From janitor to actor

Chapter 344 Live Streaming Begins

Chapter 344 Live Streaming Begins

The three of them first entered the dressing room for makeup and styling, and then began to edit the script.

They don't need to memorize the process and content, the director will remind on the teleprompter at the scene.

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting didn't know why they came to the show, thinking that it was a heartwarming show for friends to share stories like what Ren Shuai said.

As a result, when I saw the script, I found something wrong.

Sharing stories is all right, but sharing horror stories.

This is simply outrageous. The two thought that the live broadcast at night was to provide companionship and comfort to those sleepless netizens.

However, it was Horror Stories Live.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now. Firstly, the two signed a contract after arriving on the stage. Secondly, their professional ethics did not allow them to back down and let the show open up.

If they were to be chosen during the live broadcast, the two of them would not be able to hang out in the circle in the future, and who would dare to ask them to record the show.

They could only think of Ren Shuai with resentful eyes.

Although Chai Ming is tall and powerful, he is the kind of person who dare not even enter the secret room, especially in the dark environment.

Zhuang Wenting and her appearance are very consistent. She is a little girl with little courage. Although she will not be scared to cry by horror stories, she is definitely the type of person who dare not watch horror movies.

The two felt that once they stepped on the thief boat, they couldn't jump off.

But fortunately, this show is a live broadcast, so it shouldn't be too scary, at most it's slightly scary.

The two of them prepared their minds and came to the live broadcast room with Ren Shuai.

At this time, the host was already in place, and when he saw the arrival of the three, he began to introduce himself briefly.

This live broadcast program adopts the form of male and female dual anchors. At first glance, it looks like a news broadcast, but the content is quite strange.

The background atmosphere of the live broadcast room is also in a dark style, the light is yellowish green, and it gives people a weird feeling as soon as they enter.

Fortunately, the host smiled enthusiastically and told two small jokes to warm up the scene, which eased the tense atmosphere of the guests when they first entered the venue.

The female host is called Zhu Hao, and the male host is called Bao Zhong. Both names fit the style of the show.

Ren Shuai was arranged to sit in the center, Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting sat on both sides of him, and the male and female hosts sat on one side.

"Ms. Li, when the show starts, we will introduce you first, and then promote our work "Sick Building No. 88". You only need to briefly introduce the plot."

Ren Shuai nodded, and had already memorized the slogan Cui Shaoyu sent him, which was basically enough to whet the appetite of the audience.

Only then did Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting know that Ren Shuai came to the show for the purpose of announcing a new film, and the name sounded like a horror film. No wonder he would participate in a live show like "Midnight Gossip".

The director saw that the time was about the same, and began to count down.

Ren Shuai conducted a live broadcast once, and he is quite experienced, and he is basically immune to horror stories, so he looks very calm and composed.

However, Chai Ming and Zhuang Xiaoting were different. The two sat upright, staring at the camera without squinting and showing a slightly stiff smirk.

As soon as the live broadcast started, hundreds of people could be seen on the screen in front of the host.

When these netizens saw the show started, they routinely greeted each other with barrage.

Everyone is a little dissatisfied to see that the guests in this issue are not familiar with them. In the previous preview, it was another young male singer, but because of the schedule, that person could not come temporarily, so Ren Shuai was allowed to participate in the live broadcast in advance.

Many people heard that the male singer was timid and wanted to watch the excitement, but when they saw three people they didn't know, they felt a sense of loss.

"Watching all night, just waiting for a few guests you don't know?"

"The man in the middle looks familiar, but the other two don't know each other."

"Miss Sister looks okay, but unfortunately I don't know her."

Barrages like this flew across the screen. Seeing that the momentum was not going well, the host quickly began to introduce Ren Shuai's life story.

After talking about him playing the role of the old fairy, some netizens immediately showed a sudden reaction.

Later, he was introduced to play Qian Manjin, which also aroused some people's memories slightly.

The content of Ren Shuai's introduction to the program group is basically about performance, and there is basically no dubbing and other aspects. After all, it is to promote the new drama, so there is no need to mention too many irrelevant content.

Many netizens have heard about Ren Shuai, but more people still say they don't know him.

Ren Shuai glanced at the screen in front of the host at the beginning of the film, and started to promote "Sick Building No. 88" with a smile.

When he mentioned that the female number one was Mu Xiaoqing, the netizens suddenly became lively. Her Gongdou drama has become popular recently, which is the time when it is attracting attention.

However, soon after, netizens began to complain, why didn't Mu Xiaoqing be invited to participate in the show, and the guests invited were all unknown people.

Ren Shuai happened to see this barrage, and said with a smile, "I can explain the fact that the heroine Mu Xiaoqing didn't come to the show."

The host was taken aback after listening, but there was no such content in the script.

Besides, their program team has never invited Mu Xiaoqing, so it seems inappropriate to say that.

Before the host could change the topic, Ren Shuai had already said: "When she was filming "Sick Building No. 88", she was so frightened that she didn't recover for a long time, and even dared not watch the film after it was edited. So I’m the only one here to broadcast live for you.”

What Ren Shuai said was the truth. Mu Xiaoqing was timid at first, and she agreed to shoot a horror film only because she could play the leading role. If she was allowed to participate in this kind of midnight live broadcast, she might be scared to tears on the spot.

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, the audience's curiosity was immediately aroused.

How scary can they shoot a horror film, as for making Mu Xiaoqing unable to recover for a long time?
The host did not expect Ren Shuai to take away the initial dissatisfaction of netizens with a single sentence, and turned to pay attention to his works.

Then Ren Shuai began to recite the introduction written by Cui Shaoyu, which once again raised the audience's expectations.

Some people can't wait to ask when it will start broadcasting.

Ren Shuai got the accurate news from the platform, and said with a smile: "This movie will be officially launched on the platform at 20:00 next Friday."

After this sentence, the purpose of his trip has been basically completed, and the rest is to share warm stories.

After the netizens had been planted, someone suddenly noticed the two guests next to Ren Shuai.

The netizens who watched the show were all horror fans, and their way of thinking was also horror-oriented.

Seeing that Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting hadn't even moved since the show started, and even maintained a stiff smirk on their faces, someone jumped out to speak.

"Who pays attention to those two young guests, they seem to be possessed by a demon, they don't move at all."

"Thinking about it, I'm terrified. I just went back and looked through the next chapter. They really haven't moved."

"What you said, I suddenly feel that the light in the live broadcast room is a bit strange today."

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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