From janitor to actor

Chapter 43 Director: I Was Reckless

Chapter 43 Director: I Was Reckless
When the director heard that Su Xin asked him to guide him, he didn't know what the other party's intentions were.

"it is good."

He readily agreed, and got up to prepare for Su Xin to demonstrate.

Anyway, with Mr. Li here today, there is no need to worry about the progress, and there is nothing wrong with showing the actors in person.

After walking to Su Xin's position, the director instantly showed disgust in his eyes, and then, as if out of face, he took it back, but said in a bad tone: "Sorry, it's inconvenient!"

After he finished the performance, he felt very satisfied. He turned to Su Xin and said, "How about it? Have you seen it? This is what I want."

Su Xin nodded obediently, and then murmured: "Director, is it okay for you to have a word with Mr. Li? I'll find out how I feel."

She can act in the air, but she can't act in front of Teacher Li.

The director was in a good mood and didn't refuse. He looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Ms. Li, you are troubled. Let's demonstrate to her."

Ren Shuai looked at the director's face full of pockmarks, and thought that thanks to his junior acting skills, he would not have been able to say this line.

He tried his best to ignore the director, entered the character, showed a charming smile and said, "Can you leave a contact information?"

The director froze on the spot without even saying a word.

This, who can stand it?
I'm so sorry to say no.

He was a little considerate of Su Xin, because his request was unreasonable.


The director hastily coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Xiao Su, as a successful person, Qian Manjin naturally has his charm, otherwise Zhang Jingjing in the play would not be his girlfriend, right?"

"Um, yeah."

Su Xin didn't understand what the director wanted to express.

The director continued: "However, the first time we met, Zhang Jingjing confessed her love to her. The age gap is still so big. Zhang Jingjing definitely couldn't accept it at the first time. It is inevitable to refuse, but, don't need to be so firm."

Su Xin nodded, she felt that this was right.

"Yes, director, the character Qian Manjin has always been surrounded by young and beautiful girls. Apart from money, he must have his own charm."

The director pondered for a while, then decided: "Let's do this. I didn't think carefully before. When Zhang Jingjing refused Qian Manjin, she didn't need to be so disgusted. Just express a sense of resistance to the unknown."

Su Xin nodded quickly, and only then did she agree with the reality.

The director returned to his seat and picked up the small speaker again.

"Ready, start up."

This time, Zhang Jingjing turned her head and looked at Qian Manjin, with a hint of bewilderment and a little fear in her expression, which eventually turned into a sense of distance facing strangers.

"Sorry, it's inconvenient."

After this piece was performed, the director immediately nodded in satisfaction.

The state of the characters is right, even Su Xin's acting skills are very layered, and the emotions are more real.

"Okay, that's it, next one."

The main content of the following performances is that Qian Manjin pursued Zhang Jingjing hard, and finally moved Zhang Jingjing with sincerity and established a love relationship.

It's basically a show in the studio, with three or four scenes switched.

There are Zhang Jingjing on her way home from get off work, the business building where she goes to the market, and the bustling commercial street.

These scenes are some chance encounters that Qian Manjin entrusted people to inquire about Zhang Jingjing's whereabouts, and had been prepared for a long time.

However, beauties like this very much. On the way home from get off work, Zhang Jingjing failed to get a taxi and sprained her ankle while walking and taking the subway.

Qian Manjin appeared quickly and rushed her to the hospital.

Limp Zhang Jingjing came out of the hospital, Qian Manjin strongly advocated driving her home, but Zhang Jingjing refused.

Just over an hour later, the two have basically finished today's progress, and they are short of the last scene of establishing a relationship.

Looking at the time, it was less than 10:10, and the director was going to let the actors rest for [-] minutes.

Teacher Li is getting old, so he can't let him perform high-intensity all the time, so as not to exhaust him again.

The director thought very considerately.

"Mr. Li, Xiao Su, take a break. Today we are short of completing one scene. We will see the status later. If we can catch up with one scene, it is a good one."

Su Xin was full of energy and was not tired at all, but she was also afraid that Teacher Li would be exhausted, so she nodded in agreement.

Ren Shuai could not agree, he had to go to the interview in the afternoon, and he had to finish the filming in the morning.

Moreover, the effect of the charm card ends at 11 o'clock, and the scene of establishing a romantic relationship must be completed before the end, otherwise the state will not be a bit bad.

Before he had time to say no, he saw a large group of people huffing into the set.

"Director, I'm back in a hurry, let's hurry up and start shooting, there's a commercial waiting for me at 3pm."

The first tall figure wearing sunglasses walked this way while talking.

He is the male number one in this TV series, Xu Yang, the hottest idol star recently.

"Yo, that's just right, I just have a rest here." The director walked over to greet her enthusiastically.

Ren Shuai was not happy anymore, he finally used a Charm Card, and he had to make the best use of it.

If this male number one gets in the way, the time will definitely not be able to catch up, not to mention the expiration of the charm card, and the shooting effect will deteriorate. If you can't finish the schedule in the morning, you will definitely not be able to leave in the afternoon, and the interview will be ruined.

No, I have to hurry up and encourage the director to finish filming.

Before he could open his mouth, the director walked over with a smile on his face and said, "Ms. Li, you worked hard this morning. Since Xu Yang has rushed over, can you move your follow-up scenes to the afternoon?"

"There is only one shot missing, and it will definitely be finished in 10 minutes. Why don't we just shoot it all at once?" Ren Shuai said.

The director looked distressed, and could only say in a low voice: "Mr. Li, to tell you the truth, Xu Yang's time is counting against every second. We can only follow his time. Please bear with me."

Ren Shuai couldn't argue with the director's expression, although he didn't say it clearly, but from his attitude, he knew that this drama probably had the investment from the male lead, or the crew begged him to perform, anyway, he had to cooperate with him.

Ren Shuai sighed inwardly, but did not give up, and asked, "What plot is he filming today?"

"First shoot the scene where he intends to confess his love to the female lead and practice in front of the mirror. After the female lead comes over after a while, he will directly shoot the confession scene." The director briefly introduced.

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I'm in good shape today, and I don't want to rest now, so I just watch the excitement from the sidelines."

The director naturally had no objection, and said politely: "That's right, you can help guide the acting."

After speaking, the director didn't dare to stay longer, and hurried back to the monitor, ready to start shooting.

The male number one, Xu Rang, had done his makeup and hair styling before he came. He has his own team, and even the costumes don't need to be arranged by the crew. Professional stylists help design them all.

He has a lot of attention now, and he has a lot of announcements. Even if he is in a filming group, he often asks for leave to accept variety shows and commercials outside.

This time, after putting on makeup, I waited to turn on the machine as soon as I arrived at the scene.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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