From janitor to actor

Chapter 357 Stimulation

Chapter 357 Stimulation
Ren Shuai tidied up his clothes, then told his assistant Xiao Jin a few words, then picked up his mobile phone and walked to the resting place.

He quietly observed Sun Ling's state, and found that she was sitting alone in a chair, distracted.

So Ren Shuai pretended to be careless and walked behind her, took out his mobile phone, turned up the sound of the keyboard, and turned up the font by the way.

It is to set up according to the configuration of the elderly machine, and only exit the setting interface with satisfaction after ensuring that others can see clearly at a distance of two meters.

Ren Shuai opened the chat software, turned his back to Sun Ling, but pointed the phone screen at her.

Sun Ling was quickly startled by the sound of Ren Shuai pressing the keyboard. After recovering, he subconsciously searched for the source of the sound.

Through the faint reflection of the phone, Ren Shuai noticed that Sun Ling was looking this way, and immediately opened a chat box and started typing.

He imitated a fellow colleague whom he had met before, and typed the words one by one.

Although the handwriting input method can be used, Ren Shuai chose keyboard input in order to pursue sound effects.

Although Sun Ling felt that it was not good to peek at other people's mobile phones like this, the font on Ren Shuai's mobile phone was too large, almost like a teleprompter. She just glanced at it and saw a few words clearly.

Among them is her name.

So Sun Ling couldn't move his eyes away.

She knew that Ren Shuai must have mentioned herself when chatting with others, and wanted to know how Ren Shuai evaluated herself in his heart.

I saw Ren Shuai scrolling up word by word on the screen of Ren Shuai's phone.

"There is a girl named Sun Ling in the group who has been in a bad state. I think she may be missing a live show I participated in last night. If she has been in a bad state today, I will consider whether to go to her room at night. ..."

Sun Ling's eyes widened slightly, his mind froze for a moment, and he looked at Ren Shuai in a strange way.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai typed out a few more words immediately.

"Tell her horror stories and help her get back on her feet."

When Sun Ling saw this, instead of feeling relieved, he felt a chill in his neck, as if he was being watched by something.

She murmured to herself that she had to look for a status immediately, and she couldn't go on like this, otherwise she might really be sent horror stories by Ren Shuai.

Although it seemed good to think about this kind of treatment, her little heart might not be able to bear it.

Just as she was thinking this way, Ren Shuai received a reply on his cell phone.

"You don't have to go, I'll go find her."

Seeing this reply, Sun Ling raised a question mark in his heart, wondering if Mr. Li's chat partner also knew him?
Ren Shuai quickly replied.

"Don't, don't, don't, I just want to help her find her status, and I don't want to scare her to death. You must never go to her, and you must not let people know your existence."

After seeing this news sent out, Sun Ling felt even more strange.

Why does it seem that Ren Shuai's chat partner is not normal.

At the same time that this thought came up, Ren Shuai received a reply on his phone.

"Heck, but she's already seen it."

The moment Sun Ling saw this sentence, his whole body stood upside down and bounced off the rest chair.

Ren Shuai turned his head to look at her just right, and Sun Ling was shocked again.

Ren Shuai put the phone into his pocket in a panic, walked towards Sun Ling quickly, and asked in a low voice, "What did you see?"

Sun Ling's heart was beating wildly, wondering if there were really invisible things around Ren Shuai?
Before she could answer, Ren Shuai immediately said: "No, you didn't see anything, remember, you didn't see anything!"

Sun Ling nodded in a daze, before suddenly returning to his senses in the next second: "Li, Mr. Li, what is that..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Shuai immediately interrupted: "Don't ask anything, adjust yourself well, and finish the next scene."


"Well, if you can find your usual performance status in the next play, I will consider telling you about it."

Ren Shuai threw out his bait.

External stimuli were enough, and Sun Ling's attention had obviously been drawn to this matter, and the next step was to rely on her own initiative.

Ren Shuai has already given her the motivation to perform well. As long as Sun Ling is curious enough about this matter, she will be able to throw away other distracting thoughts and focus on acting.

Sure enough, after Sun Ling heard this, the messy emotions that had been in his mind before were instantly forgotten.

She is interested in mysterious things, otherwise she would not pay attention to programs like Midnight Gossip, but now she is attracted by this matter, and her whole body is on edge.

"Don't worry, I will definitely perform well."

This time, Sun Lingbiao's determined attitude was completely different from before. Just now, he wanted to go to the execution ground, but this time he seemed to be going to a party.

Her whole body was excited, not only did she not have the fear of the unknown, but she also had a sense of excitement that she was about to touch the mystery.

When we got acquainted, we saw that the fire was almost ready, and the rest time was about to end.

The bait has been cast, and the net is waiting to be collected.

The director looked at the time and began to summon the actors to reposition.

Ren Shuai walked up to his assistant Xiao Jin, gestured ok to her, and handed the phone to her for safekeeping.

Xiao Jin showed a tacit smile, thinking that Teacher Li is really too dedicated, and he really did everything he could to help the rival actor find his status.

Immediately afterwards, the director announced the start of the film.

He is ready for a new round of sea tactics.

In a state like Sun Ling's, I'm afraid I'll spend the whole day here.

After Ren Shuai entered the role, he focused on nothing else and began to perform smoothly.

When it was Sun Ling's turn, she showed a professional smile and looked at Ren Shuai with a strange and polite look, just like the shopping guide at the counter.

"Sir, which product do you want to buy, I can introduce it to you."

"It's me, don't you know me?"

Ren Shuai pointed at himself excitedly, confirming with his girlfriend over and over again.

Sun Ling's smile changed from polite and polite to a professional smirk. While persuading Ren Shuai to calm down, he beckoned for security.

"It's me, it's me, why you haven't changed, but I'm getting old?"

After Ren Shuai went through a series of explanations to no avail, he was dragged away powerlessly by the security guards.

Before leaving, Sun Ling's eyes were slightly puzzled, but then he sighed helplessly, and then continued to return to his job.

"Okay, click!"

The director originally thought that he would have to shoot dozens more, but he didn't expect to take a break for 10 minutes, and the actors came back in a flash.

No, not only came back, it was better than usual.

The director wondered a little what happened during the break.

He remembered that he only saw Ren Shuai standing next to Sun Ling, swiping his phone for a while, and then exchanged a few words with her.

Could it be that Ren Shuai was talking to Sun Ling.

Unexpectedly, in just ten minutes, there can be such earth-shaking changes.

Terrible, terrible.

Is this the strength of an old artist? Not only can he act well, but he can even control the state of his opponent's actors.

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(End of this chapter)

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