From janitor to actor

Chapter 38 Curse and cry opponents?

Chapter 38 Curse and cry opponents?

Hearing that Su Xin couldn't find love, the director looked at Ren Shuai.

He whispered: "Qian Manjin is a bit older, but his appearance is not bad. You can imagine that he is 20 years younger and find out how he feels."

Su Xin nodded, expressing that she tried her best.

Ren Shuai was standing not far away. Although they lowered their voices, he could still hear them.

What does it mean to be old and not find the feeling of being in love?

Still fantasizing?
Is he shameless?

Without waiting for him to think too much, the director returned to the monitor and announced the start again.

Su Xin recovered a bit, looked at Ren Shuai, her big eyes flickered slightly, as if trying to imagine what Uncle Li Laifu looked like when he was young.

Ren Shuai was speechless, he had already entered the role, but looking at Su Xin's eyes, he was a little out of play.


The director was speechless.

Originally, at least one of the two actors was online, but after his guidance, both of them were offline.

He sighed, walked over to the two of them and said, "I know that the two actors are not familiar with each other, or even know each other, but time is tight, everyone should show some professionalism, especially Mr. Li, you are an old actor, With rich experience, how about accommodating the newcomer girl and taking her a little bit?"

Ren Shuai blinked, fearing that the director might have misunderstood, he said, "I'm also a newcomer."

The director choked, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li, don't be modest, the screenwriter Zhou told me that you know that your acting skills are good after watching your play. Although I haven't heard of your name before, after this cooperation, everyone respects you." I'm familiar with it, sorry for your inconvenience."

Ren Shuai simply didn't explain anymore. If you misunderstand, just misunderstand, it doesn't matter.

He nodded and said, "I'll do my best."

Su Xin's face was slightly stiff, feeling that she was dragging others down.

Even an actor with such rich experience was brought into the play by himself, it was really embarrassing.

"Miss Li, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm still a rookie, please bear with me." Su Xin apologized.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Don't be so polite, everyone is new."

Su Xin's smile froze on his face, and mist loomed in his eyes.

Is the teacher connotating himself?
Ironically, I use the newcomer as an excuse. If the acting skills are not good, it is not good, and there is no need for an excuse.

Ren Shuai was stunned, why did the actress suddenly want to cry after saying a word.

I didn't bully her!
He quickly waved his hand and said, "Although I am older, I may not necessarily have more experience than you."

The mist in Su Xin's eyes condensed into water droplets, and the eye sockets were red.

Teacher Li said that he has no experience, but his acting skills are so good, and he himself is also inexperienced, but his acting skills are so poor.

Mr. Li criticizes people so cryptically, but every sentence cuts his heart.

So wronged, want to cry.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa, tears dripped down the face to the ground.

Ren Shuai was dumbfounded.

I really didn't do anything, did I?

Just as the director was about to start filming, he found that after Su Xin said a few words to Teacher Li, he suddenly started crying.

Be scolded?
Why can't Mr. Li be sympathetic and cherish jade? For a little girl, it's understandable that her acting skills are a little bit poor. Let's adjust slowly, after all, she is a beautiful parent.

Ren Shuai was more confused than anyone else.

"Xiao Su, why are you crying? We're not breaking up because we're filming this passionate love affair?" Ren Shuai asked uncertainly.

Su Xin, who was weeping aggrieved, suddenly choked.

Teacher Li's words made me tear up and down, and I wanted to take it back, but I felt a little wronged, and I wanted to fall, but I looked unprofessional.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't, control my emotions." Su Xin choked up and said.

When the director saw the actor's current state, his eyes were red, and he definitely couldn't continue to shoot the love story, so he said helplessly, "The actor should rest for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person next to him ran over and said, "The male lead is ready, I would like to ask if the filming can start as scheduled."

The director looked at the time, and suddenly clapped his hands and said: "It's just right, Su Xin is shooting that scene in this state, go, let the second male come over quickly."

The photographer hurriedly carried the machine to the scene next door, a cozy living room.

The director walked over and said, "Mr. Li, please rest next to me for a while."

Then he turned to Su Xin and said, "Zhao Li is here, let's shoot the scene where he comforts you after you are wronged."

Su Xin heard the words, Rumeng amnesty, nodded quickly.

Ren Shuai was full of question marks, he didn't do anything, he didn't finish shooting a scene, so he was arranged to rest?

Su Xin didn't wipe away her tears, and went directly to another scene and sat down.

The second male, Zhao Li, rushed over and was a little surprised to find that the opponent actor had red eye circles.

He didn't realize that Su Xin entered the scene so quickly in the previous two scenes, so why did he prepare so well this time.

The next scene reporter knew him very well, seeing his puzzled face, he said in a low voice: "It's not that I entered the play, it's that I was educated by an old actor."

When Zhao Li asked, he found out that Su Xin was going to shoot a love scene, but because of being distracted, she was criticized by the old actor of the rival, and she was wronged and cried.

He turned his head to look at Ren Shuai, and found that he was an old actor with a good image. Although he didn't know him, he probably had some status in the circle.

But the requirements for newcomers are too harsh, and they don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, even a beautiful woman like Su Xin is willing to scold her.

I have to comfort this newcomer little sister later.

Zhao Li walked to his seat and chatted with Su Xin with a smile.

The director leaves and asks to turn it on. The scene of the two of them is that Su Xin was wronged in the company, and the second male came to comfort him as his prospective boyfriend.

After turning it on, I don’t know if it’s because of empathy, but Su Xin performed supernaturally, expressing the feeling of grievance at once, I feel pity for it.

Zhao Li showed the state of a warm man, comforting with a gentle voice.

The atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

The shooting of the two went smoothly, and several shots were passed in one pass.

Ren Shuai watched from the side, speechless in his heart.

Shooting with others went smoothly and abnormally, and Yan Yan was smiling, but shooting with myself was out of state, and I felt wronged.

Is it really your own problem?
At this time, Lin Yuan quietly walked over and handed him a bottle of water.

"Mr. Li, thank you for your hard work. I heard that you made your opponent actor cry?"

Lin Yuan looked at Uncle Li in front of him, and felt that the other party was not like that kind of unkind person, maybe it was because he had too high requirements for art, so he was extraordinarily strict.

Ren Shuai turned his head in doubt: "When did I cry at others?"

Lin Yuan said in a low voice: "Gossip spreads so fast on the set. I just heard from the makeup assistant in the dressing room that there was an old actor who played against Su Xin. He was dissatisfied with her acting skills and yelled at her, causing Su Xin to collapse. cry."

Swearing, breaking down and crying?
Ren Shuai felt like crying.

The rumors in the showbiz are too scary. In the past hour, the news on the same set has been distorted like this.

"I didn't say anything. Su Xin couldn't find her status, so she cried." Ren Shuai said sincerely.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I think this rumor is unreliable, don't worry, I will help you refute the rumor."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Zhao Li, and said, "I heard that this story came from Assistant Zhao Li."

Ren Shuai was stunned.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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