From janitor to actor

Chapter 369 Lesson 1

Chapter 369 The First Lesson
After Cui Shaoyu and Ren Shuai finished chatting about Lu Zhentian, they reminded them very seriously: "Our TV series will start broadcasting in three days, don't forget to promote it in school."

"No problem." Ren Shuai nodded in agreement.

He naturally hopes that as many people as possible can watch it, but this is a horror film, and the audience it promotes is very important.

Ren Shuai believes that this drama must be promoted to the female students in the class.

A horror actor is only successful if he really scares people.

In this way, there is still no recognition.

He thought about it with peace of mind, then took out his phone and sent a message to Qian Meigui.

Qian Meigui was in charge of campus broadcasting before, so she must have a good network, and she can be used to promote it, especially in the female dormitory.

On the second day, Ren Shuai dressed neatly and carefully dressed himself.

Today is his first time giving lectures to others, so he still needs to pay attention to his image.

Before going out, he wanted to grab his hair with jelly, but he overturned the car, and his hair seemed to have been baptized by a typhoon.

In order to save it, Ren Shuai carefully repositioned every lock of hair.

He's seen stylists do his hair many times, and that's how it is.

Then, he looked in the mirror, as if seeing a delicate durian.

Ren Shuai was completely defeated.

I planned to wash my hair before going out, but I wasted too much time before and it was too late.

He sighed helplessly, took out a peaked cap and put it on, and then...

He found that the gel had been set, and each strand of hair was as stubborn and hard as looking up at the starry sky.

The peaked cap cannot be brought in at all.

Ren Shuai absolutely didn't want to die in the first class. He was not very nervous before, but now he was a little panicked.

Just before going out, Ren Shuai sighed.

It's up to you to make cards with makeup.

At this time, in the classroom of the dubbing appreciation class, several students were already present.

Everyone felt that this course was very easy, so they chose it.

Two girls began to exchange their experience on course selection: "How about it, it's wise to listen to me. We chose this course in the first second when the course selection system opened, so we can afford such a good course."

"Yeah, thanks to your reminder, I heard that the dormitory next door was five minutes late, so I couldn't be selected."

"That's right, just by looking at the name of this class, you can tell it's a hit."

"I heard that after the selection of 30 people, there will be no more elections. Fortunately, we came early, otherwise we would have to sit in the front row."

While the two were communicating, a girl with freckles looked at the two of them with a mournful face, and said, "Don't be too happy, I just heard a senior tell me that this course is the most difficult to pass, no, it's accurate In other words, there is no need for an exam, but a paper.”

When the other two heard it, they didn't feel that it was a big deal.

Isn't it just writing a thesis? It's almost the same as writing an essay. The big deal is to copy it online.

Seeing that the two of them didn't care, the girl with freckles reminded: "The papers should be checked online."

"What's a checkworm?"

"Looking for a bug?"

The two girls had never touched academic papers in high school, so they didn't know what it was for.

After the freckled girl explained the situation, all three of them began to cry without saying a word.

How can I choose an elective course here? It's clearly a postgraduate course, and it's still the kind without a certificate.

It's a pity that the course selection system has been closed, and it's too late for them to withdraw even if they want to.

Fortunately, there is a long semester, so let's think about the thesis tomorrow.

The girls thought that at least they came earlier today, at least sat in the back row and looked at their mobile phones, so they wouldn't worry about being noticed by the teacher.

After a while, the students began to enter the classroom one after another. Those who came late sighed helplessly and sat in the first row reluctantly.

Among these students, Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting were also impressively listed.

Obviously, the two of them were fooled by Ren Shuai.

As soon as the bell was about to ring for class, Ren Shuai finally walked into the teacher.

The students were all bored looking down at their phones, and occasionally a few of them looked up at Ren Shuai.

Then he never lowered his head again.

Ren Shuai skillfully turned on the computer and projected the screen to the white screen in the classroom.

He didn't care where everyone's eyes and attention were, and started introducing himself directly.

"Hi everyone, my surname is Li, and my foreign name is lifle. From now on, you can call me Teacher Li, or Teacher Lifle."

This name was just thought up by Ren Shuai. He will fly to Yuanzhou to sign the contract tomorrow. How can he do without a decent foreign name.

Lifle is a homonym for blessing, which is very suitable.

When he introduced himself, most of the students still respected the teacher and looked up at him.

The students thought to themselves, even if they don't want to attend the lectures, at least they have to get to know their teachers.

Then, they, no, it should be them, wanted to get to know this teacher very much.

With the blessing of the makeup card, Ren Shuai's already resistant looks instantly attracted the attention of a large number of female students.

Appreciation for handsome guys has always been regardless of age.

After Ren Shuai finished his self-introduction, he directly opened the video on the computer and said, "In the first class today, I will show you the dubbing of a suspenseful mystery drama."

Then he starts playing the video.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that the task of this class was completed.

However, the students didn't think so. At this time, few of them were interested in looking at their mobile phones, let alone watching the videos played in class.

How can these things be so handsome and beautiful.

Zhuang Wenting originally lamented that she came late and had to sit in the first row, but now her eyes are shining.

Although she has seen a lot of handsome guys on TV, the feeling of watching real people up close is completely different.

Although there are a few good-looking handsome guys in their acting class, there is still a gap compared with Ren Shuai at this time.

The few girls sitting in the back row didn't look up at all. They resigned themselves to their fate and gave up treatment a long time ago. They were all immersed in the ocean of mobile phone online shopping.

The girl with freckles was the first to look up, and it was just a subconscious action of hers.

Then she felt that she saw a very conspicuous thing, no, it was a person, and it seemed to be a teacher.

The girl with freckles sat too far back, afraid that she might make a mistake, so she focused her eyes on it carefully.

It didn't matter after seeing it, she immediately slapped the arms of the two female students next to her excitedly.

"Look, look at the teacher."

The two female voices were disturbed by the rhythm of online shopping, and raised their heads dissatisfied, thinking that the teacher has something to look at, it is impossible to call names to answer questions at the beginning of class.

The two of them were thinking about it, and when they raised their eyes, they suddenly felt refreshed.

What kind of fairy teacher is this? Are all the teachers in the Film Academy so handsome?
There is such a handsome teacher in class, writing papers and checking the plagiarism, it seems that it is not a big deal at all.

Immediately, they were filled with great regret.

It's so early in vain, why do you have to sit in the last row!

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(End of this chapter)

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