Chapter 39
Ren Shuai looked at Zhao Li, who played the warm man in front of the camera.

Perhaps it wasn't because Zhao Li felt that he was bullying Su Xin and wanted to help find a place for him, so he asked his assistant to spread rumors to blackmail him.

Zhao Li put his arm around Su Xin's waist, showing a sunny smile, and Su Xin returned a sweet smile, just like a scene of love.

Ren Shuai inexplicably felt high fighting spirit.

This is a declaration of war.

Who is afraid of who!

"Director, do you want to strike while the iron is hot and shoot the scenes of our passionate love?"

Ren Shuai walked over to suggest during the shooting interval.

The director looked at the time and found that the filming of the second man and the second woman went well, and there was still some time.

It just so happened that Su Xin was in good condition, so let's shoot.

"Okay, Mr. Li, don't get angry this time, Su Xin is quite sensible, let's take it slowly." The director laughed.

Ren Shuai didn't explain, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee one pass."

The director was surprised and felt an inexplicable aura from Mr. Li.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the Charm Card, your personal charm has increased]

Ren Shuai decisively used the charm card.

The director beckoned to Su Xin and encouraged him: "These performances are good, remember this feeling, and finish filming the love story with Mr. Li."

Su Xin's smile froze on her face. She had heard from her assistant just now that in order to help her, Zhao Li spread the word that Teacher Li bullied her and made her cry.

Although Zhao Li was helping her complain, it was a misunderstanding, and spreading rumors like this would definitely make Teacher Li unhappy.

Before I had time to explain it clearly, I was playing with Mr. Li, and I felt a little bit sorry.

Zhao Li saw that the director was going to shoot the love scene between Zhang Jingjing and Qian Manjin, so he walked over and said, "Director, is Teacher Li too harsh? Cry, the camera behind is not good to shoot."

Without waiting for the director to respond, Su Xin quickly waved her hands and said, "It's a misunderstanding. Teacher Li didn't bully me at all. It was because I couldn't find myself that I was crying."

Zhao Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and persuaded him: "You don't have to take it to heart, it's already very difficult to find a relationship with an actor of his age, it's not about your acting skills."

Su Xin shook her head and said, "Ms. Li did a great job, it's me."

"Okay, you don't have to belittle yourself. When you were acting with me, you did very well, so it's not your problem." Zhao Liwen smiled.

What he said was implying that Ren Shuai had a problem with himself. At such an age, he still wanted to find the feeling of being in love with a young girl. It was also Ren Shuai's fault that Su Xin couldn't find his status.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was already in place, the director smiled helplessly: "Xiao Su, relax, try acting again, Teacher Li said that he will take you along."

Zhao Li pursed his lips and said with a low laugh: "Looking at Mr. Li's age, he should have been in the industry for a long time, but I've never heard of his name. It's probably because of his poor acting skills, and he can't get ahead at all."

Su Xin was noncommittal, and could only nod and say goodbye: "I'm going to shoot first."

Walking to Ren Shuai, Su Xin took a deep breath, ready to relax.

"Are you ready?"

Ren Shuai turned his head and looked at her quietly.

Su Xin held her breath, raised her head to look at Ren Shuai, and her breathing that had just calmed down suddenly became chaotic.

Teacher Li blushed a little as he looked at him from such a close distance.

How does it feel that the temperament is not the same as before.

Looking at him with this kind of eyes, there is a feeling of rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing.

"Yes, ready."

The director looked at the camera and shouted with a small loudspeaker: "Attention all departments, 3, 2, 1, start shooting."

Ren Shuai stretched out his hand to hold Su Xin's hand, and instantly switched to the state of money full of gold.

Mature and stable, there was a trace of unrestrained, turned around and smiled at Su Xin, and strode forward.

When Su Xin heard the word "start shooting", he suddenly noticed that Ren Shuai's demeanor changed suddenly, and he felt that the back in front of him was showing a closeness.

Just when she was blushing, Ren Shuai turned his head and smiled, Su Xin was breathless for a moment, and hurriedly lowered her head shyly, revealing a sweet smile that couldn't be concealed.

so shy.

Teacher Li looked back and smiled very charmingly.

And the doting eyes just now, I was so sweet in my heart, I suddenly felt very happy.

"Okay, card."

After the director yelled to stop, he stood up from behind the monitor in surprise, and couldn't help applauding slightly.


How did Mr. Li do it?
Just now when he said that he would guarantee one thing, the director thought it was a statement of loyalty, but he did not expect it to be done.

Looking back just now, no matter the eyes or the smile, they were too attractive, not to mention that the girl couldn't stand it, even he coughed
"Very good, great, this one is over."

Hearing the director shout, Ren Shuai smiled as expected.

Su Xin was very surprised and gratefully thanked Ren Shuai.

Teacher Li said to take her with him, and he really brought her up.

This kind of acting is really terrible. Not only does he perform well, but even the opponent actors can be taken away, and the state is pulled up immediately.

Moreover, Teacher Li is really handsome.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Su Xin feels that when she looks at Teacher Li now, she feels attracted to him.

Especially seeing the doting eyes just now, the feeling of being in love can't be suppressed.

Zhao Li stood beside him blankly. He originally planned to watch a joke, but instead saw this kind of god-level acting.

I just complained about Ren Shuai's poor acting skills. After reading this article, I feel a pain in the face.

He couldn't help but wonder, how could such god-level acting skills remain unknown until now, it should have caused a sensation in the show business circle long ago, right?

Is it because I am ignorant?

This kind of acting skills must have an unusual status in the circle.

He also asked his assistant to spread rumors, which must have offended this senior.

No, you have to hurry up and apologize.

Otherwise, with Mr. Li's status, he would definitely be able to make himself overwhelmed, and it would be difficult for him to move an inch in the circle in the future.

Zhao Li stepped forward quickly, bowed to Shuai Ren and said, "Hi, Teacher Li, I'm Zhao Li. I've heard your name for a long time, but I haven't had the chance to meet you. It's a great honor to witness your acting skills today."

Ren Shuai was speechless, nodded and responded, "You're welcome, I'm just a newcomer."

Zhao Li froze on the spot.

Teacher Li is definitely angry, otherwise how can I say irony?

Could it be that what he said just now that his acting skills are not good was overheard.

"Ms. Li, there may be some misunderstanding between us. For the sake of me being a junior, don't be as knowledgeable as I am." Zhao Lidui laughed.

Facing Ren Shuai at close range, he felt the unique temperament of the other party, and he was even more sure that the other party must be a big boss in the circle.

This kind of temperament is not something ordinary people can have.

Seeing Zhao Li's flattering look, Ren Shuai was very satisfied.

It is not so easy for a hero to save the beauty. Even if you want to stand out, don't try to bully others.

It's better for the young people to learn a little lesson.

Ren Shuai put himself in the position of the old senior with a sense of substitution.

(End of this chapter)

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