From janitor to actor

Chapter 370 Killer

Chapter 370 Killer
Ren Shuai sat behind the desk as if he was an old god.

Press the play button with your finger to start playing the video.

He thought to himself, this class is basically in this state, but out of the teacher's professional ethics, he still resisted the urge to take out his phone to scan.

He turned his head and watched the movie on the screen seriously.

Although he had already watched the movie he starred in at the time, Ren Shuai focused on his own performance, and did not watch the other content very carefully.

Today is a good time to revisit.

But after looking at it for a while, he felt that his position was not very good.

The big screen was behind him, and he had to twist his neck to watch the video. After a long time, his cervical spine felt a little uncomfortable.

Ren Shuai looked up at the side of the classroom and found that there was still an empty seat in the corner of the first row.

So he got up quietly, moving very gently, for fear of affecting the students to watch the film seriously.

Fortunately, the volume of the movie is relatively high. After all, the name of the course has a dubbing, and the focus is to listen to the dubbing instead of actually watching the movie.

Ren Shuai tiptoed towards the corner, and then a strange scene happened.

Originally, he felt that most of his classmates were concentrating on watching the movie in front of him, but as he walked, these eyes all began to shift.

Gradually coincide with Ren Shuai's action trajectory.

Ren Shuai was walking, and suddenly realized this, and then his heart began to tremble.

This scene is like going to a horror house, with a row of puppets sitting underneath.

Each one twists its head as you walk, moving with you to the rhythm of your steps.

Ren Shuai thought he was quite courageous, but he couldn't help being a little creepy.

Ren Shuai slowly sat on the chair, thinking that maybe everyone expressed their indignation at his behavior of walking around privately and affecting everyone's viewing of the film.

After he quietly sat down, he prepared to watch the movie seriously.

And a female classmate sitting next to him suddenly tensed up, then lowered her head, not daring to look at Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that as a teacher, he actually put such a lot of pressure on the students.

So he deliberately moved his buttocks and sat on the side.

However, the girl still looked very reserved, with her head down, not daring to look at him or watch a movie.

Ren Shuai was a little helpless, and reminded in a low voice: "Student, you don't have to be so nervous. You can watch movies and pretend that I don't exist."

His voice was very low, and his tone was light and slow. After the girl listened, two touches of red suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

But Ren Shuai didn't see it because of the cover of his hair.

The girl thought to herself, the teacher is sitting next to her like this, how could she pretend that such a big living person does not exist.

Besides, she was the one who stared the hardest just now, and now that the teacher walked directly towards her position, he must have noticed her gaze.

Seeing that girl still bowed her head, she seemed to become more nervous.

Ren Shuai felt that he should not continue to sit here, and gave others a new life, which caused huge psychological pressure.

So he raised his head and began to search for other vacant seats in the classroom.

However, this class was inexplicably crowded, so there were not many vacancies in the classroom, and there were a few sporadic ones among the students, so it was inconvenient for him to squeeze in.

While he was looking for a place, a girl in the back row of the classroom suddenly stood up, waved to Shuai Ren and said, "Teacher, there is a place here."

After finishing speaking, she pushed the boy next to him up, and then urged in a low voice, "Go and sit in front."

Then the boy walked forward with a little face of reluctance.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that this boy suddenly took the initiative to give up his seat to him, and he felt embarrassed.

But since he showed kindness, Ren Shuai couldn't refuse the student's kindness, so he nodded and walked to the back row.

The girl who waved to Ren Shuai jumped with joy, pointed to the seat next to him, and said softly, "Teacher, sit here."

Ren Shuai responded with a polite smile, and the girl felt her heart beat a little faster.

She was very happy to see Ren Shuai sitting beside her.

Unlike the student in the first row, this girl was not shy during the whole process, but stared at Ren Shuai very closely.

This moment stunned Ren Shuai, he even wondered if there was something dirty on his face.

Just when Ren Shuai was so skeptical, his guess was confirmed.

Because most of the students in the classroom were not looking at the big screen at this time, but turned their heads to look in his direction.

Ren Shuai quickly wiped his face with his hands. He had looked in the mirror before going out, so he shouldn't have touched anything dirty.

He simply turned his head and asked the girl in a low voice, "Are there any flowers on my face?"

The girl shook her head and said, "Teacher, you are prettier than Hua."

Shuai felt inexplicably being molested.

He thought to himself that he was already old, and it seemed not good to be teased by students like this.

So he nodded seriously, "What's your name?"

Seeing Ren Shuai asking his name, the girl was very happy and said, "My name is Bi Xin."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Good name, I remember you."

The girl suddenly felt her heartbeat quicken again, but before the girl could continue to be happy, Ren Shuai continued: "I will hand in an assignment in the next class."

The girl was stunned for a moment and didn't understand.

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "Write down your impressions of the dubbing of today's film. The number of words should not be less than 3000, and it will be included in the usual grades."

The teacher's biggest trump card is exams and grading.

After hearing Ren Shuai's words, the girl immediately fell out of her fantasy.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he didn't stand up to his majesty as a teacher in the first class, everyone would molested him more casually in the future.

So Ren Shuai smiled at all the classmates who looked at him in the class: "Everyone watch the video carefully, and if anyone looks back at me, I will remember his name."

Those students' eyes lit up immediately after listening.

Then Ren Shuai smiled brightly and said, "Let him write a 3000-word dubbing review."

As soon as these words came out, all the heads facing Ren Shuai's direction turned back to the front.

One or two pretended to be very serious to the big screen.

Sure enough, homework is the most lethal weapon.

The girl next to Ren Shuai looked like a broken can, she thought to herself, anyway, she had to hand in a 3000-word homework, so she didn't look at it for nothing.

Such a good-looking teacher can earn money by looking at him more, so she continued to stare at Ren Shuai.

Sensing her gaze, Ren Shuai whispered, "For every second you look at, add 3000 words."

After hearing this sentence, the girl immediately looked away, not daring to look any further.

Sure enough, there is a price to pay for looking at a handsome guy.

It's just that the price is a bit painful.

She thought to herself, this film really needs to be watched carefully, otherwise 3000 words would be really difficult to edit.

Ren Shuai found that the students looked dull, so he decided to give everyone a little sweetness.

 Ask for a recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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