Chapter 51

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Xu Rang, Xu Rang's agent, Wei Yan, Wei Yan's agent, Su Xin's agent, and screenwriter Zhou all came to look for you. I asked them to go to the hotel to look for it, but they didn't seem to find it." turn up."


Ren Shuai became more and more puzzled, what did these people come to him for.

Even if he secretly went to another place to meet with the group, the director should be the one to criticize. What are these actors and managers doing here?

By the way, why is there still a screenwriter Zhou? Didn't he go to retreat to write a script?
Ren Shuai's deep eyes were full of doubts.

Lin Yuan immediately explained: "Didn't you demonstrate a scene for the first man and woman yesterday? They were inspired, and the filming went very smoothly. I came here to thank you. Xu Yang and his manager came here to ask you to act as a role model for him." Teacher, guide acting."

"I don't know how to be a teacher." Ren Shuai waved his hand quickly.

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "Don't be modest, everyone in our film crew now knows that you are a teacher at Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts."

"Who made the rumor, I'm just the concierge." Ren Shuai said honestly.

Lin Yuan's slightly chubby face suddenly trembled with laughter. I didn't expect Senior Li to be quite good at joking, and he really has a sense of humor.

She didn't answer, but continued: "Wei Yan is here to exchange acting skills with you, and her manager is also here to get to know you, to see who is a senior expert who can make you confident in acting skills Wei Yan is completely convinced."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if it weren't for the bonus effect of the Charm Card, elementary acting skills would not be enough to achieve the acting skills of a living person.Besides, Wei Yan's acting skills are indeed remarkable, she really has nothing to communicate with others.

As for the purpose of Su Xin's manager Cui Shaoyu coming to him, Ren Shuai already knew, but Zhou wondered why he came to him?
"Didn't you say that screenwriter Zhou went to retreat to write the script?" Ren Shuai asked.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "It's finished writing. He came to you to discuss cooperation with you in the next work."

It's out so soon, is it so fast to write the script?
tentacle monster.

Ren Shuai complained in his heart, and asked, "What is the next work?"

Zhou Su's works have always been favored by investors, and basically every one written can be cast for a film.

Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "He didn't say anything specifically, and he must communicate with you face to face, saying that once you arrive at the set, let me tell him."

Ren Shuai nodded, thinking that he could help Su Yu get an autograph as a thank you for introducing him to a high-income movie.

The makeup artist gave Ren Shuai a good look, and he got up and walked to the shooting scene.

The male number one announced that the lineup was extremely full, and the crew could only hurry up and shoot his scenes, while everyone else was waiting.

Of course, the crew also has another sub-film crew, but they are only responsible for filming non-protagonist scenes.

On the sidelines, Su Xin and the male number two Zhao Li were sitting on chairs waiting for the scene. When the scene where Qian Manjin and Zhang Jingjing broke up was filmed later, the male number two was also present.

At this time, the two were playing with their mobile phones. Judging from the movements of their hands, they should be playing games.

Ren Shuai didn't intend to join in the fun, he just found a clean place to sit down, but he was seen not long after, and the man came over to say hello.

"Mr. Li, hello, I am Xiao Kong, Xu Yang's manager."

The middle-aged man is slightly fat, with a smile on his face.

Ren Shuai nodded politely.

"Mr. Li, your acting skills are really superb. I wonder if you have time to guide Xu Yang's acting skills recently?" He asked politely.

Ren Shuai saw that he greeted him with a smiling face, so he didn't refuse directly, and replied politely: "Thank you for the compliment, I don't have time."

The fat manager smiled, leaned closer and said in a low voice, "It's really sincere that we can invite you with a lot of money."

Ren Shuai was moved immediately, but he really didn't know how to teach others to act.

You can't cheat money.

He sighed regretfully, and could only refuse bluntly: "Xu Yang is very talented in acting, especially in imitation, and has a very high comprehension, especially in his natural image. He will definitely go a long way in the future of acting." , I believe that such an actor does not need too much guidance, he can still explore his own path, once he receives too many rules and regulations, it will affect him to form a unique personal performance style."

The fat manager let Ren Shuai say a lot, and his tone was sincere and his attitude was kind, obviously speaking from the bottom of his heart.

It turned out that Teacher Li didn't disdain to guide Xu Yang, but because he cherished his talent, he didn't agree.

Mr. Li really has the demeanor of an old artist, and he can also give enough care and support to the younger generation. He didn't have prejudice against Xu Yang because he is a traffic star, but treated him sincerely.

"I've been taught. Listening to your words, I suddenly realized. I never thought that Xu Rang would have such a strong acting talent. I was worried that his paralyzed acting skills would be complained by the audience."

The fat manager was greatly moved and kept smiling to thank him.

Ren Shuai was ashamed, and quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm not saying that Xu Yang doesn't need to study anymore. I suggest that he should watch more and act more, so that he can continue to improve in practice."

The fat manager couldn't help nodding, and turned to leave with a joyful look.

Ren Shuai sighed inwardly, as if he saw a pile of thick banknotes going away from him.

As soon as the fat manager left, the handsome guy came over to say hello.

Ren Shuai watched him put away his phone, a look of aggrieved flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Ren Shuai asked.

The little handsome guy regards Ren Shuai as the crew's backer, and tells him what's on his mind, and said in a helpless tone: "I wanted to play games with Zhao Li and the others for a while, but I was disgusted because I was too good at it."

Ren Shuai secretly smiled and asked, "Is Su Xin playing well?"

The handsome guy shook his head and said, "Of course not, it's worse than me."

After he finished speaking, he realized something, and turned to look at Zhao Li who was playing games with Su Xin.

It's still Teacher Li who is great, and you can see the essence at a glance. The level of the game is not important, the key is gender.

At this time, Zhao Li had just finished playing a round, and when he looked up, he saw the little handsome guy's gaze, and then saw that Teacher Li was next to him, and he quickly got up and walked over.

"Why are you sitting here, sit with us." Zhao Li smiled enthusiastically at Ren Shuai.

Su Xin also saw Ren Shuai, and immediately turned around, picked up the folding chair, and trot to sit next to Ren Shuai.

Zhao Li was a little embarrassed, he laughed dryly and said, "That's right, you are so old, how can I ask you to change places, I will sit here too."

After speaking, he also went back and moved the chair over.

Ren Shuai was noncommittal.

Zhao Li sat down next to Su Xin again, and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, the waiting time is rather boring, so we just played games together."

Su Xin put down the phone and said, "I don't want to play games anymore, Mr. Li, let's discuss today's shooting content?"

Ren Shuai didn't know what to discuss, so the acting was over.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection~

(End of this chapter)

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