From janitor to actor

Chapter 45 Just in time!

Chapter 45 Just in time!
"Mr. Li, do you think this expression is a bit blunt?" The director turned his head and asked.

"Well, yes, the mental activities are not complicated enough, and the emotional expression is not full enough, and needs to be adjusted."

Ren Shuai didn't try to persuade him this time, he sought truth from facts and pointedly picked faults.

The director nodded slightly, that's right, just as he thought.

"Xu Rang, the performance should be more delicate. Before you confess, you'd better bring some emotions to brew, showing your uneasiness. After getting Wei Yan's consent, you don't need to be overly excited, just restrain yourself a little. It's best to express your inner ecstasy, but Feeling repressed again."

The director talked about the play, and he didn't expect Xu Yang to do what he said. After all, his acting skills are limited, so he just asked Xu Yang to act in this direction.

"okay, I get it."

Xu Yang nodded in agreement.

Wei Yan's acting is okay, and her emotions are in place, but compared to Xu Rang's dry confession, it seems that she has a lot of inner activities, and she has an urge to associate with the other party, as if she can't wait to agree.

Seeing that the actors had adjusted their emotions, the director called out to start the game again.

Xu Rang looked at Wei Yan's face, brewing emotions, uneasy, not obvious, but full of tension.

After holding back for a long time, his forehead was almost sweating, and he suddenly said, "Xiao Mo, I like you."

Wei Yan opened her eyes and continued to play steadily.

Xu Yang couldn't get a response, so he repeated anxiously and loudly: "I like you, be my girlfriend!"

Wei Yan was taken aback, but with the professionalism of an actor, she stabilized her mind and continued to perform.

"You agreed?" Xu Yang asked anxiously.


Just as Wei Yan uttered a cry, Xu Rang quickly clenched his fist, opened his mouth to scream, and tried to hold back.

"Great, you agreed." Xu Yang said in a low voice.


The director couldn't help raising his hand to caress his forehead, this performance is not as good as last time, it's a bit hot...

Usually, Xu Yang was asked to play the domineering president, with no facial expressions, and it was not obvious that his acting skills were poor, but now he added a little emotional expression, and he acted like this.

Save the child.

The director took off his hat and scratched at the thinning hair, not knowing how to adjust it.

Seeing that the director didn't speak for a long time, Xu Yang stared at the monitor instead, thinking that the other party approved of the performance.

"Director, am I full of emotion this time?"

He thought to himself that he should have performed well this time, he was much more relaxed than last time, his emotional expression was obvious, and he had fulfilled all the requirements put forward by the director.

Little did he know that the director could not be corrected by him.

What I want is fullness, not exaggeration!
The director didn't know how to speak.

It doesn't make sense to criticize, after all, Xu Yang has indeed worked hard in the direction he mentioned.

But don't criticize it. Anyone with eyes can't see through acting like this.

"Xu Rang, why don't you try to find the feeling of confessing your love to your first love, with a little nervousness, a little heartbeat, and a little expectation."

Xu Rang thought for a while, spread his hands and said, "Director, I have no experience."

Xu Yang has no experience in confessing, and he has always been confessed by others.

I can't understand the feeling of anxiety.

The director was speechless, feeling a little anxious about where to start.

Ren Shuai was even more anxious than him.

It's almost 10:50, time waits for no one.

Wei Yan said at this time: "Director, do you want us to switch positions and perform, I will confess my love and let him find out how he feels."

"That's ok, don't turn it on first, you two have a try."

There is no good way for the director. Acting skills can't be learned in a short time.

Wei Yan started playing with Xu Yang.

During the performance, she showed a little shyness just right, but she did not lose courage, and there was tension in her eyes.

Xu Yang observed and studied, and always felt that it was only a girl's state, and he would not be like this as a man.

"How's it going, have you found a feeling of confession?" asked the director.

"I'm sorry director, I'm not in a good state."

Xu Yang really didn't understand what was wrong with his acting. He had clearly expressed his emotions, why the director was not satisfied.

Ren Shuai glanced at the time, and another 5 minutes passed, thinking about how to make a final struggle.

At this time, Su Xin finished her rest and returned to the set. Seeing that the men and women were all there, she knew that her role could not be filmed.

She saw Ren Shuai standing next to the director thoughtfully, and walked over quietly.

"Ms. Li, shall we stop filming?" She asked in a low voice.

Ren Shuai turned his head, and when he saw Su Xin, he immediately beamed with joy. He came at the right time!
"Director, I have a suggestion." He immediately said to the director.

The director, who was in the middle of a lawsuit, immediately turned his head when he heard the words, and said happily: "If you have any good ideas, just say it."

Ren Shuai seized the time and said: "Xu Yang just didn't find the feeling, but I think he has a strong learning ability, why don't I act it again and let him see it."

The director nodded immediately: "Okay, go over and give him some guidance."

"No, that's not what I meant. I have no experience in teaching others, so I can only perform myself."

Ren Shuai waved his hand, and then said solemnly: "The role of Qian Manjin can also be regarded as a domineering president. Didn't he want to confess his love to Zhang Jingjing? I just acted with Su Xin and let him watch it."

The director hesitated and didn't immediately agree.

Ren Shuai said again: "Qian Manjin and Zhang Jingjing also confessed their love at her house. The scene is the same as now, and there is no need to adjust the camera position. Besides, I am in good condition now."

The director was greatly moved.

The key is not to adjust the scene, but that Mr. Li's sentence is in good condition.

It is also time for Xu Yang to understand what real acting skills are, so that he always thinks he is good.

"Then I'll trouble Teacher Li."

After finishing speaking, the director took out a small speaker and said, "Xu Yang, our teacher Li has rich experience, and he and Zhang Jingjing also have a confession scene, why don't we watch their performance first?"

Xu Rang looked at Ren Shuai, thinking that the senior said a few good words for him just now, and he seemed to understand his acting skills very well. Let him perform it again, maybe he can learn something.

"Okay, then I will trouble this senior." He nodded with a smile.

Seeing that it was already 10:55, Ren Shuai hurriedly pulled Su Xin over without the time for the ceremony.

"Let's go, let's do the confession scene first."

Su Xin was surprised, Mr. Li is really good, actually filming his scenes first when the first male and female lead are present.

Wei Yan looked at Ren Shuai curiously. When she was playing with the young handsome guy, she heard him mention this senior.

But in the past few years in the industry, she has never heard of Li Laifu.

The director actually asked him to demonstrate to Xu Yang face-to-face. He must have good acting skills, but she has never convinced anyone in terms of acting skills, and she doesn't think that Senior Li will perform better than herself.

Since Xu Rang didn't get the hang of it after watching her demonstration, he might not be able to do it after watching this teacher Li's demonstration.

Ren Shuai stood up against the clock and signaled that it was time to start the machine.

(End of this chapter)

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