From janitor to actor

Chapter 372 Digging a Pit

Chapter 372 Digging a Pit
The reason why Lu Zhentian came out this time with a large number of people, on the one hand, is to show his strength as a film king.

On the other hand, the reason is more embarrassing. Because of his role in the role, this time he came here only to sign a contract, and there is no task of shooting stills.

But in order to return to Yezhou for publicity, it is natural for him to publish photos and posters.

Stephen's team didn't take pictures for him, so Lu Zhentian could only save his own people to shoot.

For this reason, he hired a professional makeup team and a photography and follow-up team, just to spare no effort to take this promotional photo well.

It is absolutely necessary to distance yourself from Ren Shuai in all aspects in terms of appearance and aura.

Ren Shuai's side is naturally much simpler, all makeup and styling are provided by Stephen's side, and he doesn't need to bring too many people.

As long as it meets the needs of taking daily publicity photos, it is enough.

The production assistant who greeted the two did not understand the language, and Lu Zhentian carefully hired a translator for the team.

Ren Shuai also wanted to hire an interpreter at first, but Cui Shaoyu said that his level is completely comparable to that of a professional translator, and Ren Shuai's foreign language skills are also very high, which naturally saved a lot of budget.

Sure enough, before Lu Zhentian finished interpreting the details and precautions explained by the production assistant who received them, Cui Shaoyu had already perfectly conveyed them to the team members, and his ability was comparable to simultaneous interpretation.

Seeing that Cui Shaoyu was also in charge of translation, Lu Zhentian's manager couldn't help but whispered, "The small company of young actors just doesn't have the strength, it's okay if the team has a small team, and they can't even afford to hire translators."

Hearing this, Lu Zhentian nodded with a sense of superiority.

Seeing that the production assistant was always taking the initiative to approach Ren Shuai's team, the agent felt a little apprehensive, and secretly scolded the other party for being snobby, but on the surface he didn't dare to offend.

Although the other party is just a production assistant, he still has some power on the set.

In terms of on-site scheduling and execution, production assistants are required to perform wherever the production director cannot take care of.

If I have a good relationship with this production assistant, the on-site shooting will definitely go much smoother, at least the camera shots will be beautiful, and the cuts will naturally look better.

Lu Zhentian's agent wanted to get close to the other party, but the language was not smooth. Although the basic communication was okay, chatting was a bit difficult.

However, it would be a bit embarrassing to ask the translators to stand by to convey something close to this kind of thing.

But soon, the quick-witted producer had a bright idea.

This time the production assistant was only responsible for receiving the two parties, so there would naturally be a comparison.

Now the production assistant must feel that Ren Shuai is an important role, and they should get closer, but if Ren Shuai can't communicate with them smoothly, or even make the production assistant unhappy, then the balance in the other party's heart will definitely tilt towards him. square.

At this time, the agent didn't know the reason why the production assistant got closer to Ren Shuai, and if he knew, it would be even more heart-wrenching.

In fact, the task the production assistant received was to receive Ren Shuai and his party, but since Lu Zhentian and the others had a schedule today, they also received them.

If we really want to talk about it, Lu Zhentian's side can only be regarded as an addition.

After explaining things to Cui Shaoyu and the translator, the production assistant led them to the hotel where they were staying.

At this time, Lu Zhentian's manager took action.

On the grounds that there was too much luggage, he claimed that these cars could not hold so many people, and said that the makeup and photographers of the two teams had to wait for the cars behind and let the actors go first.

It just so happened that the first car could only seat four people except the driver, Lu Zhentian and Ren Shuai took two, and the production assistant in charge of receiving them took one, leaving only one seat to follow the car.

Among Cui Shaoyu's and Lu Zhentian's managers, only one person can take this car.

However, Lu Zhentian's manager was certain that Ren Shuai had no interpreter. If Cui Shaoyu went with this car, the rest of the people might not understand the language.

And Lu Zhentian's team has a professional translator and team over there, so they don't worry about communication problems.

If you don't want these people to have communication problems, Cui Shaoyu has to obediently stay as an interpreter.

Lu Zhentian's agent looked optimistic, waiting for Cui Shaoyu to make a decision.

However, Cui Shaoyu didn't hesitate at all, and directly said to Ren Shuai: "Then Mr. Li, please take the first car and go, and we will follow behind."

Ren Shuai nodded happily.

Cui Shaoyu is not worried about Ren Shuai's communication skills at all. At the beginning, Ren Shuai was able to win two contracts for dubbing and actor in one fell swoop, but it was all his own ability.

When it comes to communication skills, Cui Shaoyu feels ashamed.

Seeing Ren Shuai alone last time, Lu Zhentian's manager felt that things went smoothly unexpectedly.

He turned his head to show Lu Zhentian a smile that he was in control of and watched me play, and sat directly in the middle of the back row.

The production assistant who received several people sat in the co-pilot, and Ren Shuai and Lu Zhentian were on the left and right in the back row.

Simply this car is very spacious, and the three people in the back row do not seem crowded.

It's just that Lu Zhentian's manager is a bit middle-aged and fat, and his stomach is quite large.

Lu Zhentian didn't know what the manager's plan was. Anyway, he basically didn't understand the language. After getting out of the translator, he became dumb when he got in the car.

And his agent, relying on his half-baked foreign language proficiency, is going to dominate the car and control the situation.

The production assistant began to smile and introduce them to some scenery along the road, as well as some places worth visiting in their local area.

Although this time it was for the contract and promotional photos, everyone must spend some time visiting Yuanzhou after traveling all the way, so the production assistant acted as a tour guide in a considerate manner.

Manager Lu Zhentian half-understood what he heard, but on the surface he seemed to understand everything, nodded his head, and then responded with only two or three words.

When Ren Shuai saw him, it was as if he saw a classmate who was struggling with food and clothing in his previous life. He was obviously a scumbag with potential, but he wanted to pretend to be a god of learning.

Ren Shuai felt sad for him for a second.

At this moment, the agent seemed to have finally organized his language and asked questions.

"Mr. Pete, may I ask if the hotel we are staying in this time has a private swimming pool? Our Mr. Li has very high requirements for traveling and staying. Ordinary five-star hotels are not acceptable."

Ren Shuai judged the other party's poor foreign language by himself, and finally understood clearly, the other party actually said "Mr. Li" instead of "Mr. Lu".

It seems that he is ready to dig a hole for himself again.

But he is sitting next to him, isn't he afraid of cheating?

The production assistant looked at Ren Shuai in surprise, and then smiled politely: "If Mr. Li has this request, we will try our best to meet it."

Lu Zhentian's manager didn't hear clearly, but it didn't prevent him from continuing to perform. He continued: "Ms. Li must be in the presidential suite when he goes out. You can't live in the ordinary executive suite."

The production assistant didn't expect Ren Shuai's request to be so high. Even the world's top actors would not say this to Stephen's team.

If you are really uncomfortable with living, you can book a luxury hotel out of your own pocket.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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