From janitor to actor

Chapter 44 Is it the right time?

Chapter 44 Is it the right time?
The director asked the dispatcher to arrange the scenes and personnel, and prepare to shoot Xu Yang's plot.

In this scene, Xu Yang practiced his confession in the office. The scene was in the shed, just next to the scene of Ren Shuai just now, with only a background wall in the middle.

The camera was quickly in place, aiming at Xu Rang who was sitting on the office chair.

"Power on."

Xu Yang finally glanced at the lines, put the script aside, and began to perform.

"Xiaomo, shall we be together?"

"No, too direct."

"Xiao Mo, we seem to be in perfect harmony, do you want to try dating?"

"No, it's too casual."

"Xiao Mo, I found that it is not suitable for us to continue to be friends, we should be boyfriend and girlfriend."

"No, no, it's too greasy."

Xu Rang babbled to the camera alone.

After watching it, the director felt a little normal, stopped and came to the guide and said, "Xu Rang, when we say every sentence, change your expression. Although your character is set as a domineering president, you don't have to keep your face sullen. You are alone. Now, you can relax a little bit."

Xu Rang nodded and continued to act again.

The director was still a little dissatisfied and was going to let him try again.

Ren Shuai watched anxiously from the side, and the time passed by, and his shots could be finished in this time.

No, I can't continue to procrastinate, wait until I think of a solution.

He walked slowly to the director's side, nodded casually and commented: "The acting is not bad, although he is an idol star, but the character is accurate."

When the director heard it, he was slightly surprised, turned his head and asked in doubt: "Mr. Li, do you think this one is good?"

"Yes, not bad." Ren Shuai said solemnly.

Seeing that the director didn't believe it, he explained: "He is a domineering president, even when he is alone, he should have that attitude. If it’s faked, the persona will collapse.”

The director thought about it and thought it made sense, but Xu Yang's acting skills still lacked a sense of hierarchy.

But what the audience wants to see is only his face, as long as the acting skills are not flawless.

"Okay, this one is over."

Hearing this, Xu Rang relaxed and looked at Ren Shuai gratefully.

I thought that my performance was not plump enough, but instead got the approval of a senior, it was really wrong.

Ren Shuai has his own little Jiujiu.

He had heard from the director before that this was the only scene where the male one shot himself, and the latter was to confess his love to the female one.

And the female one hasn't come here yet, so she had a little time in the middle and just finished filming her scene.

Ren Shuai saw that the machine started to move, and approached the director to make a suggestion.

At this moment, the scene similar to Xu Yang's arrival reappeared. A group of people huffed into the set, and two female assistants guarded a slim figure in a small purple suit, with a pair of huge sunglasses on her face , walked straight towards the director.

This is Wei Yan, the number one female.

"Director, did I delay the shooting?" She took off her sunglasses and asked with a smile.

"Of course not. It's just in time for me to shoot the scene where Xu Yang confesses his love to you. Let's prepare first." The director said happily.

He thought that the first female lead came at the right time, originally thinking that Xu Rang's time was precious, and it would be a pity if the first female lead didn't come, but this is just right.

Ren Shuai was silent.

Why didn't you delay the shooting?

It was very delayed and seriously delayed his shooting progress.

Ren Shuai felt bitter. He finally found an opportunity to grab time, but was ruined by the female number one.

It's really not the right time to come...

The female lead, Wei Yan, is a powerful actor. Although her appearance is not the most outstanding, her acting skills are among the best in the same period.

When Xu Yang's team chose the heroine, they also considered Xu Yang's lack of acting skills, so they chose a female lead with good acting skills.

With this combination, you can take him with you during the performance.

The film crew ran quickly under the command, and the camera position was set up on another set in the studio.

This place is the home of the female number one, and it is also the home shared by her best friend Zhang Jingjing.

In the plot, the first female and the second female are college classmates, and they rented together in an apartment after graduation, but the second female moved out after dating Qian Manjin.

The scene that will be filmed immediately is the plot where the first man rushes to her house when he hears that the first woman is ill.

Facing the monitor, the director saw that the actors were already in position, and immediately called out to start.

Standing next to him, Ren Shuai kept thinking about how to stop the other party and let him act.

Xu Yang entered Wei Yan's house and began to work hard, opening the windows to ventilate, measure body temperature, boil water, and give cold medicine.

Looking at his busy back, Wei Yan was moved in her heart, and persuaded: "Don't be too busy, it's just a small cold, and don't get too close to me, so as not to be infected."

"It's okay, just rest." Xu Yang responded with a smile.

"Okay, Ka, this one is good." The director praised him.

Ren Shuai watched from the side, and sighed in his heart that Wei Yan's acting skills are really good, not only showing the uncomfortable feeling of catching a cold, but also showing a touch of being touched by the relationship, and the emotional interpretation is very good.

In Xu Yang's scene, there are too many actions, not many lines, and the expressions don't need to be too rich, just need to express concern and worry.

The two passed smoothly.

If things go on like this, the two will keep taking pictures, and it will never be Ren Shuai's turn.

Looking at the time, it is already 10:40, and there are 20 minutes left before the charm card will expire. If you shoot Ren Shuai's confession scene after that, the effect will be much worse.

Really sad people.

A sense of powerlessness arises from within.

The director was unaware of Ren Shuai's careful thinking, and was still filming step by step.

"Okay, the following is the confession scene, the two of you keep your status and turn on the phone."

After helping Wei Yan to the bed, Xu Rang quietly looked at her face.

Gradually, I couldn't hold back the urge to confess.

"Xiaomo, I like you."

He spoke without warning.

Wei Yan who had already closed her eyes opened her eyes, her face flushed with anger, she didn't know if it was because of shyness or illness.

Seeing Wei Yan opened her eyes, Xu Rang quickly repeated: "I said, I like you, so be my girlfriend."

Wei Yan's face turned even redder, and she unconsciously pulled the quilt halfway up to cover her face, her eyes showing just the right amount of shyness.

Xu Yang asked: "You agreed?"


Wei Yan covered her mouth with the quilt, responded softly, and blinked her eyes, showing sweetness.

"Haha, that's great, you agreed." Xu Yang stood up excitedly and shouted happily.


The director stopped immediately.

This performance is wrong, too exaggerated.

Moreover, Xu Yang was too calm when he confessed, and he was too excited after getting the consent, which seemed very abrupt, and the characters became weird.

Just as the director was about to speak, he caught a glimpse of Ren Shuai from the corner of the eye, wondering if he should ask Mr. Li for his opinion first?
 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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