Chapter 42

Cui Shaoyu, who walked to the elevator, turned his head and looked at Ren Shuai's closed door, admiring him.

Senior Li is really a warm man, he is so considerate, he asked the director to ask for leave when he was not feeling well, but he was afraid that other actors would worry about his health if they found out.

Just lying about pretending to be tired, not even wanting the dignity of being a senior, and not wanting others to worry about him, is really heart-warming.

What a good actor with both strength and character.

I must find ways to sign him!
Early the next morning, Ren Shuai showed up on the set on time.

I didn't sleep very well last night, and I don't know if it was because I changed my bed or because of Cui Shaoyu's inexplicable words.

He was putting on makeup with two dark circles under his eyes, and Su Xin happened to be in the dressing room.

Seeing Ren Shuai coming in, he greeted happily, and then noticed his dark circles.

After finishing work yesterday, the manager praised Mr. Li for a long time, saying that he is excellent in art and morality, considerate, and pretends to be strong even though he is not feeling well, so as not to worry others.

Just like the hero of an idol drama.

But Su Xin didn't believe it. She watched Teacher Li sniggering with her own eyes yesterday. She was in excellent condition, and she didn't seem to be unwell at all.

If he can act so realistically, he can directly hit the actor.

But today, looking at Mr. Li's two obvious dark circles, he knew that he didn't sleep well, maybe he was really unwell.

It seemed that the manager was right, but his experience was too inexperienced, so he didn't realize that Mr. Li was pretending to be strong.

Ren Shuai didn't know that Su Xin had a lot of inner drama after taking a look.

He asked for proof: "A woman named Cui Shaoyu came to me yesterday, claiming to be your manager."

Su Xin nodded and smiled, "That's right, Sister Cui is here to thank you for me."

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, as if he was thinking too much.

It also made me sleepless all night.

But when Cui Shaoyu came, what did that nonsensical words mean?
Su Xin said with concern: "Are you okay? Sister Cui told me after she came back that you were really unwell. She was afraid that I would be worried on the set, so she pretended to be fine."

Ren Shuai turned his head in doubt, what is this unfolding, did Cui Shaoyu think too much.

Su Xin pursed her lips and said embarrassingly: "Sister Cui also promised you to keep it secret and not tell me, but after thinking about it, I think I should know that it was me who met a caring senior like you." luck."

Ren Shuai was baffled, he just made up an excuse casually to send Cui Shaoyu away, but he didn't expect her to take it seriously.

And it also helped him make up a warm man design.

Forget it, no explanation.

Ren Shuai was noncommittal.

Seeing that Teacher Li didn't respond, Su Xin thought he was acquiescing.

"Ms. Li, please pay more attention to today's shooting."

Ren Shuai was not worried about this, and agreed, "Don't worry."

The two put on their makeup and came to the shooting location arranged in advance by the crew.

The director greeted them warmly when he saw them coming.

"Ms. Li, Xiao Su, let's shoot the scene where you two first met today, let's find out the feeling first."

Ren Shuai nodded upon hearing this, and Su Xin was also full of confidence.

She thought to herself, with Teacher Li leading the flight, there is no need to worry about today's performance.

After all the departments were in place, the director picked up the small speaker.

"Okay, ready, turn on."

The content of this scene is similar to that of Ren Shuai when he saw the group audition. Qian Manjin was patrolling the mall, and saw Zhang Jingjing passing by the shop window from the window, and fell in love at first sight immediately, and confessed his love on the spot.

But Zhang Jingjing was speechless about the sudden encounter. The pursuit of an uncle did not make her happy, but she was a little disgusted, so she mercilessly rejected Qian Manjin on the spot.

The camera first shoots Ren Shuai, and he interprets the appearance of seeing the lover of his dreams.

In the camera, Ren Shuai raised his head and glanced casually, his eyes lit up instantly, and he stared intently at the movement of the figure outside the window.

It wasn't until the beautiful figure disappeared from sight that he hurriedly chased it out.

"Okay, card!"

The director nodded in satisfaction.

Uncle Li's acting skills are very stable, his emotional expression is very accurate, and his characters are in place.

This shot has passed.

Afterwards, the scene where Qian Manjin and Zhang Jingjing meet for the first time will be filmed.

The director looked at the plan list and was secretly happy.

As long as Mr. Li maintains this state, there is no need to worry about the progress of the filming. It would be great if other people can be like Mr. Li.

You don't need to worry about not being able to keep up with the progress, and you don't have to wear a hat on your head all the time.

Seeing Su Xin and Ren Shuai walking to the designated position, the director turned on the machine again.

"Ma'am, please stay."

Qian Manjin, played by Ren Shuai, panted slightly, and caught up with Zhang Jingjing in front.

Su Xin turned her head and looked at him with some doubts.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Well, although it's a bit rude, I really want to know you, can you leave a contact information?"

Ren Shuai smiled politely and gentlemanly, exuding attractive charm all over his body.

Zhang Jingjing, played by Su Xin, opened her mouth and tried to show a disgusted expression: "Sorry, it's inconvenient."


Before the two could continue acting, the director called a stop.

"Xiao Su, you acted too politely. An old man on the street suddenly expressed his affection for you and asked for your contact information. Would you react like this? You should show a disgusted look but slightly conceal it for the sake of face, do it again .”

Su Xin nodded quickly.

"Again, switch on."

Ren Shuai continued the state just now and introduced himself again.

Su Xin showed disgust in his eyes, but quickly disappeared, and said a little apologetically, "Sorry, it's inconvenient."


The director raised his brows slightly, did he not understand clearly enough, why Su Xin's performance is not as good as the previous one.

"Xiao Su, someone you don't know suddenly confessed his love to you on the street, even if you refuse, you shouldn't show an apologetic expression, right?" the director coaxed.

Su Xin looked at Ren Shuai helplessly.

She understands the truth, but she really can't act it out to Teacher Li.

If such a charming man confesses his love to you, let alone disgust, he should immediately agree and leave his contact information.

Who can she tell her grievances in her heart, she really should change the director to stand in her position and demonstrate.

Su Xin originally expected the teacher to continue to lead the flight, but today's scene is not suitable for the feeling of love.

Teacher Li played like this, isn't she really cheating her?

Ren Shuai met Su Xin's helpless gaze, as if saying, Great Sage, take away the supernatural powers.

He was a little guilty, and could only return apologetic eyes.

I'm sorry, before the charm card expires, the supernatural powers really can't be taken back.

"Come again."

The director immediately arranged to restart the machine.

When Su Xin refused Qian Manjin this time, she didn't apologize, but seemed aggrieved.


The director didn't understand, why couldn't Su Xin perform such a simple play?
Obviously there is Teacher Li escorting him.

"Director, you, can you demonstrate for me?" Su Xin said timidly.

This is all forced, let the director experience his own situation!
 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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