From janitor to actor

Chapter 37 New Cards

Chapter 37 New Cards
When the screenwriter Zhou Xuan chose the role of Qian Manjin, he fully considered the charm of Qian Manjin.

What he wants to create is an old playboy, an old and rich diamond king.

After Ren Shuai entered the role, he happened to be able to bring others such a feeling.

After reading the script, Ren Shuai wondered whether to use a Charm Card to enhance the effect of the characters.

But I feel a little distressed, after all, the family is too thin to afford squandering.

Just as she was thinking, the filming of the boyfriend lead group ended, and the director announced that this was over.

The male number one and the female number one take a break for a while.

"Next, we will shoot a scene of Zhang Jingjing and Qian Manjin. Is the actor of Qian Manjin here?"

The field manager started shouting with a small horn.

Ren Shuai stepped forward, raised his hand and said, "Here."

Su Xin had just finished filming the last scene, and took advantage of the gap to change her makeup, but she didn't see Ren Shuai who was going to act with her.

However, Su Xin was a little nervous. As a newcomer, she didn't have much experience, and her acting skills could only be regarded as passing the test.

Hearing that the director said that she would arrange an old drama for her, I felt a lot of pressure.

When she first read the script, she felt a little uncomfortable with the fact that the character had to fall in love with a 60-year-old man, so it was difficult for her to get into the character, and she couldn't empathize with it.

It made her even more confused.

Once an actor doesn't believe in the character himself, it is impossible to create a character at all.

Her acting skills are mediocre, and she doesn't believe in the role, so she is basically doomed to fail.

With this mood, Su Xin is ready to face the director's stormy criticism.

Su Xin also knew that she could get this role because of her looks.

The audience's first impression of an actor is very important, and it is likely to affect the actor's entire acting career.

Su Xin didn't want to be defined as a vase actor as soon as she debuted, so she spent a lot of effort to hone her acting skills, and even invited a teacher to study suddenly.

She still has some confidence in the performance of other scenes, but she is really not sure about the scene with Qian Manjin.

Su Xin hopes that the Zhang Jingjing she interprets is not a pure gold worshiper, and that there should be feelings between her and Qian Manjin in addition to money.

But, how can we feel in love with a 60-year-old uncle?
Waiting online, very anxious.

Su Xin asked all the people around her for help, and also searched the Internet for answers.

Without it, only true love.

But Su Xin really can't do it.

After changing her makeup, she looked at herself in the mirror and began to hypnotize.

I like money full of gold, I like money full of gold, I like money full of gold...

"Su Xin, get ready, it's about to start up."

"Come, come."

Su Xin's self-hypnosis failed completely, and she walked to the set with great anxiety.

The director has already talked to Ren Shuai about the scene. The scene where Qian Manjin and Su Xin are in love is going to be filmed, and the scene is full of emotions.

Ren Shuai nodded, but he was a little uncertain.

Although he has elementary acting skills, neither he nor Uncle Li Laifu have much experience in relationships, and they may not be able to accurately grasp the feeling of passionate love.

Fortunately, Su Xin is a big beauty, so it is easy to make people feel good about her.

After Su Xin entered the arena, she quietly looked around, planning to find the actor who played Qian Manjin.

Ren Shuai happened to have his back facing her. From the back view, he was tall and straight, dressed exquisitely, and did not show his age at all.

There is no one who looks like a 60-year-old uncle in front of him.

"Are the actors in place? OK, ready to start the machine."

The director did not give the two actors a chance to get acquainted, and directly announced the start of the film.

Ren Shuai immediately walked to his place and began to sink into the role.

Su Xin looked at the well-dressed and calm mature man in front of him, and was very surprised.

This, is this money full of gold?
It's a little different from what I imagined.

It seems, a little handsome.

She looked at it quietly, and felt that the teacher was very good-looking. Although he was a little old, he was full of mature charm.

If this is the case, the money is full of gold, it seems to be okay.

She couldn't help but rejoice.

However, this scene in the plot is a scene of passionate love. Although the two did not act too intimately, it is still inevitable to hook shoulders and backs, and hold hands and hair.

Thinking of this, Su Xin was a little out of character again. After all, it was the first time she acted with a teacher she didn't know at all, and she behaved intimately when she first came up.

"Okay, turn it on."

The director announced the start of the machine without hesitation. Su Xin was completely unprepared, and felt his hand being pulled, and walked forward involuntarily.

Ren Shuai's acting skills have been brought into play at the elementary level, and he immediately shows Qian Manjin's complacency and high spirits, as if showing off with a beautiful girlfriend.


The director quickly stopped and said loudly: "Qian Manjin is doing well, Zhang Jingjing concentrates and don't get distracted."

Su Xin was named and nodded humbly.

Looking at Ren Shuai in front of her, she felt okay, at least the obstacles in her heart were not so big, but it was still difficult to act out the feeling of being in love.

At this time, Ren Shuai's mind was filled with the sound of the system's melodious promotion.

[Congratulations to the host, complete the task of starring in the money full of gold, and reward a martial arts card]

Ren Shuai was at a loss.

What is the use of this card?
He clicked on the system panel to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1, Martial Arts Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (300/1000)
Recognition degree: 508
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai clicked on the mall and entered to view it.

Charm Card: 100 approval

Line card: 200 recognition

Makeup card: 300 recognition

Martial arts card: 500 recognition

Ren Shuai was surprised, he didn't expect the newly rewarded martial arts card to be worth 500 recognition.

earned, earned.

Click to view item card details.

[Martial arts card, after use can improve martial arts performance ability, the time limit is 2 hours]

Ren Shuai looked at it carefully. This card is not only expensive, but also has a short time limit. It is definitely a precious variety.

After being hit by the sudden sense of happiness, Ren Shuai immersed himself for a while.

However, being too focused, he ignored the director's voice calling for another one.

It wasn't until Su Xin reminded him that Ren Shuai came back to his senses.

Su Xin looked at Teacher Li who was distracted just now, and felt slightly nervous.

She suspected that she was not in the right state, which made the old drama bone unhappy, so she was absent-minded even if she gave an eye for an eye.

Ren Shuai quickly calmed down and prepared to shoot after finding the feeling of the character.

But Su Xin was distracted because of his distraction, this shot was completely out of state.

The director was a little anxious. Originally, the film was switched on during the filming of the first man and woman, but now the actors are always out of shape, and every minute and every second of time is wasted.

However, facing a newcomer and beautiful woman, the director was a little patient and came over to ask in person.

"Aren't you out of shape? You played well in the meeting just now. Why is it like this now?"

Facing the director, Su Xin felt even more empty, feeling the pressure on her face, she could only whisper: "Look, I can't find it, the feeling of being in love."

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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