Chapter 371
Ren Shuai looked at the students who had already lowered their heads to play with their mobile phones, and said leisurely, "I participated in this film. If you look carefully, you can find the role I played."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of most of the girls in the class began to light up.

They raised their heads one after another, staring at the movie, eager to cut out frame by frame, and wanted to know when Renshuai appeared on the stage.

At the same time, some students were curious that Ren Shuai, as a dubbing teacher, could actually participate in movies.

It seems that this teacher has dabbled in a wide range of fields, but after thinking about it, they can understand again.

With Ren Shuai's good looks, it would be a pity not to act in a movie.

Although in the early years, people with good looks performed in front of the scene, and those who looked sorry for the audience went to work as voice actors behind the scene.

But with the development in recent years, many actors will do dubbing work, and some people with excellent dubbing and distinctive appearance will also come to the front of the screen to be actors.

Since Ren Shuai threw out this bait, most of the students in the class became motivated.

They become interested in watching the movie, and this movie is originally a suspense type, so it will become more attractive after watching it.

Although the box office of "Who is the real murderer" is not particularly high, it has strong competitors in the same period, coupled with the low production cost of its own film, so the final income is very considerable.

At this time, a small number of students in the class had watched this film, but they did not notice that any character could be equated with Ren Shuai.

At this time, I couldn't help but start discussing in private. Ren Shuai's good looks must be very prominent in any movie.

Some students were puzzled, because they had seen this movie, and if there was an actor like Ren Shuai in it, they would not be able to remember it.

As the film played, characters appeared one after another, and some people even began to suspect that Ren Shuai lied that he had acted in the role in order to fool them into watching the film seriously.

Just when the students were suspicious, the bell for the end of get out of class rang in due course.

Before I knew it, the class was over.

Everyone felt that there was still more to say. Although the purpose was to find the role played by Ren Shuai in it, everyone had indeed watched this film.

As a reasoning movie, there is no ending in the middle of the performance, which really makes people feel very entangled.

Many people decided to go back immediately to find resources and show the ending of this film, mainly to find out exactly what role Ren Shuai played in it.

But after the get out of class bell rang, everyone didn't get up and leave the classroom like other classes.

Instead, he sat upright on the seat, took out his phone and turned on the camera function, and waited anxiously for Ren Shuai to leave first.

Now that get out of class is over, I should take another look at the teacher at this time, so I won't be left with homework.

Seeing that no one was moving, Ren Shuai understood everyone's thoughts, so he got up and walked straight to the podium, picked up the computer, and walked away quickly without looking back.

Those who picked up their phones and waited for Ren Shuai to take a few photos when he turned around were also dumbfounded.

They only got a few blurry photos of their backs. Ren Shuai seemed to have a lot of experience in avoiding sneak shots, and he didn't give them any chance to take photos of their faces.

Several girls beat their chests and stamped their feet, lamenting that they were so busy staring at Ren Shuai at the beginning of class that they forgot to take pictures.

As soon as Ren Shuai left, the class became lively on the back.

Neither one of them was in a hurry to leave, but instead began to communicate and inquire about who the teacher was.

Since Ren Shuai was known as an old fairy when he showed up before, he never used makeup to make cards.

The only use is to walk a small red carpet, and then participate in the spring show, endorsement Fenden Ko Niqi.

A few fashion-loving boys felt familiar to Ren Shuai, but none of the girls recognized him.

Even Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting, who were more familiar with him, didn't notice Ren Shuai at all.

The school is destined to be very lively this afternoon, and everyone is looking for a mysterious teacher.

Many students are so active that they have already gone to their senior brothers and sisters to inquire about it in private.

It's like knowing whether there is such a teacher in the school, but the answers are all unknown.

For a while, the mystery of Ren Shuai's identity spread more and more. Everyone felt that the airborne teacher had a mysterious origin, and no one had heard of his name.

This aroused the students' interest in digging more extensively. Many people determined to clean up Ren Shuai's wealth and resume before giving up.

Ren Shuai didn't know anything about it, he was preparing his luggage for Yuanzhou.

Early this morning, he came to the airport to meet Cui Shaoyu and others.

They are going to fly to Stephen's crew to sign the contract today, and take makeup photos by the way.

And this day also happens to be the day when their horror TV series "Sick Building No. 88" will be released.

Cui Shaoyu made an early move this time and finally got a first-class cabin, but I don’t know if it’s because of the narrow Yuanjia Road, Lu Zhentian was also on the same flight as them.

When I went to Yuanzhou for the first time, it was because Lu Zhentian's team had sold out the first-class tickets that Cui Shaoyu couldn't buy a ticket.

But this time, Cui Shaoyu booked the ticket immediately after receiving the notification from Stephen's team.

On the contrary, it was Lu Zhentian's side. Since he was notified a little later, there were only two seats for the first-class ticket, Lu Zhentian and his manager.

Lu Zhentian and his manager also recognized Ren Shuai. Because of their small actions, they knew Ren Shuai's situation well in advance.

Although they thought that Ren Shuai might meet them, they didn't expect to meet them so soon.

However, Lu Zhentian is very self-conscious about being a film king, and he just pretends not to know Ren Shuai.

The two parties met without any communication.

Ren Shuai naturally didn't care about this. It would be really embarrassing if they had the cheek to pretend to ask for warmth in their state.

Fortunately, everyone likes to sleep on the plane. After putting on the blindfold, you don't know me, and I don't know you. Ten hours pass quickly.

It wasn't until the plane landed that people from Stephen's team came to pick it up, and the two of them had an indirect communication.

Stephen sent over a paper assistant who was responsible for the signing of Ren Shuai and Lu Zhentian.

At first, the assistant thought he had read it wrong. He clearly remembered that Lu Zhentian was going to sign a contract with a character, and the scene probably wouldn't last more than two minutes. The archmage played by Ren Shuai was the most important role.

But when the teams on both sides are compared, it looks very upside down.

Lu Zhentian's brigade has long guns and short cannons, it looks like they are fully armed to print a battle.

On the other hand, Ren Shuai's side is light and simple, and there are not many people in the whole team.

However, the production assistant quickly figured it out. It was like a person who suddenly had money and liked to show off because of the nouveau riche mentality.

But the real rich people often act in a low-key and simple manner, without showing any signs of dew.

Obviously, Ren Shuai is a real rich man, and Lu Zhentian is a nouveau riche.

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(End of this chapter)

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