student Zhuang can also go, the notice fee is 1500." Ren Shuai said directly.

Zhuang Wenting's first reaction was, how did he know my surname, and her second reaction was: "Okay, I'll go."

However, Chai Ming quit. This is Hongguoguo’s gender discrimination. Why is he 800 and Zhuang Wenting 1500.

Before he could ask a question, Ren Shuai said bluntly: "She is an Internet celebrity and has a high social status."

Chai Ming was speechless for a moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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