Chapter 46
"Okay, all departments are ready, start up!"

Qian Manjin took advantage of Zhang Jingjing's ankle and tried to send her home. Although he was rejected, he showed his spirit of perseverance.

In the end, he managed to win the chance to send her home.

After sending Zhang Jingjing upstairs, Qian Manjin saw the right moment and confessed his love to her.

Qian Manjin helped Zhang Jingjing to sit on the sofa and looked into her eyes.

"Jingjing, I really like you. After all this time, you should know that I am not impulsive."

Qian Manjin had a sincere expression, with sincerity and anticipation in his eyes.

Zhang Jingjing didn't make a statement, but looked hesitant.

Qian Manjin looked at her with even more anticipation in his eyes, but there was no pleading in his tone, but rather domineering.

"Be my girlfriend."

Su Xin met Ren Shuai's fiery gaze, and immediately wanted to nod in agreement, but the lines did not make her agree immediately.

She resisted the urge to immediately agree, blushing on her face, and said in an uncertain tone: "I, are we suitable?"

Qian Manjin showed a charming smile, and his tone was firm, but he didn't answer affirmatively, but continued: "Be my girlfriend!"

Zhang Jingjing finally lowered her head, whispering like a mosquito: "Then, let's try it."

Qian Manjin immediately showed delighted eyes, the smile gradually expanded on his face, and his emotions gradually increased.

There was a hint of doting and sweetness in his tone of voice: "I won't let you regret it."

The shoulders of the two gradually moved closer.

"Okay, card!"

The director is very satisfied, Mr. Li's emotional expression is very good, which not only reflects Zhang Jingjing's desire to become a girlfriend, but also does not lose the temperament of a domineering president.

Even Su Xin's performance was very good, the state of hesitating to speak, and being ashamed while refusing was very accurate.

The director was very satisfied, and said with a smile, "This one is over."

Xu Yang, who was watching from the side, seemed to realize something.

The difference between me and this teacher Li is that I am not domineering enough, I appear to be unstable, and my usual aura is gone.

He didn't notice too much of the others, but it shouldn't be a problem to act like a cat and a tiger once.

Wei Yan was a little surprised. Ren Shuai's acting skills are really good, and the charm of the domineering president is absolutely obvious, but what really surprised her was Su Xin's performance.

She and Su Xin have played against each other for several scenes, and she knows that Su Xin's acting skills are average and she is a newcomer.

But at this moment, seeing Su Xin and Ren Shuai playing against each other, it was as if they were different people. The improvement in acting skills made her unbelievable.

This is the strength of that teacher Li...

Not only his own acting skills are excellent, but even the strength of the opponent's actors is fully stimulated.

Really great!

She looked back at herself, when she played against Xu Yang, not only did she fail to stimulate his acting skills, but because the gap in acting skills was too large, it seemed that the two performances were incompatible.

It seems that the two of them are acting in their own way, and there is no feeling of complementing each other after cooperation.

It was only at this time that Wei Yan realized that she had always been too conceited about her acting skills, and performances like Mr. Li's were her real strength.

A good performance by one person is not considered good, it is really good if everyone is good!

Ren Shuai let out a sigh of relief when he heard the director say that this was over, and looked down at his phone. The time was just at the last second of 10:59.

It's dangerous, the Charm Card almost fails.

He couldn't help but wonder how Qian Manjin would be played if the charm card's effect suddenly disappeared in the middle of the performance.

But it was safe and sound.

He walked out of the shooting scene and smiled at the director: "Have I finished my shooting task today?"

The director nodded happily, and found that there seemed to be some inexplicable changes in the aura around Ren Shuai.

Is this an actor's play?

It changes so fast.

Ren Shuai nodded and said: "Then I won't come here in the afternoon, I feel that my energy and energy are almost exhausted."

The director looked at Ren Shuai's state and found that he was indeed not as energetic as before, so he nodded and said, "Take a rest, today's filming tasks have been completed, but it's a pity that you can't give us some advice here."

Ren Shuai waved his hand modestly, turned and left.

Su Xin was satisfied with her performance, she found that Wei Yan looked at her with admiration.

It seems that the acting just now was really good, even Wei Yan, an acting school, recognized her.

Thanks to Mr. Li for leading the flight.

She was just going to thank Teacher Li, but found the back of him leaving silently.

Could it be that Mr. Li is not feeling well again? The whole morning of filming was really exhausting, and he didn't even have time to say goodbye. It must be because everyone is worried about his physical condition.

Teacher Li is really considerate.

Looking at the back of Ren Shuai going away, she couldn't help feeling a little admiration in her heart.

The reason why Ren Shuai left in a hurry was of course because of time constraints.

Although Su Yu told him that the interview time was at two o'clock in the afternoon, he still had to take off his makeup, have a meal, and then drive there by car.

Time is not abundant.

On the other hand, Su Yu's crew has already started interviews.

This interview was organized temporarily, but there were quite a few people who came for the interview.

The role she recommended Ren Shuai to interview was a waste picker, commonly known as a scavenger.

There were only eight characters in the original drama script, but it seemed too thin to be adapted into a movie. The screenwriter team added many new characters to increase the storyline and commerciality of the movie.

Among them, the scavenger is an easter egg-shaped character. Although there are not many scenes, it plays a big role.

This role has requirements on the age, acting skills and body movements of the actors. It is difficult for ordinary actors to meet the standards, but the actors who meet the standards are too expensive.

The crew managed to hire a senior in the industry, but due to various reasons, they were unable to act, so they had to temporarily pull him in.

The film crew of Suo Sheng has a good team and a wide network of contacts. Although the time is tight, many actors are still invited for interviews.

In the entertainment industry, actors still love the big screen more than the small screen.

Ren Shuai arrived half an hour early, and Su Yu greeted him at the door.

"Ms. Li, you've come." Su Yu hurriedly pulled him inside.

Ren Shuai asked puzzledly, "I'm not late, isn't it two o'clock?"

Su Yu nodded and said: "The production team was notified at two o'clock, but the actors who were interviewed seemed to have been beaten to death. They all came very early, so the production team temporarily interviewed a few of them in advance."

She continued as she walked: "The news I heard from here is that the main creative team seems to have interested candidates. If you come later, you probably won't even have an interview opportunity."

Ren Shuai thought to himself that it was lucky that he came out early, if he got stuck, he might lose a chance to make money.

They walked to an office door, Su Yu knocked on the door, then opened the door and entered.

"Director Zhang, the teacher Li I introduced is here, is it convenient for you to try the play?" She politely said to the insider.

There were four people sitting in the room, the leading man had long curly hair tied behind his head with a rubber band.

Seeing Su Yu leading the people in, he didn't care. He waved his hands and said, "No need, we are discussing the performances of the teachers just now, and we have basically come to a conclusion."

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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