From janitor to actor

Chapter 358 Pulling Hatred

Chapter 358 Pulling Hatred

Ren Shuai received a notification from the system at the same time the director yelled "click".

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, reward a talent card (calligraphy)]

[Talent card (calligraphy), after use, you can improve your calligraphy ability, and the time limit is 1 hour]

Ren Shuai looked at this award and was very satisfied.

Although mobile phones are mostly used now, good calligraphy is equivalent to your second business card, which can add a lot to the whole person.

He was quite satisfied with this reward, especially when he opened the system interface to check the price.

He now has two talent cards. Although calligraphy and cooking are both talent cards, the price of calligraphy cards is six times higher than that of cooking cards.

A calligraphy card with a validity period of 1 hour actually needs 6000 recognition.

Ren Shuai took a look at his approval balance, and there was only a little over [-] left.

He thought to himself that his horror movie should be released as soon as possible, otherwise he might not be able to hug him if he used cards so lavishly.

By the way, Ren Shuai also briefly analyzed the pricing rules of the system, and felt that the prices of commonly used cards are lower, and the less frequently used cards are more expensive.

The few times he joined the group to participate in the performance, he gained a lot of recognition on the spot, but the real big head came from the ratings of movies and TV series.

Fortunately, "Sick Building No. 88" will start broadcasting soon, and Ma Chumpeng's movie will also be released soon. He feels that his recognition will soon be abundant again.

Ren Shuai closed the system interface, and when he looked up, he saw Sun Ling looking at him expectantly.

This look is full of teasing curiosity.

Ren Shuai touched his nose, thinking that he just said "consider" to tell her the truth, but he didn't say that he would definitely tell her.

He is well versed in this kind of rhetoric.

Since Sun Ling is curious about this kind of thing, it is better to keep her curious, and the mystery will be lost when the answer is revealed.

"Mr. Li, can you tell me what happened just now?"

Ren Shuai had selective amnesia and said, "What's the matter?"

Sun Ling quickly answered, "That's right, just now, in that phone..."

At this point in her words, Ren Shuai let out a long sigh, coughed and said, "Although the font on my mobile phone is too big, it's still not good to peek at other people's mobile phones."

Sun Ling was too busy asking what the mysterious existence was in the chat, completely forgetting that she saw it by peeping at other people's screens.

After being reminded by Ren Shuai, her cheeks turned red, she lowered her head like an apple, and said in shame, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I was wrong."

"It's okay, I will pay attention to make the font smaller next time."

Ren Shuai smiled very understandingly, changed the subject directly, turned and walked away.

Leaving Sun Ling standing there alone, he wondered whether Ren Shuai didn't want to tell her, or didn't want her to know?
After the shooting of this shot, the progress of the morning has been completed.

The director saw that the time was almost up, and directly announced that the crew would have dinner.

Just at this time, Zhou Xuan ordered people to prepare all the pots and pans and a bunch of ingredients, and walked back to the studio to look for Ren Shuai.

He didn't expect that as soon as he dared to come back, he found that the crew had called it a day.

When Mingming left, he was still stuck at Sun Ling's place. After a while, the filming was completed.

Zhou Xuan went directly to the director to inquire about the situation, but in the end, he heard the director's compliments on Ren Shuai. He said that his acting skills were unprecedented, his performance was stable, and he would never come after him. .

According to the director, Ren Shuai is almost a god.

In fact, of course not so exaggerated.

But the director thought that Ren Shuai was someone Zhou Sui had specially recruited, and a few more compliments would be tantamount to recognizing Zhou Sui's vision. Naturally, based on the facts, he exaggerated a little by a few hundred million points.

After Zhou Xuan heard it, he was greatly amazed.

I didn't expect Ren Shuai to be able to support his opponents besides his own strength. The key is to be kind and have a gentle temper.

After so many reshoots, there was no anger.

Sure enough, it is the self-restraint, admiration, admiration of the old artist.

Zhou Xuan continued to elevate Ren Shuai's image in his heart, trotted to Ren Shuai's side and began to ask about his health.

"Mr. Li, everything you need is ready. The shooting was so hard in the morning. Why don't I cook for you?"

Ren Shuai was a little flattered, Zhou Chou, who was always strict and unsmiling in other people's mouths, always treated him like a spring breeze, making Ren Shuai wonder if everyone's words make money.

"Director Zhou, do you also have research on cooking?"

Ren Shuai was just making excuses just now, wanting to send Zhou Cong away, but he didn't really want to cook by himself.

But the words have already been spoken, so naturally he can't eat box lunch anymore.

But he was also tired after a whole morning of filming. If Zhou Xun was willing to cook, he would be happy to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Hearing this, Zhou Cui smiled with rare embarrassment: "I made you laugh, if you don't mind, I will dedicate my maiden cooking show to you."

Ren Shuai was speechless when he heard this.

He detests it.

Very disgusted.

Sure enough, the screenwriter's words are artistic, what kind of virgin cooking show, isn't it just that she has never been in the kitchen once.

Just like that, I have the nerve to open my mouth to cook for others.

It's almost like finding someone to test the drug.

Ren Shuai decided not to be stingy with the cooking card, and not to treat his stomach badly.

"It's okay, let me do it."

Ren Shuai sanitized his hands and began to prepare dishes.

Fortunately, Zhou Chan was quite considerate, and all the vegetables he brought to him were washed or peeled. Ren Shuai only needed to shred, slice, dice, and dice according to his own preferences.

The people in the crew had already gone to carry the lunch boxes, and many people looked at Ren Shuai curiously when they saw Ren Shuai cooking.

But soon, everyone was attracted by the smell of the boxed lunch, and quickly picked up the meal and began to move their chopsticks, feasting on it.

Ren Shuai smelled the wafting fragrance, and felt hungry.

But when I think about it, it's worth it for the mission.

At this time, Sun Ling and his assistant were also carrying a box of lunch to go back to the rest room to enjoy, but when they saw that Ren Shuai was going to start cooking, he couldn't help but stop curiously.

Standing next to Ren Shuai, Zhou thought a little conflicted. He didn't eat in the morning, and he was always worried about the presentation of the performance. He didn't pay much attention to his stomach. Now he smelled the aroma of the boxed lunch, and he couldn't hold back in an instant.

He intends to grab a portion and eat it directly, but looking at the amount of dishes Ren Shuai prepared, he feels that he should have his own portion.

Going to get a lunch box at this time is undoubtedly a betrayal of Ren Shuai.

But he was really going hungry.

The director was holding the boxed lunch at this time, and seeing his partner's tormented eyes, he walked over to greedy him very amusedly, took a long breath while fanning the boxed lunch and said, "Well, today's boxed lunch is really delicious. Yes, there are braised pork and chicken legs."

His words not only aroused Zhou Can's hatred, but also filled Ren Shuai's hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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