From janitor to actor

Chapter 36 Entering the group to shoot

Chapter 36 Entering the group to shoot
Until it got dark, the crew of "Once Upon a Time" finally finished filming.

Ren Shuai enjoyed dinner and extra meals beautifully.

After the filming ended, the director found Ren Shuai alone and asked for his contact information.

Judging from his professional experience, the director feels that the uncle has a bright future, and he can tap into the sense of variety.

The key is cheap.

After Ren Shuai finished filming, he returned to his peaceful work life.

If you ignore the few reporters at the door who are still persistent in interviewing.

Four days later, Ren Shuai went on vacation as scheduled.

According to the address in the mobile phone information, he took a long-distance bus to the stills, and carefully kept the ticket for reimbursement.

"Silent Business War" is an urban background drama, and the shooting location is in the central business district of Taijing City.

When Ren Shuai arrived, Lin Yuan came to pick him up.

"Ms. Li, I'm really sorry, the lead actor's schedule has been adjusted a little bit, your scene will be delayed, you may have to wait a little longer."


It didn't matter to Ren Shuai, he was paid on a daily basis, even if it was postponed in advance or later.

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your understanding, then let's go make up."

Since it is an urban drama, the styling is relatively modern, and there is no need to wear a headgear like a costume drama, so the makeup time is much faster.

Ren Shuai plays a successful entrepreneur who needs to be a little more formal in makeup.

About half an hour later, Ren Shuai looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help sighing.

Uncle Li is really well maintained.

A delicate back hair does not make him look older, but gives him a sense of calmness and grandeur.

There was a little foundation on his face, showing a slight red light, making him look good.

In addition, Uncle Li has a good foundation, three-dimensional facial features, and a mature charm.

Lin Yuan looked at Ren Shuai who had put on makeup, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Teacher Li looked a little handsome after putting on makeup.

Usually, with plain makeup and simple clothes, no one would pay attention to whether an old man is handsome or not, but now that he has a good shape, and the exquisite suit sets it off, it immediately shows the value of Uncle Li's appearance.

When Teacher Li was young, he must have been a handsome guy, Lin Yuan secretly affirmed in his heart.

Ren Shuai walked out of the dressing room and met an acquaintance head-on, who was the handsome guy who was interviewing with him.

The little handsome guy was a little listless, walked in with his head down, and almost bumped into Ren Shuai.


The little handsome guy quickly apologized, looked up, and said in surprise: "You, you are... Teacher Li?"

He sized it up repeatedly before confirming that the handsome uncle in front of him was the noble man he had met before.

"Hello." Ren Shuai nodded in response.

Lin Yuan who followed behind took a look, stepped forward and asked, "Xiao Sun, you're here to touch up your makeup again, haven't you caught your scene yet?"

The little handsome guy shook his head with a bitter face, and sighed: "The male lead said that he has a business event tonight, and he has to finish filming all of his scenes during the day to make time for leave. Naturally, the female lead doesn't have time to cooperate with him." Play with me."

The place where they shoot is not very ventilated, and they will sweat after staying in it for a long time, and the makeup is easily worn out, so it is necessary to touch up the makeup from time to time.

A young actor like the handsome guy doesn't have an assistant, so he can only go to the dressing room to touch up his makeup.

And he needs to be on standby at the shooting site all the time, taking advantage of the actor's rest and the heroine's free time, to hurry up and shoot one or two shots.

As a result, he needs to be ready for shooting at any time, so he has to quickly make up the makeup.

In one morning, he ran to the dressing room six times.

Hearing this, Ren Shuai turned his head and asked Lin Yuan, "Do I need to wait too?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said: "You are acting with the second female lead, so you don't need to wait too long, but now the second female lead is also filming the same scene with the hero and heroine, you just wait until the filming of this scene is finished."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, there is no need to run around repeatedly to touch up makeup.

After all, as he was getting older, he couldn't compare to the young man's energy.

Saying goodbye to the poor handsome guy, he and Lin Yuan came to the shooting scene.

The director stared intently at the monitor. The male and female protagonists were filming a meeting scene, and both male and female were present.

Ren Shuai took the opportunity to review the script.

His roles are not too many, and if he concentrates on shooting, he can finish it in a day or two.

But considering the need to accommodate the role of the second female lead, the crew made an appointment for him for a week.

In the script, Qian Manjin played by Ren Shuai is a wealthy entrepreneur, but he is still unmarried at the age of nearly 60. He has many female friends around him, and the frequency of changing girlfriends is also very high.

The second female lead, Zhang Jingjing, is a newcomer to the workplace. She is young, beautiful, and energetic, but her family background is ordinary.

When Zhang Jingjing met Qian Manjin's pursuit, she rejected it wholeheartedly at first, but was later moved by the other party's sincerity, and was mainly defeated by the money offensive.

The two have an age gap of more than [-] years, but it does not prevent them from falling in love.

Zhang Jingjing was very sweet at the beginning. She felt that although her boyfriend was older, she was considerate and personable, and had a strong family background. She would live a happy life in the future and was already considering marriage.

But Qian Manjin has no intention of getting married at all, and there are always many Yingying and Yanyan who get close to him for money.

Based on this, Zhang Jingjing is very distressed. Although she wants to break up, she is reluctant to part with her current affluent life.

Until the male second appeared, Zhang Jingjing was awakened, and she made up her mind to get rid of Qian Manjin, broke up gracefully, and started her career in the workplace.

Ren Shuai's roles are mainly about the first meeting, love, breakup with Zhang Jingjing, and the extravagant life with other Yingying and Yanyan around him.

Before he joined the group, he had read the news on the Internet, and knew that the second female number Zhang Jingjing was played by a newcomer named Su Xin.

The reason why she was picked by Zhou Xuan was entirely because of her beauty.

beautiful, very beautiful.

Ren Shuai looked at Su Xin who was sitting at the conference table, and lamented that the actress's appearance was really extraordinary.

Although she is the concierge of the School of Film and Television Arts and has seen all kinds of beauties in the school, the Su Xin in front of her is still very outstanding.

Her beauty belongs to the bright type, very conspicuous, very prominent.

And because she has a low sense of age, she still has a bit of innocence in her beauty, a rare beauty.

Ren Shuai used Uncle Li Laifu's many years of experience in reading people to confirm that Su Xin is very famous, giving people the feeling that he is the type who will become popular when he is popular.

No wonder as a rookie, he was selected by the picky screenwriter Zhou Cun.

Only this kind of appearance can attract countless money from the girl, and fall in love with her.

Lin Yuan smiled and said in a low voice: "Ms. Li, Su Xin is beautiful, she is an absolute beauty, it is really pleasing to play with her."

Ren Shuai nodded, but a sense of crisis rose in his heart.

No, when playing with her, you must give full play to [-]%.

Otherwise, once it is broadcast, the audience will see such a beautiful woman but date a bad old man, and their recognition of Qian Manjin will be extremely low.

Seriously affect the progress of the task.

 Ask for tickets, please collect~
(End of this chapter)

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