From janitor to actor

Chapter 345 Unfamiliar

Chapter 345 Unfamiliar

Ren Shuai looked at the bullet screen, turned his head to look at Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting beside him, and was almost taken aback.

The expressions of the two people were carved out of the same mold, with a standard eight-teeth smile, but there was no smile in their eyes at all, and they were all full of reluctance.

Ren Shuai was very close to them, and he could see that the corners of their mouths were twitching from laughing for too long.

These two students probably laughed like this deliberately in order to cater to the atmosphere of the show.

Seeing this, the host also felt a little weird, and quickly said to Chai Ming, "Student Chai, can you introduce yourself too?"

When Chai Ming was called, he suddenly felt as if his acupuncture point had been relieved, but his facial muscles were already a little stiff because he kept the same posture for too long.

He looked at the camera nervously and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Chai Ming, and I am from the Acting Department of American Film and Television."

It was Chai Ming's first live show, and he was even more nervous than participating in the college entrance examination interview. If he hadn't had professional training, his voice would have trembled.

After speaking, it was Zhuang Wenting's turn. She also briefly introduced herself, and she performed a little better than Chai Ming.

Although I have worked on live broadcasting before, it was not broadcast on any big platform, and the audience was very limited.

This time, she came to the show on the star platform, and she was inevitably a little nervous. In addition, the atmosphere of this show was a little weird, and she was extremely tense.

When the host saw the performance of the two, he knew that it was their first live show.

But I don't know why Ren Shuai invited them to come.

So the hostess Zhu Hao asked: "Ms. Li, our show has always invited guests to bring their friends to share horror stories together. I don't know how these two are related to you?"

Ren Shuai glanced at the two of them, thinking that they were classmates. They probably thought he was lying during the live broadcast, but if it was a teacher, the two of them hadn't decided to take his class yet, and the teacher-student relationship was not established for the time being. .

So Ren Shuai could only say bluntly: "Not very familiar."

As soon as this remark came out, the host was stunned, feeling that he was going to cause a live broadcast accident.

It was agreed to be friends, but two unfamiliar people came, what does it mean?
Their program team didn't forcefully insert people. The guest was called by Ren Shuai himself, but he didn't know him well?

Before the host could react, Ren Shuai continued: "But we should get familiar with it in the future."

This big gasp startled the host, she quickly confirmed: "So it's a new friend I just met not long ago?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It is."

The hostess choked again, feeling that there was something in Ren Shuai's words.

She didn't dare to ask Ren Shuai any more, for fear that the other party would say something surprising, she gave the male host Bao Zhong a look.

The male host understood, and quickly directed the topic to Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting, and said with a smile, "Both of you are students of Meiying. Why did you come to our show? Are you a member of the school's horror story club?"

Hearing this, Chai Ming shook his head like a rattle, and immediately clarified: "No, we have just entered school and haven't joined the club yet."

Zhuang Wenting added: "It is also a coincidence that I came to participate in this program. During the opening ceremony today, Teacher Li just notified us."

After they finished speaking, the two hosts were stunned.

Feelings These two guests are called today?
Netizens who watched the show felt a little interesting. This guest named Li Laifu had something to do, and he actually admitted directly in the live broadcast that his friend was temporarily arrested.

Dare I say.

Netizens in the barrage applauded, expressing their gratitude for Ren Shuai's sincerity.

The hostess didn't expect the two students to speak more bluntly, and almost ignored the purpose of the show's request to invite friends.

However, the hostess quickly discovered the brilliance of the words. They only knew that Ren Shuai was an actor when they introduced him before, but after hearing what the two students said, he even went to the opening ceremony of Meiying today.

That Ren Shuai must have another identity.

Zhu Hao hurriedly asked: "Mr. Li, besides being an actor, you are also a teacher of Meiying?"

Ren Shuai nodded when he heard the words. Although he is a teacher, he is not what you think.

He went to the opening ceremony as a student.

Zhu Hao immediately found a way to round up the requirements of the program, and said with a smile: "No wonder Mr. Li said that he is not familiar with the two guests, but he will become more familiar in the future. So these two are your freshmen."

The male host immediately connected and said, "So that's it. It seems that the two students are very valued by Mr. Li. You have been invited to record the program just after the opening ceremony."

When Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting heard the words, they both nodded in affirmation, and they also thought so in their hearts.

Only Ren Shuai looked at them and didn't speak.

At this time, it would be a bit of a slap in the face to say that because of the shortage of guests, he temporarily arrested people to make up the number.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was silent, several people thought he had acquiesced, and proceeded to the next session with a smile.

Now that everyone is familiar with it, you can get to the point and share a little story of your own experience.

Their program is not to promote superstitious ideas, but to share some metaphysical events that are frightening or puzzling.

The warm-up was still started by the host, and the hostess first shared a strange incident that happened on the way home from work two days ago.

They got off work in the early hours of the morning, and naturally it was completely dark when they returned home.

She has rich experience in storytelling, and she can tell it vividly.

"I parked the car and came out of the basement. The neighborhood was very quiet at first, but I heard a series of footsteps in the distance. I was shocked. When I turned around, I saw several aunts pushing the car. They didn't speak. Head forward, each walking faster than the other, and quickly disappeared in the direction of the gate of the community."

After the hostess finished speaking, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was really terrified at the time. At 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, how could there be a group of aunts haunting them, and they all kept silent, which ruined my entire life. Didn't sleep well all day."

At this time, Ren Shuai, a man of science and technology, awakened his logical thinking and began to reason and analyze subconsciously.

"What day of the week do you leave work?"

The hostess saw Ren Shuai's serious question, and thought that he might be the kind of person who can pinch and count because of his rich experience, so she quickly replied: "February 2, the 26th of the first month of the lunar calendar, Saturday morning."

Ren Shuai was thoughtful, and asked again: "Can you tell me the approximate location of your home?"

Seeing that he was asking such professional questions, the hostess answered every question she had: "It's just a dozen kilometers west of Nancheng."

When Ren Shuai heard this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and he suddenly realized "Oh", obviously he knew the whole story.

Seeing this, several people at the scene cast their curious glances at Ren Shuai.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast also began to pay attention. When they heard the story shared by the hostess, they all felt that the more they thought about it, the more frightening they became.

But Ren Shuai only asked two questions, and he had already seen through the mystery.

Could it be that he also minored in courses like Master of Metaphysics?

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Ren Shuai finally spoke leisurely.

 Ask for a recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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