From janitor to actor

Chapter 362 Who is it?

Chapter 362 Who is it?
Ren Shuai logged into the message area of ​​"Midnight Gossip", followed the trail of messages, and found the user who first broke the news that he was the gatekeeper.

He followed the user information and used some tools to find the real IP address of the other party.

According to the attribution, Ren Shuai discovered that this IP belonged to an advertising company.

Ren Shuai checked the information about this company again and found that it is a company with a wide range of businesses, and publicity is only a part of it, which also includes online marketing and other businesses.

Ren Shuai saw that the time was almost up, so he sorted out the company's name and related information, and sent a message to Cui Shaoyu.

For the rest, just ask Cui Shaoyu to help continue the investigation.

After Ren Shuai sent the message, he didn't have time to look at his phone, so he rushed to the set in a hurry.

After Cui Shaoyu received the news, he was very surprised.

She had heard of this company.

However, Cui Shaoyu was not surprised by this, but was curious about Ren Shuai's efficiency.

It took only half an hour between the phone call and the news. Ren Shuai said he wanted to check it himself, but Cui Shaoyu just took it as a casual talk.

After all, her agent must be responsible for investigating this kind of matter. Besides, Ren Shuai is just an actor. Even if he has some contacts, it is impossible to find out who is spreading the rumors so quickly.

However, Ren Shuai sent her a series of detailed information including the user who sent the rumors, their IP and the corresponding company, etc., which made Cui Shaoyu very curious about how Ren Shuai did it.

She glanced at the time and felt that Ren Shuai was about to start filming, so she didn't call again, and could only temporarily suppress her doubts.

It is important to find out the purpose of this company's rumors first.

The reason why Cui Shaoyu had heard of this company was because she had had business dealings with the other party.

It is mainly to outsource some publicity and message work to the other party, and assist in some marketing publicity.

If this company is really operating this time, then there must be a financial backer who hired them.

This benefactor is the target of Cui Shaoyu's investigation.

Networking is her strong point, as long as she entrusts a few people to inquire a little bit, she will get results soon after spending some money.

The shooting in the morning went smoothly. Ren Shuai met with several supporting actors in the play today.

At the beginning, most of the actors couldn't let go due to the existence of Zhou Si.

However, under the leadership of Ren Shuai, he will soon be able to enter the play, and basically the progress is in line with expectations.

Sun Ling also had a scene today, and she didn't go back to rest for the rest of the time, she just sat on a chair and observed Ren Shuai.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai was more involved in acting and didn't notice it. If he found out that Sun Ling was staring at him like this, he might be out of action.

However, Sun Ling's actions were discovered by Zhou Xuan, and he approached in a very gossiping manner with the attitude of being responsible to the crew.

"Is Teacher Li good-looking?" Zhou Xuan was obviously in a good mood today, so he took the initiative to joke.

"It's beautiful." Sun Ling was so engrossed that he didn't pay attention to who was asking the question.

This answer made Zhou Xuan a little overwhelmed.

He really didn't expect Sun Ling to say so dare.

"Uh, Zhou, Mr. Zhou, I, I, I mean, Mr. Li's acting is very good."

Sun Ling still came to his senses after taking a slow beat, and seeing that the person who came was Zhou Chan, he was so frightened that he stuttered.

Zhou Cuo showed an inquiring look, thinking that explaining is just a cover-up, it's okay if Sun Ling didn't open his mouth to add, and specifically explained this sentence, feeling that there is something wrong.

When Ren Shuai first came to the crew yesterday, Zhou Xuan felt that Sun Ling looked at him differently.

Is it...

Zhou Xuan asked directly: "Could it be that you want to worship Teacher Li as your teacher?"

Sun Ling was taken aback by the word Mo Fei, but luckily the second half of the sentence was not what she thought.

But Sun Ling is more curious about Ren Shuai, especially feeling that Ren Shuai has a mysterious atmosphere around him.

Although it is not clear, but inexplicably attracted her.

"Uh, yes."

Sun Lingsheng was afraid that what he said would be too wrong, so he could only answer along with Zhou Suo's words.

"I support you. Mr. Li is one of the few actors I have ever seen who is good at acting and very easy to talk to. You have just entered the industry not long ago. If you can get his advice, you will definitely gain a lot." Zhou Xuan looked like someone who had come here , to help Sun Ling give advice.

Sun Ling didn't have this thought at first, but after hearing what Zhou Suan said, it seemed like it would be a good idea to have a teacher.

On the one hand, you can get close to Ren Shuai and understand the mysterious events around him, on the other hand, you can also learn to act and improve your professional level.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"Well, you're right."

After she finished her thoughts, she nodded heavily and smiled with two small canine teeth.

At this time, Ren Shuai finished the last shot in the morning and was walking to the rest area.

Seeing this, Sun Ling hurried forward a few steps, intending to raise the idea of ​​apprenticeship with Ren Shuai.

But Zhou Xuan who was next to him was faster than her, almost trotting towards her.

Sun Ling was puzzled, wondering what screenwriter Zhou was doing.

Before reaching Ren Shuai's side, Zhou Xuan waved: "Mr. Li, do you want to start cooking today? I have prepared all the ingredients in advance?"

Ren Shuai was speechless.

This sentence is like a question, but no matter how you listen to it, it is a suggestion that he continue to be in charge.

And this proposal was seconded by the director in an instant. He only ate the last piece of ribs yesterday, and he thought about it all afternoon and all night.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that you have satisfied your hunger, but my cooking card costs 1000 approval points.

If he didn't use the card, and relying on his own strength, I'm afraid it might not be as delicious as the boxed meal.

If they made it for Zhou Sui and the others to eat, they might complain about his level of suppression, or they might think that he made some people greedy and deliberately made it unpalatable.

When Ren Shuai was in trouble, Xiao Jin ran over holding his mobile phone.

"Ms. Li, Sister Cui is looking for you."

Seeing this, Ren Shuai was overjoyed, secretly thinking that Xiao Jin came at the right time, and added chicken legs later.

He smiled apologetically at Zhou Xuan and the director, and reached out to take the phone.

"Ms. Li, I have found out the person who instigated the company to spread rumors."

Cui Shaoyu got straight to the point and directly stated the purpose of the call.

"Who?" Ren Shuai asked directly.

"Lu Zhentian's manager." Cui Shaoyu replied.

"Who is that?"

Ren Shuai was at a loss after hearing this, and only felt that the name Lu Zhentian was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and he seemed to be an actor too.

But what is the actor's fault with himself, and why his agent spread his rumors.

Ren Shuai was very puzzled by this.

When Cui Shaoyu heard Ren Shuai's question, he directly raised his hand to his forehead.

Ren Shuai, Lu Zhentian's manager, definitely doesn't know him, but Lu Zhentian should know.

Cui Shaoyu imagined all kinds of Ren Shuai's answers, but he didn't expect that Ren Shuai didn't remember who Lu Zhentian was at all.

(End of this chapter)

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