Chapter 47
When Su Yu heard from the director that there was no need for another interview, she suddenly felt cold.

She turned her head and looked outside the door, thinking that it was a pity that she missed the opportunity to ask Uncle Li to help her feel proud.

"The director and the teacher have rushed over. His play is really good. Don't you really want to watch it?" Su Yu insisted.

The director smiled and sighed: "Xiao Su, we are also thinking about the teacher. Since we have all interested candidates, we are going to interview this teacher. Isn't it a waste of his time?"

Su Yu nodded in disappointment, and walked out the door.

Although Ren Shuai didn't enter the door, he could already hear it clearly at the door.

He was not willing to make a trip in vain, and saw that Su Yu had come out, so he smiled and comforted him: "What is there to be disappointed, Ma Chunpeng asked me to film a movie, and I only agreed when his assistant chased him downstairs, if it wasn't for you For the sake of saving face, how could I find time to come here, it would be better not to have to audition, I have to rush back to the set."

His voice didn't hold back.

Su Yu didn't understand the meaning of the words, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I didn't expect this to happen. It didn't affect your shooting in the group, did it? Will it delay the progress of the shooting?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, the shots in the morning are all in one pass, and the progress is very fast."

Before Su Yu could reply, the door of the office was suddenly pulled open from the inside.

It was a mature woman with wine red short hair, wearing a delicate suit, with a shrewd look in her eyes.

She looked at Ren Shuai, smiled politely and said, "This is Teacher Li, right?"

Ren Shuai nodded slightly and gave a puzzled look.

Su Yu asked in surprise, "Producer Han, why did you come out?"

The man didn't answer, and politely introduced himself to Ren Shuai: "Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Han Wei, the producer of the movie "Who Is the Murderer?"


Ren Shuai nodded, and turned around to leave after speaking.

"Mr. Li, please stop. We discussed it just now, and I feel that the original candidate is still a little flawed. I don't know if I am lucky. Can I invite you to come in and try the play?"

Han Wei quickly took a step forward and extended the invitation very politely.

Ren Shuai turned his back to him, secretly smiled in his heart, but replied, "Will it take a long time?"

Han Wei immediately replied: "Soon, you're already here, so let's try the show by the way, it won't take too long."

Only then did Ren Shuai reluctantly agree.

Su Yu didn't understand what happened at the moment, and watched the two enter the room suspiciously.

The director clearly refused the interview just now, how did he let Producer Han come out to hire someone in the blink of an eye?

And judging by her attitude towards Teacher Li, she is very polite and keeps her attitude very low.

Usually in the crew, she would only pose in this way when facing actors with high status in the circle.

It's not that I don't understand, the world is changing fast.

She could only follow into the office in a daze.

At this time, the director, assistant director, and casting director were all sitting upright. When they saw Ren Shuai entering the room, they quickly got up and nodded.

Ren Shuai returned the gift calmly, thinking to himself, never thought that Ma Chunpeng's big banner was quite bluffing.

"Hello, Teacher Li, I'm the director Lu Jin. It's a great honor for you to come to our crew for an audition. I wonder if Xiao Su has introduced the characters in the play to you?" the director asked with a smile.

Su Yu froze, she was too anxious just now, she didn't have time to say anything.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I know a little bit. You can talk about it in detail. I'll find out how I feel."

He wasn't lying either. Su Yu said on the phone last time that the interviewer was not Mr. Security, but he didn't say what role he would play.

In front of the director, he naturally wouldn't reveal Su Yu's shortcomings, and only an inexperienced newcomer like Su Yu would ask the actor to come for an interview without even saying anything about the role.

But this also shows in disguise that Su Yu has great confidence in Uncle Li's acting skills.

No matter what the role is, Uncle Li can play it well.

At this time, Han Wei who greeted him came in and said, "This character is a homeless man who spends years picking up garbage in various communities to make a living. We don't have many requirements for the character, as long as the performance of the feeling of desolation is fine, but... "

When she said this, she paused, and changed the subject: "The tramp is just his superficial identity, but in fact he is a martial arts master who has traveled the world, so we still need actors who can express a heroic side, it is best It has a foundation of action."

Ren Shuai was full of confidence at first, but he was taken aback after hearing it.

Not only him, even Su Yu was taken aback after hearing this.

She remembered that in the original script, the character of the tramp was a tramp, but there was nothing to hide his identity!

In fact, the screenwriter team took into account that the film will be aired on the Lunar New Year file, so it needs to add some dramatic conflicts and comedy effects, so it made a slight modification at the end.

They only notified the director and producer of these revisions. A fringe figure like Su Yu naturally didn't know about them.

Ren Shuai manages his expressions well. He has never been afraid of acting, but his movements are limited to the basic skills that Uncle Li does every morning, a set of fitness boxing techniques.

However, it seems that there is a martial arts card rewarded last time in the system.

He pretended to be emotional, but actually quietly opened the panel to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1, Martial Arts Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (480/1000)
Recognition degree: 539
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

He first looked at the proficiency level of the primary acting skills, and it increased by 180 points, and the recognition level also increased by 31 points, which was gratifying.

Then Ren Shuai clicked on the mall and entered to view it.

Charm Card: 100 approval

Line card: 200 recognition

Makeup card: 300 recognition

Martial arts card: 500 recognition

Looking at the martial arts card worth 500 points, he felt a little distressed. Click to view the details of the item card.

[Martial arts card, after use can improve martial arts performance ability, the time limit is 2 hours]

This is the most valuable card in the inventory. If you use it to show your martial arts skills during the interview, it is really not worth it.

After closing the panel, Ren Shuai thought for a while, nodded and said, "I can start now."

The four of Lu Jin nodded repeatedly, indicating that they could start at any time.

They didn't set up any situations or lines for Ren Shuai, they only needed to use acting skills and actions to show the temperament that a homeless man should have.

However, as an actor, even if he experiences life, it is difficult to express the unique temperament of a homeless man who is lonely, lonely, but at ease.

Once the force is too strong, it will appear to be sad alone after being underappreciated. If it is too indifferent, the characters will appear ordinary.

Ren Shuai just thought about the homeless people he had seen, and with the support of his junior acting skills, he instantly found the feeling.

The light in his eyes gradually faded, his shoulders slumped slightly, looking at the group of people in front of him was like facing a pile of lifeless garbage.

 Ask for tickets, ask for collections!

(End of this chapter)

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