Chapter 363
When Cui Shaoyu learned that Lu Zhentian's manager was operating secretly, he immediately knew the other party's intentions.

She explained to Ren Shuai, "Lu Zhentian is the actor who just won the best actor award last year. You should have heard of it."

After this reminder, Ren Shuai immediately got a little impression, but Mr. Li Laifu usually pays more attention to the new generation and actresses, and he really has no impression of Lu Zhentian, so Ren Shuai can't remember this character.

But this made Ren Shuai even more puzzled, being a good actor, what did he do to trip him up.

"Is there a problem between our company and Lu Zhentian?" Ren Shuai could only guess like this.

"It's not the company, it's you."

"But I don't even know him."

Ren Shuai was a little speechless, the film star stretched his hands too long, even a young actor like him who is on the rise must be explosion-proof, it shouldn't be so.

Cui Shaoyu explained: "When you went to interview with Director Stephen, Lu Zhentian was on the same plane as us for the interview. He also went for that drama. Now that you have been invited, he probably has nothing to do."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai suddenly realized that he had chosen his role.

But Ren Shuai thought about it again, and it seemed wrong.

When they went to the interview, Stephen and the others made it clear that they did not plan to invite a Yezhou face to play the archmage.

Obviously, even if Lu Zhentian was interviewing for a role, he wouldn't be an archmage.

There should be no conflict with Ren Shuai.

But Cui Shaoyu said: "Usually there are rarely more than two Yezhou faces in the film and television of Yuanzhou. Even if there are, most of them are a man and a woman."

In this way, no matter what the role is, as long as Ren Shuai signs the contract, Lu Zhentian is basically out of the game.

But even so, such innocuous rumors from Lu Zhentian's manager can't influence anything.

Even if netizens believe that Shuai Xin once worked as a cemetery gatekeeper, at most they will limit his future acting career, and it will not affect him in the short term.

Cui Shaoyu didn't even think about this operation. It felt like the opponent was playing idle chess, or it was pure revenge for Ren Shuai.

However, Ren Shuai relied on his intuition and thought that things were not that simple.

Generally speaking, if an actor is rumored about such a trivial matter, he will basically ignore it.

Besides, Ren Shuai also has a horror movie to be released in the near future. Such innocuous rumors can be regarded as a warm-up in advance.

But since it was the manager of an actor who made the move, then things should not be as simple as it seems.

It's a pity that Ren Shuai couldn't figure out the opponent's purpose.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was silent, Cui Shaoyu thought he didn't care much, so he said: "There is no evidence that this kind of thing is caused by the other party, so I will directly contact the company to delete the post. After all, the impact is not big. As for the counterattack, you have already squeezed out the post." If we don't play his role, let's not care about it."

After Ren Shuai listened, he said, "Wait, I have an idea."

Although he doesn't know what the other party's intentions are, but he can do the opposite, so that he will definitely not fall into the other party's way.

Usually, when encountering this kind of situation, the parties must choose to make the big thing small. If the small thing is made small, the rumors are not big, so there is no need to worry about it.

But Ren Shuai is not.

He said: "Don't let them delete the post, just put this person on the Internet, and then call the police to refute the rumors."

"Call the police?"

Cui Shaoyu was surprised. She thought to herself that such a trivial matter was completely unnecessary.

Actors don't like to get involved in such disputes. It will not affect themselves well, and if it is not done well, it will also affect the popularity of the audience.

Ren Shuai didn't think so.

He thought about it just now, and felt that there was a way in this matter.

It's not good for the other party to spread rumors, but instead said that he is the gatekeeper of Nanling Cemetery, and it just so happens that he actually lived in Nanling.

If it was a coincidence, he wouldn't believe it.

Apparently, after a series of investigations, the other party learned about Ren Shuai's background, so he started spreading rumors.

Such rumors, which are three parts true and seven parts false, are the easiest to believe. Even if you don't fully believe them, you will feel that there must be a reason for the groundless rumors, and some associations will arise.

Since the other party has spent a lot of effort investigating him, it is definitely impossible to pick it up high and put it down gently.

There must be corresponding means waiting for him in the follow-up.

Ren Shuai confirmed again: "We must clearly refute the rumors, so as not to cause misunderstandings, and the scope of publicity should be as large as possible, so that everyone knows that this is a rumor."

Cui Shaoyu expressed understanding, but she still didn't understand the police.

Ren Shuai said: "We must learn to use legal weapons to protect ourselves. If I ignore this time, there will be more and bigger rumors waiting for me next time."

Cui Shaoyu heard the words, although he felt reasonable in his heart, but after calling the police, he might offend Lu Zhentian to death, and perhaps some palliative measures can be taken.

But she thought about it again, Ren Shuai has rich experience, so she should be right to listen to him.

"Okay, then do as you want."

Ren Shuai hung up the phone, thinking that although he knew that the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, some intrigues are inevitable, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

He didn't see much when he was not very famous before, but now that he has become a little famous, some people start to target him.

"Mr. Li, what happened to you?" Zhou Xuan asked with concern from the side.

Ren Shuai didn't avoid them too much just now, and the word "call the police" that he said was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Ren Shuai smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's just some people spreading rumors maliciously, it's nothing serious."

Zhou Xuan was filled with righteous indignation and said, "Someone dares to spread rumors about you. It's simply not a son of man. An artist with both virtue and skill like you can actually spread rumors. It's too much."

Ren Shuai quickly waved his hands and smiled, "It's not a big deal..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly paused, and then changed the topic: "However, it did make me feel a little bit uncomfortable. As the saying goes, cooking should pay attention to a state of mind. Once you are in a bad mood, the dishes you make will be bitter. Let's have lunch today."

Zhou Xuan smiled wryly, unexpectedly Ren Shuai was waiting for him here.

But since the old artist is in a bad mood, he and the others must not force him to cook without his eyesight.

"Yes, yes, then you can go back to your room and have a good rest." Zhou Xuan said very understandingly.

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile, he didn't seem to be in a bad mood at all.

Seeing Ren Shuai like this, everyone was obviously in a good mood, not in a bad mood.

Even the assistant Xiao Jin felt that Ren Shuai seemed relaxed, and he almost walked while humming a little song.

Of course Ren Shuai was in a good mood, and he saved a cooking card through the phone call, so he couldn't be happier.

But forgot to cover up, a little beaming.

Fortunately, Xiao Jin is very conscious and knows how to smooth things over for his boss.

"You see, Mr. Li is a kind person. He is obviously suffering in his heart, but he still has to pretend to be calm, so that everyone will worry about him."

Hearing this, the rest of the people looked at Ren Shuai with a little more admiration.

Old artists are responsible, they take care of their own affairs, and never share the pressure with others.

It's all a matter of calling the police, so it's not a big deal, but it turned into a mere rumor in his mouth.

But people's words are terrible, and sometimes the harm of rumors is quite huge.

Ren Shuai heard what Xiao Jin said for him from a distance, and he didn't dare to look back at the eyes of the few people, fearing that he would not be able to control the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Jin really deserves to be his assistant.

Had to add two chicken thighs.

(End of this chapter)

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