From janitor to actor

Chapter 40 The Progress Is Too Fast

Chapter 40 The Progress Is Too Fast
With the bonus of the Charm Card, Ren Shuai acted like he was on the hook, and all the shots were passed.

In a total of 1 hour, he and Su Xin shot nearly a quarter of the shots.

Seeing that the progress was too fast, Ren Shuai was a little stunned.

If he had been filming at this pace all the way, he would have to finish filming a week's scenes in one day, and the original 1.5 film salary would have shrunk to 3000 yuan.

This kind of loss-making business cannot be done.

The director looked at the monitor and couldn't help nodding. Watching Teacher Li's performance was simply a kind of enjoyment.

He intends to postpone the next shot of the first man and woman, and now focus on shooting Qian Manjin and Zhang Jingjing.

These two people are in a full state, and the feeling of passionate love is not only consistent, but also natural.

He was about to start drinking cp.

When Ren Shuai heard the director's proposal, he quickly refused: "I'm getting old, and I can't handle long-term high-intensity shooting, please be considerate."

This reason is reasonable, and the director cannot refuse it.

That kind of acting performance must be extremely exhausting. Teacher Li's continuous superb performance is indeed unsustainable.

"Okay, then you can rest for a while, we will shoot again when we have time."

The director felt very sorry. As a director, watching Mr. Li acting was like relaxing by himself.

Ren Shuai thought that he was a bit over the top just now, and impulsively used a charm card. He must be in excellent condition, but today's original shooting schedule has already been completed. If he shoots again, he will have to shoot tomorrow's scene.

That doesn't work.

One year of annual leave has been taken, and I can’t miss a day of shooting.

"This state can't last long. I'm really tired today. Can I go back and rest first?"

Ren Shuai showed his acting skills unconsciously, and couldn't hide the tiredness on his face.

Seeing him like this, the director quickly got up and said with concern: "Mr. Li, your body is the most important thing, but don't get tired. Today's progress is almost done. If you are tired, go back and rest."

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile, turned around and left.

Su Xin has been paying attention to him quietly. Seeing his tired face and worried heart, she hurriedly chased him.

"Mr. Li, are you okay?"

Ren Shuai stopped acting as soon as he turned around, his face was not even a bit tired, and he said with a relaxed smile, "It's okay, I can call it a day."

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect that a senior like Teacher Li would sell miserably and ask for leave, so she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ren Shuai quickly turned his head to glance at the director, and found that he was not paying attention, so he waved his hand and said, "Shut up, don't let the director find out."

Su Xin immediately suppressed her smile, her face flushed red.

Seeing the harmonious state of the two talking and laughing, Zhao Li couldn't help eating lemons in his heart.

Ordinarily, Mr. Li is so old, and he still plays Zhang Jingjing's ex in the play, so he can't pose a threat to him.

But Zhao Li just felt that there was a lot of crisis, Mr. Li's charm was too strong, and his own advantages were not worth mentioning in front of him.

Even the advantage of age, in front of Mr. Li, seems to be too immature, but it has become a disadvantage.

Zhao Li wished that he would be decades older, so that he could show the charm of years of training and maturity.

After finally meeting an actress with Su Xin's good looks and a newcomer, he couldn't help but try dating.

Originally, he was very sure, but today when he was compared by Mr. Li, he instantly looked like a clown.

After bidding farewell to Su Xin, Ren Shuai went back to the dressing room to remove his makeup.

Lin Yuan was sitting inside, and suddenly saw him coming back, and said in surprise, "Mr. Li, why did you take off your makeup so quickly?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Today's scene is finished ahead of schedule, and work is over."

Looking at Ren Shuai's relaxed and comfortable smile, Lin Yuan was a little dazed, why did he find Teacher Li's smile so attractive, and couldn't help but want to get closer to chat.

She stood up and enthusiastically called the makeup artist to remove the makeup.

At this time, the handsome guy also opened the door and entered the dressing room.

Seeing Ren Shuai sitting on the makeup chair, he bowed slightly to say hello, "Ms. Li, have you come to touch up your makeup too?"

He followed heroine No. [-] all the way, and wanted to exchange a few more words to facilitate the character building in the play. He hadn't seen Ren Shuai's acting skills on the set just now.

Lin Yuan returned to the dressing room after a few words of greeting, not knowing what happened just now.

At this moment, the door of the dressing room was pushed open, and a figure holding a fruit basket walked in.

"Ms. Li, congratulations on finishing work early today. This is the fruit basket that the director asked me to send. He said he wants you to have a good rest and eat more fruits to supplement vitamins."

"Thank you, that's very polite." Ren Shuai nodded in response.

Lin Yuan turned his head to look, and asked in surprise, "Assistant Director, why are you here in person?"

The visitor smiled politely at Ren Shuai: "For a senior like Mr. Li, of course I should come to express my condolences in person. If the director hadn't been pressed for shooting tasks, he would have come here by himself."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, even if his acting skills just now overwhelmed them, there is no need for the director to be so polite to himself as a supporting role, obviously there are other things.

"By the way, the director also wants to ask you. I have some free time tomorrow morning. I wonder if you can come to shoot?"

Sure enough, something happened.

Ren Shuai chuckled inwardly, the bonus effect of the Charm Card is 1 day, starting to be used at 11 o'clock today, and the validity period just ends tomorrow morning.

He wished he could start filming tomorrow morning and end his day's work ahead of schedule.

"Okay, no problem." Ren Shuai nodded happily.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was so eloquent, the assistant director nodded gratefully.

Although it was the first time for him to meet Teacher Li, after communicating with him at close range, he felt that Teacher Li was easy to speak, very kind, and very responsible for his seniors.

I really hope to cooperate more in the future.

After achieving his goal, the assistant director reluctantly left, wishing to have a few more conversations with Ren Shuai.

Lin Yuan didn't know what happened, but from the attitude of the director and assistant director, he knew that Teacher Li was not simple.

It must be the acting skills that can conquer the director.

She really regretted that she came back too soon and didn't see Teacher Li's acting skills.

The little handsome guy was full of admiration, and hurriedly approached Ren Shuai, and asked obediently: "Mr. Li, can you teach me how to act so that I can reach your level?"

Ren Shuai pretended to be profound, and held back for a long time, but felt that he could not deceive his children.

"Seriously, work hard."

He can only speak the eternal truth.

This kind of talking is equivalent to not saying it, and it feels like listening to what you have to say is better than listening to what you have to say.

I don't know if it was influenced by the charm card, but the handsome guy felt very useful, as if Mr. Li summed up what he had learned all his life and taught him a scripture.

"Well, I will definitely work harder in the future and study my acting skills assiduously."

Ren Shuai looked at him and felt that he couldn't cheat the child, so he should give him some advice.

Relying on the experience of his previous life, combined with the memory of Uncle Li Laifu, Ren Shuai said earnestly: "Looking at your image, you are very suitable for acting in court dramas. Let your company inquire if there are any palace dramas. As long as you don't play a eunuch, play a guard with a knife." What, it suits you very well."

 Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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