From janitor to actor

Chapter 361 The Gatekeeper

Chapter 361 The Gatekeeper

The cemetery keeper...

What is this all about?
Ren Shuai asked directly: "What are you talking about on the Internet?"

Xiao Jin immediately took out his mobile phone, and said like a treasure: "Look, didn't you participate in "Midnight Gossip" yesterday, and it turned out that the program was very effective. It exploded."

Ren Shuai wondered what this has to do with the gatekeeper of the cemetery, so please make the point.

Xiao Jin seemed to be thinking of Ren Shuai, and quickly continued: "A lot of fans of the show went to promote it spontaneously, which attracted the attention of many other enthusiastic netizens. There happened to be a die-hard fan of yours who helped publicize your great achievements, saying When you were young, you once worked as a gatekeeper in Nanling Cemetery, and many people believed it."

Hearing the words Nanling Cemetery, Ren Shuai recalled some long-standing memories in his mind.

Nanling is a very remote town in Yezhou. It is said that there is an ancient battlefield in that place, and it was developed as a cemetery decades ago.

However, the cemetery did not exist for long. Legend has it that it was forced to close down due to successive unexplained incidents.

As far as Ren Shuai knew, there were people who went there for expeditions more than ten years ago, but the results were not good.

So the Nanling Cemetery became more and more unfathomable.

Many people who want to prove their bravery take staying overnight in Nanling as their standard.

Although Ren Shuai was bold, he still resisted a little bit if he was asked to go to that kind of place.

Not to mention being a gatekeeper in that place, it is simply a fantasy.

However, Ren Shuai vaguely remembered that Uncle Li Laifu seemed to have lived in Nanling Town for a while when he was a child, and that was the reason for some job changes of the adults in the family.

Li Laifu didn't live there for too long, at most...three years?
Ren Shuai withdrew his thoughts, thinking that Li Laifu was only in his teens at that time, not to mention being a cemetery gatekeeper, he probably wouldn't dare to go there for a walk.

I don't know if this so-called iron fan really dug out this history of Li Laifu, or if he is fooling people just to attract attention.

"Don't spread rumors. I never worked in a cemetery. Rumors stop at wise men." Ren Shuai looked at Xiao Jin and said.

"Oh, but you just admitted that..."

Xiao Jin put away his mobile phone and muttered something in a low voice, but he still kept to his duty as an assistant and let Shuai command everything.

She nodded and left, then turned and left Ren Shuai's room.

As soon as he went out, he met Sun Ling who opened the door and came out of his room.

Apparently, Sun Ling was paying attention to what was going on with Ren Shuai. Xiao Jin had just left when she appeared.

However, as an actress, Sun Ling also knew not to mess around with actors' rooms in the hotel, so she planned to start with assistant Xiaojin, making indirect remarks, and getting news of Ren Shuai in the lobby.

"Hey Xiaojin, what a coincidence." Sun Ling used a very clumsy opening remark.

But Xiao Jin didn't care, and responded enthusiastically.

It is always easy to start a chat between women, not to mention that one wants to take the initiative to chat, and the other doesn't want to refuse.

The topic quickly turned to Ren Shuai. Sun Ling was not idle when she returned to the room just now. While paying attention to the movement outside the door, she searched the Internet for related topics about Ren Shuai.

She herself is a loyal fan of the "Midnight Gossip" program, so she naturally saw the most popular topic in the comment area.

Ren Shuai used to be the gatekeeper of Nanling Cemetery.

Sun Ling firmly believed in this.

There are many mysterious factors in Ren Shuai, especially Sun Ling has personally seen an unknown being chatting with Ren Shuai online.

As everyone knows, the unknown actor is Xiao Jin who is chatting enthusiastically with her at the moment.

"Ms. Li really served as a gatekeeper, right?"

Although Sun Ling already recognized the answer in his heart, he still couldn't help asking Xiaojin for confirmation.

Thinking of Ren Shuai's instructions, Xiao Jin shook his head righteously and said, "Teacher Li said that rumors stop with wise men."

Sun Ling immediately understood.

In their circle, as long as there is no explicit denial, it is tantamount to a disguised admission.

Besides, she is not wise.

Teacher Li's identity really has a lot of background, it should be those mysterious existences walking in the world depicted in the novel.

Sun Ling guessed very firmly.

After getting the answer she wanted, Sun Ling took the initiative to end the chat.

Seeing her excited face, Xiao Jin couldn't help wondering if he had said anything that would be misunderstood.

But she clearly clarified it very seriously, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Silent all night.

When Ren Shuai was about to go out to shoot the next day, he received a call.

At this time, it could only be Cui Shaoyu.

When Ren Shuai answered the phone, she said with a light tone of voice: "Ms. Li, the "Welcome to the Adventure House" you recorded earlier will start broadcasting tonight, please remember to watch it on time."

She was afraid that Ren Shuai would be too busy on the set and forget about it.

When this episode is over, "Sick Building No. 88" she invested in will be premiered.

When Ren Shuai entered the filming group, he couldn't tell the difference between Saturday and Sunday. Only after Cui Shaoyu reminded him did he find out that the variety show will be aired on Saturday night.

He responded and was about to hang up the phone.

As a result, Cui Shaoyu continued: "The "Midnight Gossip" you participated in yesterday attracted a lot of attention. The gatekeeper of the garden."

Cui Shaoyu's words were actually tentative, as she didn't know much about Ren Shuai's past history.

As for whether Ren Shuai had ever been a gatekeeper, she had doubts in her heart.

After all, Ren Shuai's horror stories are so frightening, it's not impossible to have some experience like this.

Ren Shuai immediately said after hearing the words: "This is a rumor, don't be tempted."

Cui Shaoyu let out an "oh", and was still a little bit disappointed.

If it's true, maybe she can still operate it and stir up the horror movie before it starts broadcasting.

But she still didn't give up, and tried again: "You really haven't been to Nanling?"

Ren Shuai was silent for a second, and said: "I have studied in Nanling Primary School for several years, but I have nothing to do with the gatekeeper."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help wondering whether this person who broke the news on the Internet, known as an iron fan, was someone he knew, otherwise it would be impossible to know that he had some experiences in Nanling.

However, this kind of false propaganda seems to be a bit hot at this time, but it is not very beneficial to his development.

After all, Ren Shuai still has to take on roles in the future, and the way he plays cannot be restricted. If everyone believes in his identity, only horror movies will dare to find him in the future.

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect that Ren Shuai had actually been to Nanling. Her thoughts were the same as Ren Shuai's, and she immediately thought of an acquaintance.

"Does the netizen who broke the news know you?" she asked.

Ren Shuai also had doubts about this, so he said, "I'll check it myself."

Cui Shaoyu responded, and then said: "I will also help to check together."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Shuai looked at the time and saw that there was still some time before turning on the phone, so he simply took out his computer and was going to check the intentions of this whistleblower.

At first, Ren Shuai didn't pay much attention when he heard Xiao Jin say this, but even Cui Shaoyu confirmed to him this morning, which proved that many people believed the rumor.

Ren Shuai had to pay attention.

He is no longer the little transparent who just debuted a few days ago, he is more or less well-known.

If it is not guaranteed, some competitor will engage in explosion-proof, trying to trip him up.

(End of this chapter)

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