Chapter 48 You Don't Have to Sign a Contract
Ren Shuai took a few steps forward and raised his hand to search for trash. A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. It was obvious that he found something useful in the trash.

Although he acted as a homeless man looking for garbage, although he did not act in kind, it looked very realistic, and even Ren Shuai's eyes seemed to be focused on the things in his hands.

He gathered his things together, made a gesture of picking up his satchel, turned around and walked towards the distance.

That figure, even if it's just from the back, still looks desolate and lonely.

However, mixed with these temperaments, there is still a little free and easy.

"Well, Ka, thank you for your performance."

Lu Jin took the lead in applauding lightly, and exchanged glances with the producer Han Wei, both of whom saw satisfaction in each other's eyes.

They thought to themselves, as expected of Director Ma Chumpeng chasing after the actors invited to film, the acting skills are really good.

The demeanor of a tramp can be seen at a glance, and in addition to the demeanor that a tramp should have, there is also a faint hint of a hermit.

This kind of rich and full acting skills made the main creative team very satisfied.

Su Yu watched from the side, feeling very happy.

Mr. Li's acting skills are amazing, and you can tell how satisfied you are by the expressions of the director and screenwriter, and now you can finally follow your face.

Lu Jin nodded again and again: "Your acting skills are really nothing to say, and you don't need to show the temperament of a martial arts master anymore. Can you directly show your skills in action?"

Ren Shuai thought for a while and said, "My movements are definitely fine, but I need to stretch my muscles and relax my bones before showing it. It takes a long time to prepare, and I'm afraid it will be too late today."

He just wanted to know what kind of treatment the crew could give, so that he could sell it for a price.

After all, a martial arts card is worth a lot of money, so you have to figure out whether it is worth it. If the treatment is not good, you might as well not accept it, maybe you can meet a better opportunity.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't intend to show it, but his tone was confident, the director exchanged glances with the producer again.

Han Wei understood, and said with a smile, "You haven't signed the contract yet, so we can't reveal too much of the plot for the time being, but this role does require good movement skills, and may even need to hang Wia. I wonder if you have any difficulties?"

Since Teacher Li doesn't want to show it, she has to test her words.

Actors of this age, except for those who are martial arts actors, are generally not willing to hang on to Wia to act in fighting scenes.

Ren Shuai thought about the tool card produced by the system, it is absolutely genuine, and it is foolproof.

If you really want to use martial arts cards, action scenes are not just a matter of holding hands.

"No problem." He replied simply.

Han Wei looked at the director, and Lu Jin said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Li, please wait outside for a while, we will discuss it right away and then make a decision."

As soon as Su Yu heard this, he knew that there was definitely something going on. Although the director said he would wait for a while, he didn't let anyone go back and wait for the news. There was a high probability that he had to sign a contract.

She was a little excited in her heart. After Mr. Li joined the group, she would go around bragging about it, no, publicize that this actor was found by herself, and other people would never dare to ignore her existence.

Just as he was thinking happily, Ren Shuai said, "Director Lu, it's like this. I don't know much about the filming time and other conditions of the crew. This time I came to the interview mainly because Xiao Su sent an invitation. Today's interview is also temporary. idea."

His implication is very clear, even if you want to sign me, I don't necessarily agree.

After all, after acting, it means using a martial arts card, and the cost is too high.

Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, he just wanted to discuss with the zero people present in a symbolic sense. In fact, he wanted to sign the contract directly in his heart, but he never thought that Teacher Li would disagree.

He was silent for a while, feeling as if he had figured out what Teacher Li was thinking.

There is nothing to say about his acting skills. If the few of us are satisfied, we can sign the contract directly. There is no need to make them wait for a while. Those who don't know think they will be rejected.

An actor with Mr. Li's qualifications must have a lot of face. Rather than being rejected by others, it's better to propose it yourself.

It seems that it is better to say it clearly, so as not to misunderstand Mr. Li.

At the same time, Su Yu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Teacher Li to be so domineering.

What if the director is offended by these words, and the contract is ruined?
After finally fighting for the opportunity, why does Mr. Li push it out? This is more profitable than being a porter.

Before she could finish thinking about it, Lu Jin said, "Mr. Li, you don't have to worry about the schedule. Our film will be filmed for a month. You can come to the set when you have time during this period. The role is not heavy."

Su Yu was surprised. She didn't expect Teacher Li to be treated like this. From the director's tone, it was clear that Teacher Li was going to sign him!

Ren Shuai didn't say anything, and waited to hear the following, the schedule or something is not the point, the big deal is to ask Gao Dagui for annual leave, the key is the salary.

Why didn't these people mention the issue of remuneration when they talked about signing the contract...

Seeing that he was silent, Lu Jin quickly looked at Han Wei.

It means don't let the teacher go away, sign immediately.

The producer is responsible for many things like signing contracts. Han Wei immediately understood the meaning and turned around to take out a folder from her briefcase.

"Mr. Li, it seems that your schedule is very full and you don't have enough time, so we won't go through the motions. This is a contract. I look forward to having a pleasant cooperation with you."

After she finished speaking, she handed the contract to Ren Shuai with both hands.

Just as Ren Shuai was about to reach out to take the contract, Han Wei's outstretched hand suddenly stopped, and said with a wry smile, "I was in a hurry and forgot about it. Your agent should be responsible for signing the contract, right?"

Ren Shuai was speechless.

He doesn't have the configuration of a broker.

"I'll just see."

Without waiting for Han Wei to let go, he directly took the contract and quickly flipped through it.

It's time to demonstrate the ability of fast reading and precise positioning. His eyes quickly focused on the column with numbers.

9... 9 million?

He blinked his eyes and counted the zeros behind the string of numbers, probably because of his presbyopia, he could see the double image.

Ren Shuai held back his excitement and looked at the text in front of the amount with trembling eyes.

Personal accident insurance, 9000 million...

Uh, what a dangerous action scene, and such a large amount of insurance!
I was excited for nothing.

He sighed in frustration.

Han Wei has been a producer for many years and is very good at observing words and expressions. She immediately saw dissatisfaction from Ren Shuai's micro-expression.

If there is any dissatisfaction, of course it is the salary!

She was quite understanding and said: "This contract has been prepared a long time ago, and we did not expect to invite an actor of your level to participate in "Who Is the Real Murder". The salary is really inappropriate. I think it is better How about 3 a day?"

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(End of this chapter)

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