From janitor to actor

Chapter 50 The Broker Invitation

Chapter 50 The Broker Invitation

Ren Shuai is filming "Silent Business War" this week, and will spend two days filming "Who is the Real Murder" next week, and the end of the month will be in another week.

He doesn't have any plans for the time being, but there are only ten days left of the annual leave, and he doesn't know how long it will take to shoot.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't reply for a long time, Shen Luxi added another message: "I recommend you to play the role of the leader of the decent latent team, which is especially suitable for your glorious image."

[Ding, the task is triggered, play the villain, and reward the lucky wheel once]

Ren Shuai was thinking about it when a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

If you read it correctly, Shen Luxi recommended herself to be the leader of the decent team. Why does the system seem to be playing the wrong tune?

No matter, let's listen to the system, after all, there are rewards.

"Are there any villains?" Ren Shuai replied.

Lucy Shen stared at the phone screen, a little surprised.

With such a majestic and upright image of Mr. Li, how can he act as a villain?
She had already read the script in advance. In it, there was a big villain, the spy chief, who had been instigating his subordinates behind the scenes, doing all kinds of bad things, and being hated even on paper.

But this role is too bad. The crew invited many capable actors, but everyone was afraid of affecting their own image, so they refused.

If Mr. Li is allowed to act, is it considered cheating him?

Shen Luxi simply told the truth, described how much the villain was hated by others, and sent it to Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai's eyes were all on the system tasks, a villain can be called a villain if he is not hated by others.

"Okay, just this role."

He replied with satisfaction.

Shen Luxi didn't expect that Senior Li's determination to play the villain was so firm that he replied to the message instantly.

"Okay, then I will recommend it for you."

Although Shen Luxi didn't understand why Ren Shuai wanted to play the villain so much, she couldn't help being happy to be able to cooperate with Senior Li again.

She then sent another message.

"By the way, I heard that our "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" has been pre-booked by the Moon platform, and it will be broadcast soon after the post-production is completed. There will be a promotional road show at that time, do you want to participate together?"

Although Ren Shuai didn't know what a publicity road show was, Uncle Li was familiar with it.

The so-called road show is to go to various places to promote one's work, or to play games, participate in variety shows, and so on.

Those who have to fly around the five continents are not only tired but also need to spend a lot of time.

Ren Shuai didn't have that skill.

"No, talk back."

Feel free to send a goodbye meme.

Seeing that the car was about to arrive at the stop, he quickly ended the chat.

Shen Luxi just wanted to fight again, but was forcibly suspended, feeling that the senior was a bit cold.

No, it must be that my performance was not good enough, and I didn't have the motivation to inspire my seniors to exchange acting skills with me.

Let's wait and see, the next spy war drama must let the seniors understand her true acting skills, Shen Luxi secretly made up her mind.

The next day, when Ren Shuai came back from his morning exercise, he found a beautiful figure hovering in front of his door.

It was Cui Shaoyu who knocked on the door before.

At this moment, Cui Shaoyu was muttering something in his mouth, his red lips opened and closed, and his expression was very serious.

Ren Shuai approached slowly, the corridors of the hotel were covered with thick carpets, and no footsteps could be heard. Cui Shaoyu didn't notice anyone approaching from behind, and continued to mutter.

"Although I am a novice, there are fewer artists under my command, so I will be more focused and serious. I will definitely help you get the best resources."

"No, it seems that I am too inexperienced."

"Although I am not an experienced agent, I have a good network and can help you obtain high-quality resources."

"I also opened the company myself. There are no restrictions on movement, and the selection of films is relatively free. Although there are not many artists under the banner, there are not many soldiers and elites."

"Although the company's scale is small, its development prospects are very promising. Su Xin is the first female artist I have brought, and you are the first male artist I have brought. You will definitely be very attentive."

"Please do think about me."

Ren Shuai stood behind and listened, finally knowing what Cui Shaoyu was doing.

She was waiting here just to sign herself to their company.

"Ahem." Ren Shuai coughed lightly.

Cui Shaoyu was startled and turned his head quickly.

"Li, Teacher Li, you are back."

Ren Shuai nodded and stood still.

Cui Shaoyu tentatively asked, "How long have you been back?"

"It's been a while."

"Eh..." Cui Shaoyu felt a little dead, his pretty face flushed suddenly, and said in a low voice, "You, why didn't you call me?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Seeing how serious you are, I didn't bother you."

Cui Shaoyu's face froze, and he looked up at Ren Shuai's expression. He felt that there was no sign of ridicule, but why did his words sound a bit black-bellied.

No no no, I must be thinking too much.

Cui Shaoyu quickly put this thought behind him, Mr. Li's character is always considerate of others, how could he be the kind of person who cuts black.

She apologized in her heart for her thoughts, and quickly restrained her emotions: "Ms. Li, it's like this, I think..."

Before she finished speaking, Ren Shuai took out his mobile phone and said, "Okay, I will think about it, please leave a contact information."

Cui Shaoyu was embarrassed, as expected, Mr. Li heard all his thoughts.
But seeing what Mr. Li meant, he intends to sign a contract with him, which is great.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and showed the QR code.

After Ren Shuai added friends, he didn't chat with her much, and he didn't invite her to sit in the house. After saying goodbye, he closed the door and entered the house.

Now that I haven't retired yet, I can't sign contracts with other companies, and being a part-time actor to earn extra money is already the limit.

He didn't want to be fired by the school security team just before retirement.

affect pensions.

Cui Shaoyu didn't think there was anything wrong with Mr. Li's behavior of leaving after talking about business, on the contrary, he looked like an old artist.

After getting the contact information, she took the elevator and left contentedly, already looking forward to the future development of the company in her heart.

Ren Shuai sat in the room and thought about it. The few jobs he has received now are all random. If he wants to make a living with this in the future, he needs to find a stable unit to be attached to.

It would be nice to have a brokerage company to help him connect. As for the strength of the company, whether Cui Shaoyu is professional or not is not in his consideration.

After all, he was the first to extend an olive branch to him.

After a simple breakfast, Ren Shuai rushed to the set.

Today is the scene where Qian Manjin and Zhang Jingjing break up, so you should be in a low mood and don't eat too much.

At this time, the director was filming the first male and female scene, and Ren Shuai went straight into the dressing room to prepare.

Lin Yuan went up to meet you with a smile and said, "Mr. Li, you left early yesterday, and I don't know how many people came to see you."

"Find me?"

Ren Shuai was puzzled.

Could it be that the fact that I went to another place to meet the crew after rushing to film the scene has been exposed?
He was a little apprehensive, this kind of behavior didn't seem very good in the crew, especially at such an old age, he still erected such a bad image.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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