From janitor to actor

Chapter 49 Invite again

Chapter 49 Invite again

Ren Shuai was at a loss, he didn't seem to do anything, the producer actually raised the price.

Wow haha!
He hastily suppressed his excitement, showed his elementary acting skills, and suppressed a smile with no expression on his face.

Seeing Teacher Li's reaction, Han Wei felt a little nervous. As a producer, she naturally knew the budget of the entire crew.

Thirty thousand for Mr. Li is indeed not high, after all, he is the one who can be chased by director Ma Chunpeng to sign the contract.

Although I have never heard of his name, but just looking at his strength, it is more than this price.

It's just that the leading actors they invited are not low-ranking, and the production budget is not plentiful. Besides, whether the reasoning drama can break through the siege in the Lunar New Year file and get a high box office still needs to be questioned.

Everything has to be saved.

She thought about it, and really didn't want to lose the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Li, a good actor, so she said, "I know the salary is a little low, but I still ask for your understanding. There is a mobile phone manufacturer on the sponsor side. You see Can I get you a new top-of-the-line folding screen phone sometime?"

Ren Shuai's elementary acting skills could hardly suppress the upturned corners of his mouth.

"Well, I understand, sign it."

He nodded quickly, already silently calculating in his heart, this must be a few months' salary.

If you have this opportunity every month, why worry about not being able to rent a house after retirement.

Su Yu was dumbfounded, what kind of operation is this?
Teacher Li just stood there looking at the contract, and the producer offered to add money and give away a mobile phone.

No wonder Mu Xiaoqing always told her that Teacher Li is not a concierge at all, but a senior in the entertainment industry who just came to the school to experience life.

Maybe it is.

Otherwise, an ordinary concierge would not have such acting skills and determination.

Ren Shuai was signing the contract at this time. He had seen the filming time stipulated in it, starting from next Wednesday, and any two days in the next month.

The shooting location was in Meijing Film and Television City, very close to him.

If you don't need to consume that martial arts card, it's perfect.

After signing the contract, the directors happily shook hands with Ren Shuai and exchanged communication information with each other.

"I'm looking forward to working with you. When you set a time to join the group, just contact me." Han Wei smiled.

Ren Shuai nodded, said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Su Yu took a step back, and Lu Jin couldn't help asking curiously: "Xiao Su, how did you meet an actor of Mr. Li's level? It seems that he still takes care of your face?"

Su Yu said honestly: "We have worked together in dramas, and the role of Mr. Security was originally played by Mr. Li."

Lu Jin wondered: "Mr. Li's level of acting skills, I have never heard of it before. Do you know which company he signed with?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "Ms. Li didn't sign a contract with the platform, he is an employee of our school."

Lu Jin and Han Wei suddenly realized that they were teachers from the Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts. No wonder they were very skilled but not well-known.

He must have been teaching and educating people, and rarely came out to pick up jobs.

The two looked at each other and were very satisfied, feeling that they had found a treasure.

After being questioned, Su Yu went out to chase after Ren Shuai, and couldn't help feeling elated.

My decision to invite Teacher Li to come for an interview was really correct.

When directors and producers talked to her before, they were not as polite as before. They were basically casual and indifferent.

Relying on Mr. Li's performance, his status in the main creative team has finally improved a bit.

"Ms. Li, I'll see you off."

She caught up with Ren Shuai and asked, "Which crew are you filming in? Is it far from here?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "It's not far away. It's also in Taijing City. It's called "Silent Business Warfare."

Su Yu nodded habitually, then suddenly let out a soft cry, and said excitedly: "Yes, it's the work of the great playwright Zhou Chou!"

Uncle Li Laifu was not familiar with the screenwriter circle, and Ren Shuai didn't know anything about it. Seeing Su Yu's excitement, he asked in confusion, "Famous?"

Su Yu couldn't help nodding, and said quickly: "My idol, I just want to be a screenwriter like him. I can choose roles as I like, and I'm not at the mercy of capital and don't worry about no one investing."

"Well, I wish you success." Ren Shuai sincerely wished.

"Is Master Zhou Sui on the set, can you get my autograph for me?" Su Yu asked with staring eyes.

"I only saw it when I met the crew. He was not in the crew. He heard that he had a new inspiration, so he went to retreat to create."

He heard all these news from Lin Yuan.

Su Yu was disappointed at first, then surprised, and then stunned, his expression changed a lot.

Seeing her like this, Ren Shuai didn't quite understand.

In the moment just now, Su Yu ran a series of inner dramas. The disappointment was naturally because Zhou Xuan's signature was not available, and the surprise was because Zhou Xuan was at the scene when he met the group, so Mr. Li Laifu was naturally selected by the screenwriter Zhou himself. The requirements have always been strict, and it is very rare to be selected.

In the end, it suddenly dawned on me that it was a natural thing to be selected based on Teacher Li's strength.

Ren Shuai looked up and saw the bus at the intersection, he quickly waved his hands and said, "I won't talk to you anymore, my car is here."

Su Yu nodded in response, thinking that Teacher Li's status is really good, and the crew even sent a car to see him off.

Then I saw Ren Shuai hurriedly boarding a bus and drifting away.

... The old artist is really extraordinary, and he resolutely practices a hard and simple life style, which is worth learning by himself.

Ren Shuai was sitting on the bus, walking back slowly, and received a message on his mobile phone.

It was from Lucy Shen.

"Senior, the production team is wrapping up. Tomorrow's wrapping up banquet at noon, can you come to attend?"

Coupled with the cute expression of a little girl with big eyes.

"can not go."

Ren Shuai flatly refused.

Tomorrow, the crew will film the scene where he and Zhang Jingjing break up, and it is estimated that they will have to follow the time when the male and female lead.

Besides, Shen Luxi's crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds is My Heart" was filmed at the No. [-] film and television base, which is several hours' drive from Thailand.It was too late.

Shen Luxi didn't expect Senior Li to refuse so decisively, she felt sorry for her.

Sending an aggrieved expression, typing: "Do you have other things to do?"

"Yes, filming."

Ren Shuai replied briefly.

Typing on this phone was particularly inconvenient, and he was already looking forward to the top-end folding screen phone that Han Wei was talking about.

"I see."

Shen Lucy was happy again, even she didn't know why, she was a little disappointed after being rejected by Ren Shuai, but she was relieved when she heard that he couldn't come because of filming.

It must be hoping to get guidance from the seniors on acting skills.

She typed again: "My next drama is the spy movie I recommended to you earlier. I heard that the shooting has been advanced, and it may start at the end of the month. Do you have time?"

Ren Shuai began to pinch his fingers and look at his timetable.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for votes!


(End of this chapter)

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