From janitor to actor

Chapter 35 The Great God

Chapter 35 The Great God
After seeing Ren Shuai's strength, the director smiled and rushed forward willingly to help him attract firepower.

Uncle is really a treasure uncle.

She couldn't help but suspect that Comrade Li Laifu was an undercover agent sent by the school, with too many hidden skills.

Ji Mingxi became more cautious this time, and started to fight when the level economy was at a disadvantage.

However, in melee combat against shooters, there is a disadvantage of attack distance. If he can't get close by surprise, it will be difficult for him to kill Ren Shuai's character.

Moreover, his teleportation was used up, but Ren Shuai still had it, which was a big disadvantage no matter what.

At this moment, Ren Shuai made a mistake in positioning and accidentally advanced the tower ahead of the tank, and was knocked out by the turret by one-third of his HP.

Affected by this, Ren Shuai's operations became unstable, and the rhythm suddenly became chaotic.

Ji Mingxi's eyes brightened.


Taking advantage of Ren Shuai's adjustment, he immediately moved closer, and made a big move at the limit distance.

Ren Shuai hurriedly moved, but still did not escape.

The blood volume instantly dropped to the bottom, only 10 points left.

With this amount of blood, it will die if you touch it casually.

Crispy characters are like this, as long as the opponent seizes the opportunity, it is easy to be taken away by a set.

Ji Mingxi was overjoyed, the opportunity to avenge his shame had come.

After Ren Shuai was bleeding, he quickly retreated, and the director hurriedly walked in front of him, ready to help him block the attack.

It's a pity that Ji Mingxi moved smoothly, dodged the director's tank, and chased directly towards Ren Shuai.

Since a tower on Ji Mingxi's side was taken down, the pursuit distance was very long, and there were soldiers from Ren Shuai's side in the middle.

However, Ji Mingxi was very fast, and he didn't receive a few attacks from the soldiers, which could be ignored.

All he could see was the figure of the shooter fleeing in a hurry in front of him. Even if the opponent ran back to the tower, he had to climb the tower and kill him.

Ren Shuai was about to enter the tower, but turned around suddenly, and blasted out with a big move, hitting Ji Mingxi in the middle.

However, after Ji Mingxi's level was raised, this blow could only knock out half of his blood, not life-threatening at all.

Ren Shuai turned around and continued to run, taking the opportunity to use another skill.

Ji Mingxi looked at the remaining [-]/[-] of the blood volume, and he didn't panic at all, even if he pushed the tower, he couldn't die.

Ren Shuai fled under the tower, turned around to catch up with a skill, but made a mistake.

Ji Mingxi was overjoyed, and went straight to the bottom of the tower, preparing for the second skill.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was about to be killed, he suddenly teleported and flew in the direction of his second tower.

Ji Mingxi was a little dumbfounded when his second skill failed.

Forgot that the other party also has a teleport that is useless.
But he can no longer kill people with the damage of the tower, otherwise he will die first.

It's a pity that I can only return without success.

He quickly exited the first tower, turned and evacuated towards the rear.

After being attacked by the turret, Ji Mingxi's blood volume had basically bottomed out.

But I finally tricked Uncle Li into teleporting, which is not a loss.

Even if the director's tank stopped him during the retreat, Ji Mingxi was not afraid. With the level of the director, she might not be able to hit anyone standing there.

Just thinking like this, Ji Mingxi's running character suddenly gave a soft foot, fell to the ground with a "plop", and disappeared.

what happened?

He clearly remembered a double-digit injury inexplicably flying above his head.

Not much, but enough to be deadly.

Three bloods!

Ren Shuai's character soaks in the hot spring happily.

Ji Mingxi quickly opened the panel, and was surprised to find that Ren Shuai was carrying an extremely rare weapon with a poisoning attribute.

Suffers poison damage for 5 seconds after being attacked.

He looked at the gray panel, recalling Ren Shuai's series of actions just now, and the expression on his face gradually became more exciting.

"Uncle Li, play me!"

Ji Mingxi burst into tears.

He replayed the match just now in his mind, and found that Uncle Li had been acting since that mistake from the very beginning.

The subsequent rhythm disorder, accidentally being bombarded by towers, is all to attract Ji Mingxi's character.

Since the warrior character always hides under the tower and cannot come out sticky, Ren Shuai was a little anxious, so he simply played a show to trick the opponent out.

After all, it was getting late, and the chickens were no longer noisy. Time passed by, and it was time for dinner.

Ren Shuai didn't want to waste time, and planned to make a quick decision.

He used the low HP to trick Ji Mingxi out, and didn't attack immediately. One was to prevent Ji Mingxi from retracting after being beaten, and the other was to prevent Cui Zixun's character from adding blood to his shield.

After drawing people out, he ran all the way down his tower. The soldiers on the road were all his and would not cause any damage, but Ji Mingxi's character had to be hit a few times to wear off a little blood.

After Ren Shuai released the second and third skills, Ji Mingxi's character's blood volume was only a quarter, and Ren Shuai's first skill was also intentionally empty.

He calculated that if he turned around and fought back, even if he hit with a skill, he would not be able to take away the opponent with poison damage.

But after the first skill is empty, you can continue to lure Ji Mingxi into the tower, and bear the damage of the tower, which is much more painful than the first skill.

Ren Shuai's little abacus was crackling, and Ji Mingxi was terribly cheated.

"My uncle's calculations are terrible."

Ji Mingxi was killed three times in a row, and he could no longer have the slightest desire to resist, so he quickly clicked the mouse to surrender.

Cui Zixun still didn't understand what happened in a short period of time, but the result was that Ji Mingxi ascended to heaven again, and Uncle Li was safe and sound.

Also raised a level.

In the end, Ji Mingxi had no love in his life and surrendered sadly, while Uncle Li was calm and composed, with the demeanor of a master.

The director was very excited, he held Uncle Li's hand and said, "Master, today I finally got to meet a live game master."

She thought it would be more appropriate to call Uncle Li Great God Li in the future.

Although Cui Zixun didn't know the process, but the result was obvious, he wondered: "Master, did you play professionally when you were young?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "No way, I just almost entered the youth training team."

"What?" The three were equally surprised.

Ren Shuai nodded solemnly and said, "I'm just joking."


The uncle really knows how to play and trick people's hearts.

The three suddenly felt that they were not opponents, and they were at a disadvantage in chatting.

But Uncle Li is not like the concierge at all, he is good at playing games, he also knows the youth training team, and his computer operation is also slippery.

What's more, their acting skills crush them, they are like the existence of seniors.

That old saying is really good, ginger is still old and spicy.

Even the concierge may be a hidden hermit.

After being crushed in all directions, Ji Mingxi was completely convinced. He didn't expect to meet Uncle Li, a treasured old man, when he returned to his alma mater this time.

The director looked at Ren Shuai, thinking that the uncle can surprise people every time.

Cui Zixun just wanted to say respect to the uncle.

There was no suspense in a game, but there were many suspense, and in the end it was quite a dramatic reversal, and the game black hole and the concierge team won the victory.

The extra meal at night belongs to Uncle Li.

The director was full of joy, and Ren Shuai was even more happy.

 Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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