From janitor to actor

Chapter 342 Drop the vest

Chapter 342 Drop the vest

Anyway, Zhuang Wenting is also a small Internet celebrity, even if the number of fans is not particularly large, it is still worth 1500 yuan.

After hearing the quotation, both of them agreed without hesitation, and then remembered to ask for details.

I just participated in the entrance ceremony today, and my classmates are not familiar with it, so I dragged them to participate in the program, and I always felt tricky.

Zhuang Wenting kept an eye out, and carefully probed: "Student, do you know me?"

"En." Shuai Ren nodded.

He thought maybe he was dressed too young today, and the two didn't recognize him, so he reached out and took off the scarf.

Zhuang Wenting looked at him with an excited expression and said, "I, I know you!"

Her sound was a bit loud, which attracted the attention of several students next to her, and they all looked sideways.

Then they looked at Ren Shuai and began to look carefully.

Ren Shuai put on the scarf again, feeling that Zhuang Wenting was a little too excited, didn't she just meet a classmate who was interviewing together, why is that so.

Zhuang Wenting suddenly lowered her voice, leaned her head closer and said, "You are the spokesperson of Fenden Corniche. I didn't expect you to be the teacher of our academy."

She thought to herself that she had always had a vicious eye on people, even if Ren Shuai had no makeup today, she could still tell at a glance that he was the same person as in the poster.

Chai Ming, who had been silent all this time, suddenly slapped his thigh, obviously recognizing Ren Shuai.

He came so suddenly that Zhuang Wenting was startled.

Before she could blame her, Chai Ming smiled and said, "What's the spokesperson of Fendenko Nickey, you are delusional, this is clearly Mr. Li who participated in the interview with us."

After finishing speaking, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled at Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, you are so handsome today, I didn't recognize it."

Zhuang Wenting stared at Ren Shuai in surprise, and then asked in confusion, "You, you are that teacher Li that day?"

She has recognized Ren Shuai now, but she still feels that Ren Shuai today is a bit like the spokesperson on the poster.

"Well, it's me."

Ren Shuai nodded in confirmation.

Chai Ming put on a look of superiority, looked at Zhuang Wenting, and said, "It has to be my eyes. With your level of recognition, it's not very good. You actually regard Mr. Li as a spokesperson."

Zhuang Wenting pouted, feeling a little mocked by Chai Ming, and the novel explained: "But, Teacher Li and that spokesperson really look alike."

"Well, it's me too." Ren Shuai replied lightly.

Chai Ming laughed and said, "Look, Mr. Li said it himself,'s him too?"

Zhuang Wenting became excited instantly when she heard the words, and suppressed her excited voice and said, "I'll just say it's you, I'm sure I'm not mistaken!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chai Ming with a righteous face, and said on her face that I want you to mock me, slap me in the face.

Chai Ming felt a little shaken by his three views. In his impression, the spokespersons of Fenden Konicki all hired first-line movie stars and the like.How can a school teacher like Mr. Li speak for him?
When he was in a daze, Zhuang Wenting searched Ren Shuai's endorsement poster on his mobile phone, held it up to him and said, "Look, I'll just say it's the same person!"

Chai Ming glanced at the screen of the phone with stiff eyes, then reached out to take it in an instant, glanced at the screen, then at Ren Shuai, and said with difficulty, "Well, how do they look like the same person?"

Ren Shuai felt offended and coughed.

As a result, Zhuang Wenting said in a serious manner: "Student, you are in this circle, don't you know what makeup and photo editing are?"

Ren Shuai felt offended again.

Even if the makeup effect of the system is a bit good, it will not achieve the effect of plastic surgery. His foundation is still very good.

"This is worse than plastic surgery."

Chai Ming's words made Ren Shuai feel heartbroken.

"Well, this is the disguise technique that has been lost for many years."

Ren Shuai directly gave up the treatment and began to blackmail himself.

As soon as these words came out, Zhuang Wenting almost laughed, but Chai Ming was so stupid that he actually believed it.

Ren obviously didn't want to continue this topic, and said directly: "I will be recording the program tonight, you should be fine."

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting nodded immediately. It was a rare opportunity to show their faces, and they could make extra money, even if they had no time, they would squeeze it out.

Seeing that the guest's problem was settled, Ren Shuai directly messaged Cui Shaoyu.

Zhuang Wenting couldn't help being curious, leaned out half of her body, and asked directly over Chai Ming: "Mr. Li, did you sneak into the interview team to observe the students in private? Are Chai Ming and I the seed players you chose?" ?”

Ren Shuai felt several black lines hanging down from his face, what does it mean to sneak into the interview team?

This kind of eloquence is broadcast live, fans will not spend money to buy it.

Moreover, these two people feel a little too good about themselves. Their qualifications are at the bottom among the students. How did they have hallucinations.

Chai Ming also agreed after hearing the words: "Yes, you invited us to participate in the program today, do you want to train us?"

Ren Shuai became more and more speechless, and explained: "I told you a long time ago, I am a student, and we are just classmates."

Seeing that he spoke seriously, Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting immediately believed him.

At this time, the students had already assembled, and the school leaders began to enter the arena one after another, taking their seats in the first row.

Coincidentally, Vice President Chu was sitting obliquely in front of Ren Shuai, but he was so focused on his speech that he didn't recognize Ren Shuai.

Naturally, Ren Shuai had no intention of saying hello. He came today just to relive the atmosphere of the university opening ceremony.

Originally, as the first place in the performance department's cultural and interview performances, he should have spoken as a student representative.

But because of his special status, the school did not assign him the task of speaking on behalf of freshmen.

When the assistants at the venue saw the school leaders seated, they began to pour water for the leaders one by one, so as not to be thirsty when speaking on stage.

Vice-principal Chu reached out to open the lid of the cup, but the lecture notes in his hand fell to the ground without being steady.

It happened that a page slipped to Ren Shuai's feet in the back row.

He turned his head, faced Ren Shuai head-on, and recognized him instantly.

"Ms. Li, why are you sitting here?" Vice President Chu asked directly.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, thinking that I would not sit here.

The next moment, Vice President Chu got up directly, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, sit in the first row."

As soon as this remark came out, Ren Shuai was stunned.

As a freshman, even if he works part-time as a dubbing teacher, he is not qualified to sit in the row of the school leaders.

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting, who were sitting next to Ren Shuai, were even more stunned on the spot.

They knew that there was no student of his age who was clearly a teacher or a school leader.

The two of them thought at the same time, they were so naive that they almost believed Ren Shuai's words and regarded him as a classmate.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything that I shouldn't say.

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(End of this chapter)

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