From janitor to actor

Chapter 41 Book an Audition

Chapter 41 Book an Audition
The little handsome guy didn't expect Mr. Li's advice to be so specific.

However, Gongdou drama is rare in the five continents, and it feels like a niche theme, and not many people will watch it.

But since Mr. Li mentioned it himself, there must be a real meaning, and he will notify the company to help contact him later.

After Ren Shuai unloaded his clothes, he called off work ahead of schedule under the envious eyes of Lin Yuan and the handsome young man.

He went back to the hotel arranged for him by the crew, and ate the boxed lunch he received from the crew.

Just about to take a lunch break, the phone "beeps" to indicate that a message has been received.

"Uncle Li, please call me back at your convenience."

The signature is Su Yu.

Ren Shuai was puzzled and dialed the phone.

"What do you want from me?" He asked straight to the point.

Su Yu's tone was a little excited, and he said excitedly: "Uncle Li, my script has been acquired by Xingxing Platform, and there are investors who want to remake it into a movie immediately."

"Well, I heard from Xiaoqing, congratulations."

Ren Shuai thought to himself that it was impossible for her to send a special message just to talk about this matter. Sure enough, Su Yu immediately said as if to take credit: "The crew hired me as a screenwriter and asked me to recommend actors. I immediately thought of you."

Ren Shuai raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that this would be a good idea. He would only be able to afford to rent a house after retirement, and he would be able to do system tasks.

After humming, he asked, "And then?"

"Well, the crew needs to audition, I wonder if you have time?"


"Just tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

Ren Shuai was surprised that it was impossible for the cast and crew to be notified at the last minute of the audition.

On the other end of the phone, Su Yu stuck out her tongue guiltily. Although the crew hired her as the screenwriter, it was only to take care of her face as the author of the original work. The crew had a more professional screenwriter team to adapt.

And this time I asked her to suggest actors, because the actors who were originally scheduled to audition could not go because of something.

Time was tight, and the crew began to mobilize their contacts to find suitable actors to audition. Su Yu was only asked by the way, and took advantage of the situation to propose candidates.

Based on the attitude of casting a wide net, the crew decided to give the actor suggested by Su Yu a chance to audition.

After all, she is a college student who has just graduated, and her connections in the industry are definitely not as good as those of the seniors in the crew, but since she has proposed a candidate, she will take care of her feelings and interview by the way.

"Time is a bit tight, but this interview opportunity is rare, and the location is in Taijing City, not too far from Meijing City."

Su Yu had great confidence in Uncle Li. Although she knew that the crew wanted to save face and let the candidates she suggested go for interviews, but Uncle Li stepped forward, one of them was worth two.

At that time, we must let the people in the crew know what acting is.

Let Uncle Li fight for her face, and let the crew not look down on the young screenwriter who just graduated.

Ren Shuai did not expect that the interview location happened to be in Taijing City. If the interview and filming time did not conflict, he could give it a try.

"Morning or afternoon?" he asked.

Hearing Uncle Li's tone, Su Yu knew there was something going on, and quickly said, "Interview at 2 p.m., but you may come over in the morning, and I'll give you a look."

She thought to herself that she had to spare some time to dress up Uncle Li. The role for the interview was not the security guard on the stage of the drama. The script was adapted and it was different from the original.

You can also take the opportunity to talk to Uncle Li about the drama, open a small stove, and increase the success rate of the interview.

Ren Shuai said decisively, "I'll go there in the afternoon."

Su Yu was a little anxious, and persuaded him: "You should come earlier, and you will have to prepare for a while. After the script is adapted, it is different from the original, and you are not interviewing for the role of the security guard."

Uncle Security is the second male lead in the original novel. Such an important role has already been decided by the film crew. Now the interview is for a newly added character after the adaptation, an old tramp who picks up trash.

"I'm going to film in the morning, and I'll contact you then."

When Ren Shuai heard someone knocking on the door, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Su Yu on the other side was very surprised. Unexpectedly, Uncle Li had joined the filming group.

She obviously heard that the drama directed by University of Malawi would not start until the end of the year, but she suddenly remembered that Mu Xiaoqing seemed to have mentioned that Teacher Li had interviewed a crew.Could it be that he succeeded on one side and has now joined the group?
It seems that Uncle Li is very reliable.

Su Yu felt that her days of being a little transparent in the crew were finally coming to an end.

Ren Shuai heard the knock on the door and walked over to open it. It turned out that the person was an intellectual beauty whom he didn't know.

"Hi, Teacher Li, my name is Cui Shaoyu, and I am Su Xin's agent."

She stretched out her white palm, ready to shake hands with Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai nodded, ignored her outstretched hand, and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I don't know you."

After speaking, he decisively closed the door.

Cui Shaoyu raised his hand in a daze, looked at the closed door, a little unresponsive.

Ren Shuai chuckled inwardly, he had seen this kind of routine a lot in his previous life when he watched gossip news.

A beautiful woman pretends to be an acquaintance and comes to the hotel to ring the doorbell, either to take the opportunity to blackmail, or to use the opportunity to stir up gossip.

He also said that he was Su Xin's manager, nonsense.

How could the manager be as beautiful as the entertainer.

There was another knock on the door, and Cui Shaoyu's voice sounded.

"Do you have any opinion on Su Xin? Thank you for taking her on the set today. I'm here to thank you."

"No comment, you're welcome."

Ren Shuai responded across the door.

Seeing that the door was still not opened, Cui Shaoyu continued, "Mr. Li, I came to you to ask if you have signed a contract with a company. If not, would you consider signing with our company?"

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. He felt that the other party really missed Su Xin's manager. Could it be that he misunderstood?

But at this time in the hotel, it is still best to be careful.

Although he is not well-known, since the bad boys in the crew can spread rumors, they might also set him up, so guarding against others is indispensable.

"Don't think about it, thank you!"

He decisively refused.

Cui Shaoyu was a little puzzled. She clearly heard from Su Xin that Mr. Li took good care of her on the set, and the two got along very harmoniously. Why did Mr. Li feel so repulsive when he saw her.

Besides, with her appearance, she always gave people a good first impression when she went out to negotiate business in the past.

Teacher Li didn't even speak to her face to face, and just closed the door and left.

Fearing that the other party would stay at the door and attract the attention of the onlookers, Ren Shuai sighed and said, "I'm not feeling well. I need to rest. Goodbye."

Cui Shaoyu suddenly realized that he came at the wrong time.

But Su Xin clearly told herself that Teacher Li was pretending to be tired in order to call it a day.

Ren Shuai quietly approached the cat's eyes and looked out.

But he found that Cui Shaoyu was still standing at the door, as if he was thinking about something.

Cui Shaoyu thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized, he quickly bowed slightly to the door and said, "Mr. Li is indeed a senior. I won't tell others. I'm really sorry to disturb your rest."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

Ren Shuai, who was lying on the cat's eye and peeking at it, was confused.

What nonsense is this woman talking about?
If you don't tell others, you won't really set yourself up, right?
Surveillance testifies, I didn't open the door!

(End of this chapter)

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